ShortList Magazine

국가 Serbia - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 16 Jan 2016 17:38 - 1
Good day fellow eRevollutians!

Welcome to the second edition of the ShortList magazine where you can read about the trending topics of the game. Without further ado lets begin!

1. Congress elections are done and the first official congress have been elected. There are some countries that did not have party's so people were not able to apply for the elections so there are not congress and even no country presidents. But worry not, the admin have already seen this issue and informed that countries with such problems can write them an email and ask to become a congressman or president of the country. They can also request 50g from country treasury to create a party. Unfortunately that is not the only issue. There is also problems with accepting citizenships which normally is an option of a congressman but seems that there aren't such an option available. Lets hope that it will be fixed, added, as soon as possible.

2. The game has officially started! Yes, yes I know the games has been there for 6 days already, but finally wars are starting between the countries. Mutual Protection Pacts are being signed, Natural Enemies are being made so we can expect the game to become much more interesting and developed in the next few days. At this moment we already have 3 open wars - Sweden versus Denmark, Poland versus Germany and Venezuela versus Portugal. I believe that the amount of battles will double or even triple in the next two days. And as expected for a new game with a lot of unknowns there are mistakes made and situations that has to be dealt with. One of the situation that is happening with the wars is that a lot of people are stuck in Denmark as the country has no currency on the market and people cannot move away as to move you have to use the countries currency that you are in. Also a lot of people are not being able to fight in these three wars because their countries have not signed MPP with the countries involved in a war so they have to move.

3. Also the game is growing and slowly, slowly there are more and more initiatives made by the players to make this game easier, better and more appealing to others. A irc channel on irc.rizon has been made for an easy sub4sub exchange - #subforsub. Also a channel for outside the game trades has been made few days ago but was left out of loop because of all the sub4sub spam. Join the official erevollution trade channel on irc.rizon - Admin has already made first steps towards making the game more appealing to people by inviting players to apply to translate the game in their native language which might attract people who are not that good with English. I am glad to see that the game is moving to the right direction.

Thank you for your time if you read this article! My name is Mr_B and I wish you the best in here and other places too!

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