Tales from the Toaster

국가 United States of America - 정책 토론&분석 - 03 Jun 2016 13:26 - 16

This term, I am running under the newest party in our government: The Enlightened Contract Party. The party founder, Tancred, has successfully won me over after quite a hefty discussion about the party’s values. I realised that I very much like these values, not only of productive change, but also of a government driven by progress, not competition. I decided to run under the ECP because they are not focused on winning elections, or gaining majority, but becoming a valuable, and productive member of government, contributing to not only the well-being of the country, but the people as well. I’d like to give my eternal thanks to the ECP leadership for agreeing to host my candidacy.

With no further delay, I present to you my platform!

Foreign Affairs: The main goals of our Foreign Policy are the reacquisition of our core provinces and the stability of the MDP Alliance. After June 4th, many of our lease and rent deals with the countries occupying our states will be over. We will prioritize the returning of our main continental provinces. The recovery of all lost core regions is of the utmost importance.

Once we have these acquired, we will allow potential rent agreements from other countries, provided that they are in our national interest.
Canada, as an aligned member of UNITY, will be difficult to negotiate with. In the most likely scenario, this border will be very unstable. Depending on developments, we may militarize the region in response - but all hopes are for a peaceful returning of our cores.

Once we have finished reacquiring our cores, we will organize Training Wars with our allies to allow our soldiers to earn TP Medals when the country does not have a military objective, be it fighting for our allies, or for ourselves.


Economy: Keep. The US Dollar is incredibly strong, almost too strong. This paired with the decreasing market activity has nearly destroyed the US economy. Fortunately, there is an easy way to fix this. By injecting several thousand US Dollars into the Monetary Market at points throughout the term, it is possible to devalue the dollar to a more acceptable rate that will allow business owners to pay their workers and keep production. On the other hand, it is necessary to educate our citizens for the economic principles of competition. Competition will cause prices to drop, allowing consumers more opportunities to buy goods because there are more acceptable prices. Maintaining this balance between currency value and controlled deflation with sustainable consumption and competition provides a market that is dynamic enough for a sustainable economy.

As part of the ECP’s economic stability plan, and the nationalization of our Military capabilities, each MU will maintain an emergency supply of five days worth of troop supplies in anticipation of violence breaking out amongst the unstable polarity of the international theater.


Military: As a centralized government, the three current active MU’s (Seal Team 6, rUSAM, The Contract Army) will all become national MU’s with each providing a different service for the government.Once in government, the NSC will reorganize the MUs to meet the requirements and wishes of the NSC. The NSC will also handle supplying each MU. We will purchase or produce defensive systems for our capital and important regions in order to increase security and our defensive capabilities.

Seal Team 6: As the largest and most well supplied MU, ST6 will now be the main military branch of the USA and run by the National Security Council. This branch will have the most resources and people dedicated to it.

Contract Army: As the representative of the ECP in the MU’s, the Contract Army represents the most able, dedicated, and reactive force at the executives command. Rather than going through the NSC, The Contract Army is the direct military branch of the president, and takes direct orders from that office.

rUSAM: As the previous National MU, the rUSAM will now be the branch force of the NSC Director. As the general strategist the NSC Director can wield the MU as a training force for newer recruits to get experience as well as directing firepower and aiding the other MUs in important battles.


Media: I have one main goal in the media sector this term: keep the citizens informed of all government workings. It is part of the Enlightened Contract that people have a right to know what happens. There will be a government-sponsored White House Press Release at least once every week, so that all eUSA citizens have access to government information. WHPRs will also be released when important events occur, or when we feel it is necessary to tell the public about happenings. The weekly eRev Party Radios have been a great addition to the media presence, and I will ensure that these continue.

This term, I will also try to kickstart more articles and private media by encouraging activity through competitions. I, along with my Secretary of Media, will host several writing competitions in an effort to find the denizens of talented writers in the eUSA.


Domestic Policy: We place a vast importance on the maintenance of government infrastructure and support. The current DoCA Website will be refurbished, adding opportunities for people to get involved, with discord server lists and other new features. We will also create liaison positions that would allow players that join in the middle of a term to still participate in government. New civilians will be directed to the area of their interest to be deputized and learn effective administration.

In an effort to be transparent in the rule and betterment of the nation. State of the Union addresses will be made by the executive office each week to discuss the current concerns and successes of eUSA.

To help combat literally every one of our problems, and Deus Ex Machina eUSA out of its issues, we will reinstate eNASA, and commit to another Apollo program: a citizen baby boom for the eUSA. Without making the attempt, we will never know how effective a forced baby boom could be. With more players, many of our economic troubles could be alleviated or even neutralized.

To help newer players level up with ease. A transportation service will run across the nation, allowing any new player without the money to travel to make their way to Kansas to take advantage of our Q4 hospital. This service will provide the gold or food necessary to cover the costs of travel, so that the player can travel essentially for free.

To increase camaraderie, player retention, and to cool off opposing parties - we will have a game night once a week that is free to play and all inclusive.


And there you have it! I know it's been long-anticipated, I apologise for such the delay. I look forward to hopefully having the honor of being your president!

As always, if you want to help with anything at all, don't hesitate to contact me or any of my ociates or cabinet members, we can find a place for you!

Remember to vote on election day!

-The Mad Catter



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AHHHH NUUU (Second Laugh)
😣Take it easy on the SoCA please Re starting NASA will require a lot of effort😧 and I m already planning to Revamp the DoCA website Communication
Good luck
v+s good luck
I want to cause bit of trouble here too. Before I ask you anything... Lets see... I don t see many changes in lines up of our cabinet members and others... Hm... And I think I see almost same members of cabinet as TK s? Youch, we are really lacking active members. In Foreign affairs, you ve only mentioned Canada. Is it so important to regain all core territores? If it is we fight (Whether it be pride of having all territories or something else). But if its not, since we don t need those territories because we have 100% production bonus on all area if we remove JAPAN from our land why do we bother with Canada? Ehh I was going to ramble on but I think I am going to save you some time by not making this WoT any longer and add questions below.
Hey Talesweaver no need to save time go on
@Talesweaver - The regions currently held by Japan will be returned. It is already settled, that is why TMC did not mention it. Also, Canada is a member of the opposing alliance to ours and those regions are too close to Kansas where the Hospital is, so it d be a correct tactical move to take Canada outta there.
1. For foreign affairs, Do you have any specific plan to deal with Japan and Indonesia? 2. You are affiliated with ECP, and that is only reason for plan on making Contract Army main nation MU? 3. For your plan in Economics is to throw more money at the market? Is that it...? I will try to come back with more questions later. Going to go bother someone else in different game :p
@Talesweaver Japan is part of our MDP and is releasing all held cores. Indonesia is trying to become a member of the MDP and is awaiting a decision by the member nations of the MDP. If I read correctly ST6 is the official military force of TMC s platform.
Only wanted to separate questions from my rambles so he could figure out what I wanted to ask. Thanks for Answers again Abe. Good to know those regions will be returned. But wouldn t it be better to let them keep regions in exchange for an agreement to keep peace in North America? Especially since the hospital is so close to the border and it would be real shame to see it get blown up again. Only asking since TMC seem to be prioritizing in taking back our Core regions.
My mistake, so ST6 is the main MU. It seems I didn t read carefully enough. ST6 was private MU now it will server as Main MU for US. Each time we have a change in President US is planning on increasing numbers of MU and switch out main MUs? It is not directed at TMC but shouldn t there be official MU that is ready to serve US no matter which party is leading the country?
We have the MDP which is an agreement of peace and defense and Mexico is included; however, Canada is a part of Unity who is a rival alliance so we do need to be concerned about Canada - and negotiating peace with them is probably out of their hands since we have multiple fronts of combat with Unity aligned nations across the MDP alliance.