Dincolo de nori

국가 Romania - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 14 Jun 2021 12:41 - 3

Columna Infinitului
Infinity Column

" Oltenia celui mai mare sculptor,
Al omenirii Constantin Brâncuși. "

Adrian Păunescu

"Oltenia of the greatest sculptor,
Of humanity Constantin Brâncuși. "

Adrian Păunescu


Poarta Sărutului
The Gate Of The Kiss


Masa Tăcerii

The Table of Silence



Enjoy the eRevollution


He did itapelbsunBullterier11Pony of DarknessBunnyLiuBunnyLiuBunnyLiuBunnyLiuFlorin IMrBogdanpedrositoastonrivll

댓글 (3)

Interesting, can people sit on that table or is it forbidden, due to it being a monument?
It is a monument and touching is forbidden.
Am fost acolo cu 40 ani in urma ...