Grab A Pen

국가 Hungary - 재정 사업 - 02 Sep 2018 23:47 - 14

2 weeks ped since the last stat. It is time to check the changes:

So the big gainers of the last week are Germany and  Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
This time there are no big loosers, but Georgia, Peru and Greece should better care for their players.

Stay tuned, i will try to come up with the stat every week.

I have to admit, germans have good reasons to join...


lord sajjadschonikAce EconomisthomersimpsonhomersimpsonhomersimpsonLackoaNemethLackoaNemethLackoaNemethPeakyGottfried BouillonrontowMrBogdan

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Is it me or the above stats sheet is incomplete?
i think of first row is Aserbajdsjan Laugh and Hail Kongo on second one
Sorry, i have corrected the mistake! Smile
Hail Germany. Welcome to paradise o/
German multis woke up Cheeky
If only all the numbers were positive and double-digit... One can only hope. One day.
Bosnian skript for rw never die 😘
Ja mislim da sam u tim zelenim u bosni
Add little countries too:c
@Vortx: next time i will try
Cool, just next 10 places or something can be good to make more interesting this statics bro, regards o7
What is the source? for this research?