Dincolo de nori

국가 Romania - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 10 Apr 2022 07:20 - 1

The decorating of easter eggs  or“  împistrițatul”  is an old custom from Romanian tradition.
It is also found  at other peoples  from the South- East  of Europe ( Republik of Moldova,  Poland, Bulgaria, Czech  Republik, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraina, Serbia,Russia  etc.)
The peoples of The South-East Of Europe paint red eggs., the red symbolizes the blood of Iisus, instead , in the West paint eggs in various colors
which  means revival of the Nature.
In Romania,it is  widespread in all area , the custom come from the mist of time.
The decorating of eggs  can be done with simple colors or melted beeswax and blacknened with coal.
The egg symbolizes the seed of life, in Romania and Republik of Moldova the eggs   painted and decorated in The Holy Thursday or The Holy Saturday by women in the most cases.
The decorating of eggs become an art in Romania (  Bukovina, Banat , The Old Kingdom, Olt –Centrul Oboga county ).
In Transilvania and Banat the decorating of eggs made in a wide variety of patterns and colors.
The Country of Bârsa is famous for the chromatic drawings and compositions of great finesse. 
Some symbols  and their significance:
The straight line –  the Life
The horizontal line –  The death
The double straight line – The eternity
The line with the rectangles –The Water, The purity
The spiral – The time
The double spiral – the link between the life and the death
The cross- the sign of Christianity
The Cross of Easter
The Romanian and Moldovan Cross
The Russian Cross
The Monastery
The Star- The sheperd star
The star is a symbol frequently met in Bukovina and The Old Kingdom.
Red – blood, sun, force, fire, the joy of life
Black – absolute., steadfastness,eternity
Yellow- light, youth, joy,harvest, hospitality
Green – the rebirth of nature,freshness, fruitfulness, hope.
Blue – the sky, health, vitality,calm , silence, fre , peace.
Purple, violet - self-control,patience, self-confidence, wealth.


Varianta în limba română se află in videoclip

Enjoy the eRevollution


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