The Truth

국가 Bulgaria - 이레볼루션 첫걸음 - 22 Jun 2020 11:52 - 7

Hello Admins, Your latest changes were pretty powerfull boost for everyone except the new players. You increased the energy we have, that is a great thing to do. That way the active players can improve(advance) faster. But for the new players that is a really big set back.

For example lets take my account.
I have created it 2 months ago, looking for a new place to have fun and strive fo the top places.
I bought 2x starter pack + the monthly pack now avaliable.
I have created all food companies i can wich is 5 per type. 5 Q1 5 Q2, but right now i get 6100 energy to recover, how should i do it with those companies and i need to recover it twice a day in order to have a decent impact and atleast attempt to close my rank to those top players, if i cant use that energy twice a day i can forget about any advancement. That means that the difference between old players and new players is increasing every day 2x and that is jus energy.

I had 20 000cc saved up before the increasment of the energy pool, but now i am with only 1 500cc all 23 000 were used for food Q5 etc. The difference between the numbers is, because i am taking in consideration working 2x a day. I cant buy enough food with my salary meaning i am starving for food.

The new players are also falling behind the older ones with strenght and intelect gained/per day. but thats a question from another opera.

All new players need a discount on companies in order to be able to take advantage of the new changes you have implicated other ways you are just leting new players lose their wish to play by starvation. Taking the wish to play away from them.

NEW PLAYERS NEED DISCOUNT ON COMPANIES, in order to have any chance to compete, we need to be able to regenerate enough energy to fill our energy pools.

P.S Stratev With love for the game


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댓글 (7)

well, with 10 euros, in just 1 day you have the strength that it took me 3 years to get .with gold pack you have 2x experience when you fight and 20% more military rank I think ;for players + level 1000 this no longer happens . i m thinking to start playing again with an account since 0 Smile
You better leave
The admin does not think about the new players, for the simple reason that it does not have any. You are probably the exception.
It is not only the new players, but the old players who do not spend € here. But I am already more or less adapted to the new normal, it is just a question to do not fight always, sometimes it is better to use the energy to produce and the airs to sell, even if you are with full energy. Just caring less about the battles and it is still ok for us
The changes ruined the game for everyone, not just new players. Medal reward changes killed the economy, Monthly pack Nukes killed enthusiasm in wars. This game deserves nothing more than two-clicking from players.
Forget about new accounts. In this game you cannot live on anymore based on your medal gold, so newbies had better just quit.
Better to reset medals dmg for everyone