Сrazy time

국가 Ukraine - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 03 May 2016 10:21 - 3

Hello, dear eCommunity! Today in Munich (Germany) at May 3 2016 will be the second match of the 1-st semifinal between FC "Bayern" (Munich) and FC "Atletico" (Madrid). The result of the 1-st match is "Atletico's" victory 1:0.
Let's play the game. Sign this form with your meaning who'll be in the final and if you'll guess, you'll win more.
I am as an organizator will take only 5 per cent.  All another money will be divided between winners! Donate me 0.5 gold, wait and check your flair!
Good luck for everyone!


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To the start of the match!
I m already participating. GO Atletic Smile