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Another joke

국가 Hungary - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 21 Jun 2019 14:41 - 3

A young blonde woman fears her husband is having an affair, so she goes to a shop and buys a handgun. The next day she comes home to find her husband in bed with a beautiful redhead. She grabs the gun and holds it to her head. The husband jumps out of bed, begging and pleading with her not to shoot herself. The hysterical blonde tells her husband: "Shut up ... you're next!"


Green EyesYurkuGottfried BouillonGottfried BouillonGottfried Bouillonvaluk89AntPrincesssabieFightMasterXanderIzgariashtataRolandoBenbenSuperduperDandelion MesterDandelion MesterDandelion MesterBitakkkSupersakoDigdonHrvatDr jilainaroniBelgorJarico777Mahala123Garibald123VacogamaGadri123TarascanahwazzMilamila123Bardi12Bardi13Bardia12Barfia12Barfia12Mao PichittiBargiaBaarhisBaarhisBarjiaaBarkiaBarliaBarziaBaarxiaBarciaBarviaBarbiaBarniaBarmiaForukForukForuk2Foruk3Foruk4Foeuk5Foruk6ForukaForuk77ForgeoForjappCliathLand3iaDogdogForworlsRadmmotabannedbanned2banned3Geo WarriorbarqiaReza RagnarokDoktor MikiMbappebestplayerMalrox34GabriellaOrban ViktorSusoBig EmadfckthisgameAmber 94Dark warriorSoftWifightShahryarShadiKing KongTrue punisherBig fighterTop fighterEli94

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Legközelebb én is szőkét veszek el....Smile
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