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국가 Portugal - 정책 토론&분석 - 05 Jun 2016 15:25 - 7
First of all, I want to say sorry..... for my Bad english. I hope all of you could understand it.
I hope you enjoy the article.... and dont forget to Subscribe and Vote.

My suggestion its about improve military power of the occupied countries.
I think admins should give to each player some kind of factory which gives us a tool to boost our damage.
The production and the use of this device should be limited. I thought in a list of possible rules!
    The players cannot trade them or transfer them to other accounts 
    The boost device will only be available for defending our country
    It will not work defending a region with DS; Just against DS
    The devices should be spent hit by hit, like a weapon (maybe with a limited use of these items per player in each battle)
    The extra damage shouldn't count to improve our rank
    The extra damage should be larger in some kind of proportion to the regions lost to the invader

Regarding the production of these devices I thought in another list of possible rules
    We should be able to work everyday. And it only cost our energy, but unless our country is occupied the amount of energy necessary should be large (or very large) - the purpose is to put the player thinking strategically. Use a large amount of energy to fight in that day or to be prepared for a future invasion
    We should have bonus producing them, related to the number of lost regions
    We will not be able of getting employees in this factory
    Admins should create a special storage for them
    If we change our citizenship these boost items in our storage will be deleted
Thats it!!! I dont know if its easy or not apply these kind of changes. Or if its usefull...
I believe some kind of system like this, should be good to improve the moral of those who fight everyday to liberate their core regions. Nevertheless, this game its also about conquer and be conquered, and ideas to put more justice in the game couldn't be just about cut the power of larger nations.

Feel free to give your opinion. Just be polite.
We all want to improve this game. I have many ideas, and maybe this is a wrong one... but its important put them out.


댓글 (7)

No to all sugestion like you wanna destroy all the players
The suggestion is Just one.... the other points are the possible rules to apply what my idea..My only goal here is to improve the damage for those players who are fighting to liberate their core regions.... I dont see how this could destroy all players!!!!!!!!!
its interesting concept, especially part vs DS...