Lynx newspaper

국가 Germany - 정책 토론&분석 - 17 Dec 2023 03:00 - 16

Germany's point of view on the game now :

1. Make committee

 We don't agree with how  admin has been handling  game lately,
but we're going to keep fighting for stay  game alive,
as we've been doing so far.

We propose to create a committee with all  countries in  game - with 2 representatives per country, President and Prime Minister, where issues related to  game would be discussed, which would include suggestions that would be given to  admin representing the whole world

If interested, we can form a committee in discord with 2 representatives from each country

2. New Aliances

 Germany fought practically alone against all big  countries in  game
(Romania-Greece-Serbia, Turkey, Croatia, etc.)
over the last 2 years

We feel comfortable playing like this, because we don't fight for bonuses, just for fun

But we understand, after talking to some countries that practically everyone is fed up with these alliances
and everyone wants new alliances

and I believe that the game's imbalance doesn't help keep  game interesting, because it's been a long time since there's been a world war or a real fight for bonuses..

 Lately some people are leaving the game or thinking about leaving it, including some from Germany ..
We want to play with as many players as possible,

That's why we are working and willing to be part of a new alliances that is more fair , fun and balanced for everyone

I have been talking to some countries I would like everyone to be involved, with those that I have not yet spoken to and are interested in forming new alliances, talk to me,
I think that new alliances-new wars will make  game more interesting and that will be good for everyone..

Maybe idea of ​​changing alliances every 6 months is good.. or there are joker countries that would change alliances when wars are very unbalanced.


The Last Lynx Pardinus ,




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Problem 1: what a committee can do if admin simplu don t care. He has his statistics who say he is doing a great job Smile) Problem 2: most of us are allies because we are friends. Is not that easy to change that
@sesebi , 1:Titziano has been talking lately with all countries, to give everyone s feedback to admin..idea It would be to make it more formal and create tools discord to make it easier 2: Believe me, more than 90% of the countries I spoke to, including your side, want to change alliances. It s true that some of you are friends, but not all are together for that reason.
The number of players is decreasing. Soon we will be 25-30 people. Everyone chooses their own country. There will be 25 to 30 countries with one or two active players. Exciting. Let the game fall apart. Let s stay with a few people. 😊
For alliances. Why not do it like in sports draws, with countries divided according to their power into pots, pot 1, pot 2...etc. and group changes every X months ?? Because yes, the admin is killing his game, but the community is killing it too ! I don t see the interest of all countries being on the same side. With my idea, we can try to make 4 alliances of 4 countries, for example. We should be able to find 16 more or less active countries, and with the pots, the groups would be very balanced. The other dead countries would be free to fight wherever they want. What do you think?
For admin: change lucky wheel rewards, update weekly tournaments tiers values rewards, make gold from medals more accessible, each rare resource battle to automatically be epic, add new events where we shall fight for some goals, not fu****g minigames.
Don t understand me wrong, I want balanced game to. But is hard to be ally with Germany for exemple. Or to fight Serbia
No matter what, I will never fight for Germany or be in a country which is a friend of Germany.
@Miltiados , This would be a good option ; create 3-4-5 different alliances, which would fight for bonuses together. Like, the bonuses that an alliance gets are just for them, other alliances would have to try to have other bonuses to produce or try to get the bonuses that are missing. It would not be possible to produce in a country from another alliance, only in the alliance s bonuses
@the_passenger I m here to try to solve and improve things... If you don t want to fight for Germany or for in a country which is a friend of Germany. It s simple you just have to be in a country that is not in the same alliance as Germany
I do not see anyone wanting to ally themselves with the core players of Germoney... the ones that make it stink........... Cheeky and anyone knows who those are..... You should look fist at the morality and characters of 3-5 players you have in there and realize that not Germany is the problem... but some of its players that make others not feel th need to ally themselves with them ever......
@the_passenger long time ago you fought for Germany and Germany fought for Serbia,Croatia,Greece and others that are now Germanys enemies. So dont say never it happpened and it might happen again. Of cource I understand that with the current people in Germany like Itso its hard to even consider em as anything worthwhile. Even tho Donnis is trying hard and I respect him for it,if the bulgarian cancer in there is still active nobody would want to be Germanys ally
In this game the problem is Romania, Greece and Serbia, which have unnecessarily divided up the world s territories, including the American continent. These countries have killed the game and on top of that they complain. What s funny is that Greece and Serbia are vassals of Romania and they don t want to realize it because they are afraid of it, that s why they have incomplete bonuses because they will never compete for it... Smile
Ohhh shut up... same thing is happening on erev2 but with you on the side that ownes thee territories.. and I do not see you complaining there... why is that I wonde? Cheeky
Does stupidity want to silence me? jajaja I don t play erev2 nor am I interested just in case Smile