Power Dildo Massacre

국가 Croatia - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 11 May 2016 12:40 - 11

eTurkey is the land with most players in the world. Their numbers rise with every day. As you can see, the second most lous country is still far-off.


Among the members of the new WOLF alliance there are growing fears that some of their members might in fact be Turkish. However, as a responsible member of my alliance, I have come up with a method to discover any Turkish spies. This little questionaire will help you to determine who is the friend and who is the Turk.


Depending on how many of your answers are yes, chech yourself
0-12->Definitely not a Turk
12-15->some signs of being a Turk, but you are probably fine
15-18->watch out, this guy could really be a Turk
18-22->most probably a Turk
22-25->Red alert, A TURK!!!!

Be sure to test yourself and those around you or you might get backstabbed!

Also, be sure to sub, donate and comment :)


CumulonimbusBoraxsvaroziceDarthVader vMundusMarlockkocunarVucicu Pederu

댓글 (11)

lol genijalno
yep I am TÜRK. Thanks GOD.... v11
hahaha Imao turks are coming run brre kefere Laugh
ma labude legendo ma evo ti i 5 kuna za kavu Laugh + sub + vote
rado bi endorsao il neš, al me smeta moj screenshot koji predstavlja novine
Odlican! Smile
Thanks guys Laugh
Lolcina Smile
Znaci citam ovo vec po tko zna koji put i opet pisam od smijeha Smile