국가 Greece - 이레볼루션 첫걸음 - 05 Apr 2021 02:50 - 12
1) You find on the World Map some ty countries, partially or totally occupied, and note their names.
2) You look in the Battles page to find which of them HASN`T a RW already in course. (Only one is permitted)
3) You return to the World Map and note out the Occupant country and the name of the region.
4) You travel to these regions.
5) Get a watch with SECONDS. (App or whatever else).
6) Write the precise time (name this as NOW) and press the button RISE RW.
7) Add the two times. RW TIME = NOW + TIME TO WAIT FOR RW
8) Set some type of alarm on your clock to about 5-10min before the RW TIME.
--- Meantime you can do other things. For example VOTE + SUBSCRIBE + ENDORSE + COMMENT this article. ---
9) Return to the region page (Click your avatar and then the region you are sitting, or travel there)
10) Get the watch and wait to see the right second (not before, neither after) and press the button RISE RW.
If you where the most precise, you will beat them all!
2) You look in the Battles page to find which of them HASN`T a RW already in course. (Only one is permitted)
3) You return to the World Map and note out the Occupant country and the name of the region.
4) You travel to these regions.
5) Get a watch with SECONDS. (App or whatever else).
6) Write the precise time (name this as NOW) and press the button RISE RW.
7) Add the two times. RW TIME = NOW + TIME TO WAIT FOR RW
8) Set some type of alarm on your clock to about 5-10min before the RW TIME.
--- Meantime you can do other things. For example VOTE + SUBSCRIBE + ENDORSE + COMMENT this article. ---
9) Return to the region page (Click your avatar and then the region you are sitting, or travel there)
10) Get the watch and wait to see the right second (not before, neither after) and press the button RISE RW.
If you where the most precise, you will beat them all!
GigaViGoPony of DarknessTsiggerLanisterdroganRizonlightMyCrowAlexandreoGrandePTkakashi681DonMitkoDonMitkoDonMitkoeltorreNoJobNoJobNoJobNoJobNoJobNoJobNoJobmyrmid0nasTsiggerTsiggerTsiggerTsiggerTsiggerTsiggerViGoExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisExolothreutisTsigger댓글 (12)

How to rise a RW: https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/37295

ok let me put the timer on! :S
This is the rong way!

Great tutorial o7 But this whole starting RW mechanic is STUPID AS F*CK, admin has to implement a new way to start RWs. Maybe so that one RW would require 5 different players to support it (instead of just 1 like now)? And definitely ADD A TIMER which shows exactly when new RW can be started. Who the heck wants to have a timer clock running just to start a lousy RW... 

@Kendo Yanar That`s exactly what I think too. The rise of a revolution can`t be a personal issue.

Also that START button to open a new resistance war SHOULD ONLY APPEAR WHEN IT S POSSIBLE TO OPEN NEW RW!!!! That would fix the issue of people clicking that button too early and then having to wait 300 seconds before they can try again... that would be very easy quick fix

Kendo Yanar: that is not possible. Alas, bots had an easy way to raise RWs in the past under the system you suggest now, and they would surely have again.

Kendo+1, to show the raise button only when it is possible to raise the RW will help lot, a very alpha idea btw

One solution could be that the 8/10 of the starters a RW should be locals.

almost imposible, this have to be changed

The simplest ``solution`` is to remove the RW missions. So the problems with the RW system will be thrown under the rug but most players would not care about it. And that will demand almost no cost from admin, so it is win-win

XD the button solution seems good but the result will be a ddos because of every players is going to actualise it like maniacs before it comes. (me included)
the worst for me is to wait 299sec between two actions. it s really a lot when you failed to rise one. And it would be really practical if it was possible to get the timer when you are not located in the region. like that it ease a lot the process of selection.