The America Post

국가 United States of America - 재정 사업 - 25 May 2020 05:48 - 14

I need your help to raise 833 golds for improve my training centers to maximun since unfortunately gold market of my country is sold out, this is goal 833 golds through donataions and I will thank reagardles of nationality who makes this donation.  

See you next article! 



댓글 (14)

Or just play the game and earn golds throught medals
or just pay
What about No? :v
And I just want to remember you that you wrote that in your last article : -It will be last project of donation, since with training camps at maximun level -
@Guepo let s say I need training centers improved at the most immediately and the local gold market is worn out and in addition there are 3 training centers that need to be improved ie I am not exploring anyone s charity, if it were I would have asked for a donation of 2000 gold
It will be last project of donation, since with training camps at maximun level and with strategic contructions, I also attain my dream of being relevant in military environment and that all business improvements will be banked with my personal gold after this project. -- what happened here?
@Guepo Besides, I didn t know that the centers would be increased in level
training werent 5 stars back then?
@Overmax No there were 4 maximum levels that later were 5
Play the game and you made the gold for upgrade, you play from 2017 and are only al lvl 39? is simple ask to someone to waste his gold, because you if don t buy the starter pack will not be useful ever for your nation, for up str you need to log every day AND for be useful in battle you need to rank, with yours are crazy made dmg and i see you do not have equip o0 maybe you do not have 2k hospital, too o0 Play and not ask Wink
Exploiting other players and being exploited is forbidden. (Receiving most properties (currencies, items, gold, companies) from another player, without any approximately equivalent transaction in return.)
I need 2k gold. I will have 2k gold then and i will use that gold to get more gold and gold gold gold give give give gold stfu kennedy gold gold give give
i tata bi sine
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