국가 Peru - 전장 분석 - 23 Apr 2022 11:24 - 3
This morning the Peruvian army and its allies were crushed, and when the Peruvian ultra-nationalists and neo-Nazis organized the war of resistance, everyone was surprised by the declaration of Tsigger the Conqueror, ending his military operation in Peru, it is evident that he has more bigger than all the greeks (the account of the game) and possibly all the citizens and erevollution, then he can already die peacefully.
post data : the kamikaze zombies that were going to help us win the war never appeared :)
donate cc for the Peruvian cause, and soon you will see an article about it.
post data : the kamikaze zombies that were going to help us win the war never appeared :)
donate cc for the Peruvian cause, and soon you will see an article about it.
KhaleesiKhaleesiKhaleesiKhaleesiKhaleesiOmicronAtahualpaKoreysLeoganDraksic77teshu7777teshu7777teshu7777teshu77y0sunaCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazadorCazador댓글 (3)

Y tu le crees a ese griego que ha terminado?...... si esta diciendo que estarán vigilando por si golpeamos fuerte..... es evidente cuando queramos liberarnos.
Los peruanos estamos acostumbrados a caer de pie, y nos levantaremos contra el opresor, sin importar si es grande o chico ...... Kausachun Perú caraj !!!

El deber de la prensa es informsr, el deber del soldado es golpear.

It was a rough special operation 😳