국가 Croatia - 이레볼루션 첫걸음 - 13 May 2016 12:46 - 9
Dear eRevollution administration, I think that I say in the name of 100% of Country President of eRevollution Countries, when I say "Give us National Organizations".
Why do we need them? Let me start:
1. Governmental articles
It's much more official when you have Presidental Organization for publishing official news from Presidency, and that you have articles of all Presidents in one spot. Same for Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and for Ministry of Education!
2. Economy
With implementation of Organizations, Citizens will produce more, buy more, and store more! Country can use them for Countries companies. Military Units for storages and factories.
3. Monetary Market
Governors will get Organization to use it on Monetary Market, and, Citizens will naturally buy from their National Bank! It means that Countries will get more money to earn, and to spend!
Its not HUGE implementation, but, it will make eLife easier for Countries!
Please, give us this screen in few days:

Why do we need them? Let me start:
1. Governmental articles
It's much more official when you have Presidental Organization for publishing official news from Presidency, and that you have articles of all Presidents in one spot. Same for Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and for Ministry of Education!
2. Economy
With implementation of Organizations, Citizens will produce more, buy more, and store more! Country can use them for Countries companies. Military Units for storages and factories.
3. Monetary Market
Governors will get Organization to use it on Monetary Market, and, Citizens will naturally buy from their National Bank! It means that Countries will get more money to earn, and to spend!
Its not HUGE implementation, but, it will make eLife easier for Countries!
Please, give us this screen in few days:

댓글 (9)


CP of Belarus. Voted



totaly against it, im against the selected few to over take of the monetary system and profits and start filling their pockets, i v spent to much time in euk in the other game and trying to compete trading with all those orgs was totaly unfair for active people, your point is countries will get more money to spend(to steal) when all the others won t have any benefit from it

Iagree, Only One ORG per Country is need, its more easy for the Gobernments

