Song of Ireland

국가 Ireland - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 20 Apr 2016 14:06 - 4, Co. Mayo.

Beautiful mystical place....dark and light strikes through for an instant creating a visage that makes our jaw drop and wonder about the extraordinary beauty of the place we live pes does everything...

And so too in life as in landscape...Everything changes..and we change with them....We have a new Leader, a new future we have also been asked to vote we know enough to choose...? A leader chooses...that is their job, to choose....with some help from us...or not.....

It is not easy to be a leader, you have to make choices constantly, and being human some choices will be less than perfect....but they lead...and we follow...

So it has been from the caves we emerged from into the sunlight...from the first stone flints we made to the amazing machines we have sent out into space  to explore the universe...

Yes..."we"....we are man...we are woman, we are children, we are good, we are bad, we are all of it...from the beginning to the end...and .....We are warriors....We are loyal....We fight to the death....

We are also more than that, a people with culture, dignity and pride and we welcome everyone to our windy shores, they are us....this land has way more to give than take....this land is to be shared.....:)


Luke Grenier

댓글 (4)

Sunlight? Ireland?
lol @ Liam
I will not make choice, we will ! We are united, we are all a little part of this Country. We built it !