국가 Greece - 정책 토론&분석 - 17 Jan 2019 23:07 - 28

misteriosa to Kromion
16 Jan 03:47
You were blocked from communication for insulting other players in national shout. Please read the eRevollution Rules https://www.erevollution.com/en/rules and refrain from such actions in the future.
Kind regards,

Kromion to misteriosa
17 Jan 10:32
Can you tell me WHAT was the INSULTING WORDS in the NATIONAL CHAT?
Do you understand the Greek language?
So you must be suspicious when there is a call to interrupt the POLITICAL DEBATE by a ...mod...
It is clear that your act is a clear INVOLVEMENT in the POLITICS of the Greeks.
I dont think that the role of the mods is to MUTE PRESIDENTS and to be the POLITICAL INSTRUMENT of the oppositions.
And just to know, while I was muted by you, they find the opportunity to vote a DONATION of 1000 Golds for their purposes.
It was a plan or it was a circumstance?
Who ever will know?
So, what was the insulting word?
And who made the ...translation from Greek language?
The same who claimed the illegal donation?
President of the Greece
I want to make last thing clear:
I won last 2 elections, they have tried to make THREE IMPEACHMENTS (all lost) and then have decided to USE a MOD to get access to the Treasury, pretending that ...they have been offended by me!!!
And I agree! You CAN ban a President,
you can not ban a President WITHOUT been involved in the politics...
MandoMandoMandoNoJoboldman ptolemaidaCC FosLoukatsos댓글 (28)

Are MODs involved in Politics? https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/33238



for those who dont know the situation the president have called major greek tanks ( me included) whores assholes and more that i can not easily translate

OK Jack... Missing the proofing screen-shots
... The President of Greece can NOT be blackmailed.

hail lucifer the land missile

it made your @ss to lose the battle so it was worth it mate

As I already told you- being a CP doesn t mean you are untouchable. Heck, I didn t notice you were CP until you flashed around with the title. Point is, I don t care who you are and what you are, if you use language which is inappropriate for eRevollution or violate the rules in any way, you get punished for it. And you were even given examples for some of the words you used and you even tried to lie about one of them, saying you never used it (proven otherwise). Not appropriate for eRev - punishment. End of story.

@misteriosa: It was NOT an «offending word», but an in-existent NICK NAME (invented by me). Sorry but your «translator» has used you for his POLITICAL PURPOSES.

Hail Lucifer the guy who is ready to shoot tons of missiles for unnecessary battle, even on land. 😂😂😂

I could invent a nickname as well, but even though it is made up, it would cause me to lose the mod position and probably a 1-2 day ban
Insult and flaming is still an insult and flaming, be it written in Latin letters instead of Greek, derivations of words or whtvr. And as I told you, I don t rely on those who report or Google Translate, luckily I have someone who is not connected to the game and can provide a neutral answer to all similar conundrums. Just accept the fact that you violated rules, expressed yourself in ways that eRevollution does not support, and if you continue to do such things, don t act surprised when you receive similar messages from me or any other moderator.

@misteriosa: You have been manipulated. A real-neutral translator could NOT suggest that a nick-name (that sounds-like the auto-immune disease «scab») is a ...maggior offence that must be punished in ...e-Revolution!!!

i dont know about the others but i feel offended pretty much considering the amount of time and gold i have spend so you can keep greece afloat

Yeah you should really feel like that @luci

Being a CP means dealing with all the haters. When I was CP, people sent tons of tickets about me just to get me muted or banned. This applies to every CP, you have enemies inside and outside your country; you cant afford to break rules in any way.

@FYNh I dont break the rules. They manipulated a Mod with false translations.

I didn t understand very well. What did you say? I don t think to you re guilty kromion o/

I made-up a nickname that sound like SCAB... Thats all!!!

@misteriosa: What have you done about this nickname

presidents are not above the rules

Yes, presidents are not above the rules BUT moderators must have enough experience to NOT be used as POLITICAL INSTRUMENTS. In this case, a ...nickname that ensembles to ... SCAB(!!!) I think that neither needs a ...lot of experience to catch the point.

stop crying and follow the rules and play!

Political debate is NOT ...crying! You ve just missed....something! Politics IS THE CENTRAL PART of the game! And Moderators MUST NOT been involved in politics.

this is not a political debate

Oh YES it is! When some Greeks hit counter-side against Greece for over-throne me, YES is a political debate!!!

τι overthrone rε με δουλευεις ? you are not a king you are president you dont have a throne relax and chill

thats your problem... NOT THIS: https://www.erevollution.com/en/battlefield/34102/1

nop thats not my problem, re-conquering a region its easy to do especially for me but people that want to harm the greek community is what i don t like