The Grey Lines

Grey - 의 신문 France -

국가 France - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 24 Mar 2016 14:03 - 27

The legend says that in a stormy night, in a town just near Stockholm, a baby was struck by thunder as he was barely born. He came up
unscathered, at least it was thought so. Many years had ped, when
after brilliantly succeeding in school, this baby decided to join the
army. Shortly afterwards, Sweden, usually such a peaceful country,
joined the war to fight alongside its allies. The young man, then a
young soldier, was in front row. A few minutes after the battle had
started, a bullet lodged itself in his chest. The young man was left for
dead. However, for reasons that remain poorly understood, the young man
came back to life. When he woke up, he told the tale of a dream he had.
Thor himself had come to speak to him, and raised him from the dead.
Because as long as Sweden stands up, Jimmy will be there to defend his

Jimmy's last fights for Sweden

He do at least 70% of the damages of Sweden

He's THE patriot of eRevollution

Jimmy is so brave



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ahahahahhaha voted
Hai Jimmy ! Laugh
Très bon article, on peut d'ailleurs sentir une certaine inspiration du côté de chez Pouss Vert. :p
Héhé, je t'ai pris l'image de fin j'avoue, parce que j'avais adoré ton article sur la Grèce et l’Égypte. Wink
Non c'est pas moi c'est GeologueSolide, mais oui c'était une belle trouvaille.
Merde, dat erreur x) Bref tu m'as compris. :p
Helloo Jimmy o//
The last man standing!
Jimmy is the model for every player in erev world
Merde je voulais faire un article sur Jimmy aussi, j'avais de l'inspi
Bah tu peux toujours gros, Jimmy a une grosse fanbase en France Wink
I dont want to be a Visa Sad
admired his spirit .. coming from a foe Smile
loll a big vote for article from me
TP TOP 20: 2 x sweden, 2x greece, 7x ukraine, 3x france, 3x hungary, 2x serbia, 1x bulgaria... where are all those other countrys? btw i know jimmy but who the f*ck is dorian grey???
Jimmy's RL picture LEAKED:
@Raf: I'ma french guy who loves jimmy
If you want to use your right of reply, maybe it's better to write another article. Cuz here, nobody ca see it. And this article was not ironic !
Talk whatever you want, but he's an eRevollution legend no matter what. ;p
o7 He is one of the most patriotic people I have ever see. o7
The legend of Visa*
Como el daño "demostrativo" de Francia de 54 millones en una RW inutil cuando a Suecia le serviría mucho contra Ucrania xD.---- HAIL FRANCE THE BEST PATRIOT COUNTRY (ONLY TP) :v xD
Jimmy86, join SSF Smile