Illinoisan Times

국가 United States of America - 이레볼루션 첫걸음 - 07 Jun 2016 20:58 - 3

I've been thinking, and I came up with these two ideas!!!


Be able to edit and/or delete your shouts, some times you accidentally post a shout before your done or misspell something an want fix it but you can't. So why not be able deleted it and start from scratch or be able to edited it.


Create an international module, like the UN. Either have it as one group you can join or groups countries can create. These group('s) can create sanctions on countries, create wars, and create peace with countries/other groups if applicable.  Basically this would be in-game alliance that usually go on off game or in pm's. Also member's can create group message between cp's or MoFA or both cp's and MoFA.

Please put your thoughts below and suggestion of improving it.


Leroy Combs

댓글 (3)

First for erev!
1.okay 2.Basically alliance; group message is definetly useful.