Illinoisan Times

국가 United States of America - 정책 토론&분석 - 14 May 2016 18:06 - 10

This article is long overdue, and it’s been tumbling around in my mind for while now. So I thought it was finally time to put pen to paper
and tell you how I feel.

When you do so many little things day to day that you can never talk about or write all down. That job take most of your life and you deserve to know it… so I decided to write article.

I’m not so good with talking about my feelings sometimes, but I didn’t want my thoughts to go unsaid… so I thought a article would be the best.

I love how you work with the best parts of the country and the allies. It open you mind up about the government, gives you more drive in the game, and  fulfilled my goal of severing my government more than at any other point in my eLife.

Thank you so much for reminding me who I am when I sometimes forget. I am so grateful to have this in my life, it has open my eyes to how corrupt our government. You have helped me turn my dreams into a reality in so many areas of my elife.

I hope the best for my country and MU, but I will not stand for corruption!!!! Due to this I have been forced out of the government, SEE YOU ALL AROUND!!!



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