국가 Serbia - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 07 Apr 2016 04:12 - 32

Velkom tu dvouga :D
Mnogo bre dosadno, slabo ljudi pisu, ne znam zasto dal nemaju teme ili prosto im smor da pisu, ali eto ja cu da napravim DVOUGAO da bude malo interesantno :P
Danas cu da ispitam 2 njuba koja su svima poznata, a to su Shiro i phantom986 :D
1. Ajde za pocetak njubovi nesto recite o sebi?
P: Dejan Vukovic aka phantom986, BiH-REPUBLIKA SRPSKA, ozenjen, otac, matora drtina, zbog igre sam zapostavio zenu, al dete necu :D
S: Ja sam Aleksandar imam 30.5 godina i volim sve sto vole mladi.
2. Sta mislite o igrici, da li trebaju neki noviteti da se ubace, neke promene?
P: Igra ima veliki potencijal, dosta toga moze da se jos uradi, i treba da se gura samo napred, neke sugestije su vec poslane adminima, ako odrade pola toga bice super, neke sugestije cemo tek da saljemo :)
S: Igrica je za sad dobra,admini vredno rade da je odrze,non stop se nesto popravlja dodaje menja tako da nije dosadno.
3. Sta mislite o svojim drzavama?
P: Srbija, pa sta da ti kazem mili, sve se vidi, zavidan DMG, jedna od najjacih drzava na igri, dosta aktivnoh igraca, samo treba cvrsta ruka da se sav taj DMG usmeri na pravo mesto, tu dolazi do izrazaja ta prokleta TP medalja, ne mozes ljudima da objasnis da nije gold sve u eZivotu
S: Japan je najbolja drzava za eZivot imamo stabilan supply za jedinicu,redimo na unapredjenju zivota u drzavi,svi Japanci su dobro organizovani i slede naredjenja i aktivno ucestvuju u koordinaciji sa vladom.
4. Sta mislite o drzavi vaseg sugovornika?
P: Japan, zavidna organizacija, dosta DMG iako ima malo igraca, uvjek sumeren DMG, infrastruktura na nivou, stvarno samo reci hvale, skidam kapu.
S: Sta reci o Srbiji,i ja sma bio tu(cak sam trebao i da udjem u vladu) ali posle nemilih dogadjaja sma resio da odem u Japan.Srbija je sila i uvek ce biti samo treba vise da porade na unutrasnjoj organizaciji i onda ce biti ne zaustavljivi u sticanju postovanja saveza i neprijatelja.
5. Da li imate neku zensku u ovoj igrici i zasto ne?
P: Vidi brate stavljas me u nezavidan polozaj, ako spomenem jednu ostale ce da se naljute :D
S: Nemam vremena za zene jedino kad bas mi dodje posetim moga sadasnjeg vEmperora nakituminayashi pa jashim malo uvece.
6. Kakvi su vam ciljevi u ovoj igrici?
P: Cilj igre je zabava, i ovde sam da se igram da pustim mozak na pasu, a ne da se nerviram i lecim frustracije iz RL
S: Sta reci,jedan sam od lidera Japana,komadujem TRS-om,vodim jednu od najjacih jedinica na svetu,tako da je vecina mojih ciljeva ispunjena.Sada sam vise posvecen tome da se pomogne ostalima da i oni naprave drzavu kao Japan.I naravno svetskom miru :p
7. Kad cete da me vodite na pivo i neki rostilj?
S: Prvom sledecom prilikom kad budem dolazio u BG vodim te na Kalemegdan pa cirkamo a za rostilj videcemo,pravi vlada japana veoma cesto rostilj pa ako budes blizu nas dodji u goste.
8. Dortmund vs Liverpul veceras sta da se igra tu?
P: pk x-1 (iliti iz iksa u keca)
S: Uvek dortmund.
9. TRS savez, koliko ce da potraje i sta mislite o njemu?
P: Stvarno nije moje da prognoziram, al cu da ti kazem ni jedan savez nije vecan, i pre il kasnije ce da se raspadne, sto se tice saveza trenutno pa vidis i sam nisi lud (valjda) tlacimo nejach :D
S: To se nikad ne zna savezi se sastavljaju i raspadaju u zavisnosti od abmicije clanica.TRS je za sada dobro organizovan,ljudi su naviknuti da slede naredjenja koja im se daju i przimo sve pred sobom,naravno ne treba zaboraviti zabavu koju imamo svaki dan na skajp kanalu alijanse.
10. Misljenje o sugovorniku?
P: Budali je more do kolena , poznajem ga jedno 4-5 godina sa nekih drugih igara, ja sam ga i zvao ovde (al sam se zaj*bo) momak kontrolise najorganizovaniju zemlju u igrici, 85% onog iz stavke 4 je njegova zasluga, stvarno svaka cast...
S: Phantom je moj stari drugar iz neke druge igrice i od tad me uvek vuce sa sobom po igricama.Pravedan decko,uvek raspolozen za saradnju,veoma posvecen Srbiji i alijansi i naravno ne mogu da zamislim dan bez naseg hot chata uvece na skajpu.Dobar je to budalas :D
11. Misljenje o meni, mada znam da cete da me nacrnite :P
P: J*bo te onaj ko te zvao vamo :D
S: Krsto sta reci o mocnom lideru Srbije koji je napravio imperiju? I mi se znamo godinama i dobar si ti VB paor bice od tebe nesto jednog dana i da naucis da se kontrolises malo posto explodiras ka nuklearka :D I zavrsavaj taj fax treba mi jos dobrih ekonomista u Japanu,plata ce biti dobra :p
12. Nesto za kraj?
P: HOT-CHAT veceras u 21, ako ima neka dama da bi caskala sa nama nek se javi na PM sa kontaktima i proporcijama pa da je ubacim :D
S: http://www.less-real.com/quotes/5423
Eto ljudi to bi bilo to za ovaj dvougao, za jedno 3-4 dana novi clanak :P
Do tada ljubim vas sve, iskreno vas

Today I will interview 2 nubs who everyone knows very well, and they are: Shiro and phantom986 :D
1. For beginning, tell me something about yourselves?
P: Dejan Vukovic aka phantom986, Bosnia and Herzegovina- REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA, married, father, old fart, because of this game I am neglecting my wife, but not my child too :D
S: I am Alexander, I have 30,5 years and I love everything that the young love.
2. What do you think about the game, are any innovations/changes needed?
P: The game has a huge potential, a lot more can be done, and the admins should just keep pushing forward. Some suggestions for the game are already sent to admins, if even the half of those suggestions get implemented it will be great.
S: The game is good for now, admins work hard to maintain it, they are fixing/changing things often so it isn't boring.
3. What do you think about your countries?
P: Serbia, well, what can I tell you bro. You can see it for yourself - Excellent DMG, one of the strongest countries in the game, a lot of active players, only thing we need is a strong iron hand to guide all that DMG to the right place, the TP medal messes everything up, you can't explain to people that gold isn't everything in eLife.
S: Japan is the best country for eLife, we have a steady supply for our unit, we work every day on upgrading the standards in the country, all Japanese citizens are well organized and follow orders and they actively coordinate with our government.
4. What do you think about your partner's countries?
P: Japan, great organization, a lot of DMG even though they have few players, DMG is always where needed, infrastructure on a high level, only words of praise for them.
S: What to tell about Serbia.. I was there once(even should have entered their government) but after unpleasant events I decided to go to Japan. Serbia is a force and always will be, but they need to work more on their interior organization and they will be unstoppable in getting respect from allies and enemies.
5. Do you have a wife in this game, and why not?
P: Look, you are putting me in a very bad spot, if I mention one others will be angry :D
S: I don't have time for women, only sometimes when I really feel the urge I come to visit my current vEmperor nakituminayashi to "yashi" him a bit in the evening.
6. What are your goals in this game?
P: Goal of the game is to have fun, I am here to play and to rest my brain, not to be upset and to cure frustrations from real life.
S: What can I say, I am one of the leaders of Japan, I command TRS, and I lead one of the strongest(In some regards the strongest) MU in the world, so, most of my goals are already realized. Now I pay more attention to help others so they too can organize their countries like Japan. And world peace of course :p
7. When will you take me out for some beer and barbecue?
S: On the first opportunity when I come to Belgrade I will take you out to Kalemegdan so we can drink, and about BBQ we will see. Government of Japan grills BBQ very often so when you are near, come be our guest.
8. Dortmund vs Liverpool tonight, what do I play?
P: pk x-1 (from x to 1)
S: Always Dortmund
9. TRS alliance, how long will it last and what do you think about it?
P: I really cannot foresee, but I will tell you that not a single alliance lasts forever. Sooner of later it will disband. Regarding the alliance at the moment, you see it yourself - we are wrecking them :D
S: You can never know, alliances form and disband in accordance to the ambitions of their members. TRS for now is well organized, people are accustomed to follow orders that are given to them and we are clearing everything in our path. Of course, we shouldn't forget the fun we have every day on our alliance skype group.
10. What do you think about your interview partner?
P: The fool has sea to his knees, I know him about 4-5 years from some other games, and I myself called him here (bad decision). He controls the most organized country in the game, 85% from number 4. in this article is mostly his work, really good work..
S: Phantom is my old pal from another game and since then he always invites me to new games. Honorable guy, always good for cooperation, very dedicated to Serbia and to the alliance and of course, I couldn't imagine one day without our hot chat in the evening on Skype. He's a good fool :D
11. Opinion about me, but I know you will say all the worst :P
P: F*ck whoever brought you here :D
S: Krsta what to say about the powerful leader of Serbia who made an empire? We know each other for years and you are good VB peasant, one day you will be a good man when you control yourself since you can explode like a nuclear warhead :D And finish that college we need more good economists in Japan, salary is great :p
12: Something for end?
P: HOT-CHAT tonight at 2100, if there's lady interested to chat with us send a message to nakituminayashi with contact and proportions :D
S: http://www.less-real.com/quotes/5423
That's it guys for today's bi-angle, in about 3-4 days I will make a new article
Until then, kiss for all of you
Yours truly, KrstaVB and i am too much lazy to make ENGLISH version to looks like Serbian version, tnx nakituminayashi for translate :)

Velkom tu dvouga :D
Mnogo bre dosadno, slabo ljudi pisu, ne znam zasto dal nemaju teme ili prosto im smor da pisu, ali eto ja cu da napravim DVOUGAO da bude malo interesantno :P
Danas cu da ispitam 2 njuba koja su svima poznata, a to su Shiro i phantom986 :D
1. Ajde za pocetak njubovi nesto recite o sebi?
P: Dejan Vukovic aka phantom986, BiH-REPUBLIKA SRPSKA, ozenjen, otac, matora drtina, zbog igre sam zapostavio zenu, al dete necu :D
S: Ja sam Aleksandar imam 30.5 godina i volim sve sto vole mladi.
2. Sta mislite o igrici, da li trebaju neki noviteti da se ubace, neke promene?
P: Igra ima veliki potencijal, dosta toga moze da se jos uradi, i treba da se gura samo napred, neke sugestije su vec poslane adminima, ako odrade pola toga bice super, neke sugestije cemo tek da saljemo :)
S: Igrica je za sad dobra,admini vredno rade da je odrze,non stop se nesto popravlja dodaje menja tako da nije dosadno.
3. Sta mislite o svojim drzavama?
P: Srbija, pa sta da ti kazem mili, sve se vidi, zavidan DMG, jedna od najjacih drzava na igri, dosta aktivnoh igraca, samo treba cvrsta ruka da se sav taj DMG usmeri na pravo mesto, tu dolazi do izrazaja ta prokleta TP medalja, ne mozes ljudima da objasnis da nije gold sve u eZivotu
S: Japan je najbolja drzava za eZivot imamo stabilan supply za jedinicu,redimo na unapredjenju zivota u drzavi,svi Japanci su dobro organizovani i slede naredjenja i aktivno ucestvuju u koordinaciji sa vladom.
4. Sta mislite o drzavi vaseg sugovornika?
P: Japan, zavidna organizacija, dosta DMG iako ima malo igraca, uvjek sumeren DMG, infrastruktura na nivou, stvarno samo reci hvale, skidam kapu.
S: Sta reci o Srbiji,i ja sma bio tu(cak sam trebao i da udjem u vladu) ali posle nemilih dogadjaja sma resio da odem u Japan.Srbija je sila i uvek ce biti samo treba vise da porade na unutrasnjoj organizaciji i onda ce biti ne zaustavljivi u sticanju postovanja saveza i neprijatelja.
5. Da li imate neku zensku u ovoj igrici i zasto ne?
P: Vidi brate stavljas me u nezavidan polozaj, ako spomenem jednu ostale ce da se naljute :D
S: Nemam vremena za zene jedino kad bas mi dodje posetim moga sadasnjeg vEmperora nakituminayashi pa jashim malo uvece.
Marlock noob !!! :D
6. Kakvi su vam ciljevi u ovoj igrici?
P: Cilj igre je zabava, i ovde sam da se igram da pustim mozak na pasu, a ne da se nerviram i lecim frustracije iz RL
S: Sta reci,jedan sam od lidera Japana,komadujem TRS-om,vodim jednu od najjacih jedinica na svetu,tako da je vecina mojih ciljeva ispunjena.Sada sam vise posvecen tome da se pomogne ostalima da i oni naprave drzavu kao Japan.I naravno svetskom miru :p
7. Kad cete da me vodite na pivo i neki rostilj?
S: Prvom sledecom prilikom kad budem dolazio u BG vodim te na Kalemegdan pa cirkamo a za rostilj videcemo,pravi vlada japana veoma cesto rostilj pa ako budes blizu nas dodji u goste.
8. Dortmund vs Liverpul veceras sta da se igra tu?
P: pk x-1 (iliti iz iksa u keca)
S: Uvek dortmund.
9. TRS savez, koliko ce da potraje i sta mislite o njemu?
P: Stvarno nije moje da prognoziram, al cu da ti kazem ni jedan savez nije vecan, i pre il kasnije ce da se raspadne, sto se tice saveza trenutno pa vidis i sam nisi lud (valjda) tlacimo nejach :D
S: To se nikad ne zna savezi se sastavljaju i raspadaju u zavisnosti od abmicije clanica.TRS je za sada dobro organizovan,ljudi su naviknuti da slede naredjenja koja im se daju i przimo sve pred sobom,naravno ne treba zaboraviti zabavu koju imamo svaki dan na skajp kanalu alijanse.
Troll lvl GOVEDO !!!
10. Misljenje o sugovorniku?
P: Budali je more do kolena , poznajem ga jedno 4-5 godina sa nekih drugih igara, ja sam ga i zvao ovde (al sam se zaj*bo) momak kontrolise najorganizovaniju zemlju u igrici, 85% onog iz stavke 4 je njegova zasluga, stvarno svaka cast...
S: Phantom je moj stari drugar iz neke druge igrice i od tad me uvek vuce sa sobom po igricama.Pravedan decko,uvek raspolozen za saradnju,veoma posvecen Srbiji i alijansi i naravno ne mogu da zamislim dan bez naseg hot chata uvece na skajpu.Dobar je to budalas :D
11. Misljenje o meni, mada znam da cete da me nacrnite :P
P: J*bo te onaj ko te zvao vamo :D
S: Krsto sta reci o mocnom lideru Srbije koji je napravio imperiju? I mi se znamo godinama i dobar si ti VB paor bice od tebe nesto jednog dana i da naucis da se kontrolises malo posto explodiras ka nuklearka :D I zavrsavaj taj fax treba mi jos dobrih ekonomista u Japanu,plata ce biti dobra :p
12. Nesto za kraj?
P: HOT-CHAT veceras u 21, ako ima neka dama da bi caskala sa nama nek se javi na PM sa kontaktima i proporcijama pa da je ubacim :D
S: http://www.less-real.com/quotes/5423
Eto ljudi to bi bilo to za ovaj dvougao, za jedno 3-4 dana novi clanak :P
Do tada ljubim vas sve, iskreno vas

Today I will interview 2 nubs who everyone knows very well, and they are: Shiro and phantom986 :D
1. For beginning, tell me something about yourselves?
P: Dejan Vukovic aka phantom986, Bosnia and Herzegovina- REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA, married, father, old fart, because of this game I am neglecting my wife, but not my child too :D
S: I am Alexander, I have 30,5 years and I love everything that the young love.
2. What do you think about the game, are any innovations/changes needed?
P: The game has a huge potential, a lot more can be done, and the admins should just keep pushing forward. Some suggestions for the game are already sent to admins, if even the half of those suggestions get implemented it will be great.
S: The game is good for now, admins work hard to maintain it, they are fixing/changing things often so it isn't boring.
3. What do you think about your countries?
P: Serbia, well, what can I tell you bro. You can see it for yourself - Excellent DMG, one of the strongest countries in the game, a lot of active players, only thing we need is a strong iron hand to guide all that DMG to the right place, the TP medal messes everything up, you can't explain to people that gold isn't everything in eLife.
S: Japan is the best country for eLife, we have a steady supply for our unit, we work every day on upgrading the standards in the country, all Japanese citizens are well organized and follow orders and they actively coordinate with our government.
4. What do you think about your partner's countries?
P: Japan, great organization, a lot of DMG even though they have few players, DMG is always where needed, infrastructure on a high level, only words of praise for them.
S: What to tell about Serbia.. I was there once(even should have entered their government) but after unpleasant events I decided to go to Japan. Serbia is a force and always will be, but they need to work more on their interior organization and they will be unstoppable in getting respect from allies and enemies.
5. Do you have a wife in this game, and why not?
P: Look, you are putting me in a very bad spot, if I mention one others will be angry :D
S: I don't have time for women, only sometimes when I really feel the urge I come to visit my current vEmperor nakituminayashi to "yashi" him a bit in the evening.
6. What are your goals in this game?
P: Goal of the game is to have fun, I am here to play and to rest my brain, not to be upset and to cure frustrations from real life.
S: What can I say, I am one of the leaders of Japan, I command TRS, and I lead one of the strongest(In some regards the strongest) MU in the world, so, most of my goals are already realized. Now I pay more attention to help others so they too can organize their countries like Japan. And world peace of course :p
7. When will you take me out for some beer and barbecue?
S: On the first opportunity when I come to Belgrade I will take you out to Kalemegdan so we can drink, and about BBQ we will see. Government of Japan grills BBQ very often so when you are near, come be our guest.
8. Dortmund vs Liverpool tonight, what do I play?
P: pk x-1 (from x to 1)
S: Always Dortmund
9. TRS alliance, how long will it last and what do you think about it?
P: I really cannot foresee, but I will tell you that not a single alliance lasts forever. Sooner of later it will disband. Regarding the alliance at the moment, you see it yourself - we are wrecking them :D
S: You can never know, alliances form and disband in accordance to the ambitions of their members. TRS for now is well organized, people are accustomed to follow orders that are given to them and we are clearing everything in our path. Of course, we shouldn't forget the fun we have every day on our alliance skype group.
10. What do you think about your interview partner?
P: The fool has sea to his knees, I know him about 4-5 years from some other games, and I myself called him here (bad decision). He controls the most organized country in the game, 85% from number 4. in this article is mostly his work, really good work..
S: Phantom is my old pal from another game and since then he always invites me to new games. Honorable guy, always good for cooperation, very dedicated to Serbia and to the alliance and of course, I couldn't imagine one day without our hot chat in the evening on Skype. He's a good fool :D
11. Opinion about me, but I know you will say all the worst :P
P: F*ck whoever brought you here :D
S: Krsta what to say about the powerful leader of Serbia who made an empire? We know each other for years and you are good VB peasant, one day you will be a good man when you control yourself since you can explode like a nuclear warhead :D And finish that college we need more good economists in Japan, salary is great :p
12: Something for end?
P: HOT-CHAT tonight at 2100, if there's lady interested to chat with us send a message to nakituminayashi with contact and proportions :D
S: http://www.less-real.com/quotes/5423
That's it guys for today's bi-angle, in about 3-4 days I will make a new article
Until then, kiss for all of you
Yours truly, KrstaVB and i am too much lazy to make ENGLISH version to looks like Serbian version, tnx nakituminayashi for translate :)
Phantom986nakituminayashiw1zL댓글 (32)

nisam procitao

nisam procitao komentar iznad



phantom pocrvenecu

Di su novci ?

Прочитао сам, требо си слику неких сиса да убациш.
Свака част људи.

Nema Perica ni piva za mene-nema ni vota

pravi h o m o s e k s u a l n i članak!!!!
jesu se uzeli na kraju, mrzelo me da ćiam

Говедо о7

Ipak je trougao.

Sledeći dvougao Marlock i Govedo !

@Griezmann7, to bi bilo više nego zanimljivo 


Very nice.
Two crazy man which I saw in this game especially dejan 

Thank you KBaz my brother 

Oh shit
dejan I m sorry

I was just kidding 2 pro players that I see in this game good friends especially dejan 

Metele candela phantooooooooh.


Damn, Shiro, I believed you re good guy
My heart is always for Liverpool

Shiro and phantom986
Good frends, good players
I good know KrstaVB, phantom986 from other gameas 

Super, ocekujem jos ovakvih clanaka 

Deki cigane
Shiro kinezu :-*

jedva očekivam odgovor na 5
inače super članak

Bravo majstore! 
