국가 France - 이레볼루션 첫걸음 - 09 Mar 2021 08:36 - 7
Hi everyone,
I was a bit bored the other day so I figured I would make the maths to determine the average number of cards to get before unlocking the wolf.
I am a bit lazy so I did not include the acutal maths that I did, but I am pretty sure they are correct. If you are really interested about how I made the computations, I will publish another article explaining the math (or I will edit this article). The following table (given at the end of the article) gives the results of my computations. The left column is the number of cards you need to unlock and the right column the amount of cards you need to get (on average) to unlock the remaining cards.
If you want other articles like this one in the future, don't forget to vote it and endorse it.
Bonjour à tous,
je m'ennuyais l'autre jour donc je me suis amusé à calculer le nombre moyen de cartes que vous devriez avoir à récupérer avant de pouvoir débloquer le loup. J'ai un peu la flemme de vous taper les calculs ici mais je suis sur que les calculs sont bons. Si vous voulez vraiment les avoir, je publierai un autre article, ou j'éditerai celui-ci. La colonne de gauche correspond au nombre de cartes qu'il vous manque pour débloquer le loup et la colonne de droite le nombre de cartes que vous allez avoir besoin de récupérer (en moyenne) pour obtenir les cartes qu'il vous manque.
Si vous voulez que je vous fe d'autres articles du genre dans le futur, merci de voter l'article et de me filer quelques sous ;)

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I get 77 cards in total, and I already unlock 2 wolves , .. this is my third lap http://prntscr.com/10hcgj9

Same her linux,all are triples or more,didnt get any yet but if i get 5 same cards,then i get it 5 times,but card throw is bad,i get 15 cards just because i buy a packet

@The Last Lynx Paridus You are really lucky then
I got 44 cards but I did not get the wolf yet. You should also take into account the fact that when you get your first wolf, you don t have to restart from scratch 

I have 27 cards, only 2 missing for the wolf, but I do not want it because I already have the wolf and I do not want to have to feed it every day so he will not lose a level lol

you can also consider to collect spades and hearts straight x2 cause it equals +1 wolf.

I want a Tiger not a wolf
I need my own Twink Sparkle!

I want a pet monkey so i can spank him every day.