Kaltz News Corporation

국가 United States of America - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 16 Jun 2016 06:37 - 7

Self Intro

Hi guys, I'm Talesweaver. Sometimes I go under alias ogasdd. 

I consider my self still new in this genre but for experiences in one of similar games I am currently serving iSK as 8th consecutive term CP (9 only if you count half term through impeachment), x2 MoFA, and Financial Controller for alliance. 

In this genre I play apple/sim/rep (quit cyber)... honestly never heard pop till I got to eRev. 

Personally, I dislike eUSA community for always causing drama,  creating division amongst party line and failing to cooperate/coordinate on regular bases
which is the reason eRev is the only game I chose to be born in eUS. 

Now on to what I actually wanted out of this article.

My Current goal is to create a party for Indepedant voters who does not want to be affiliated current party systems. 

I'm considering name options, and most likely gold party creation will come out of my own pockets. 

I want to make party that will decide on cade by case without poltical orientation but I will set a general rules for the party.

1. This party will NOT work against eUSA whether it be through economical/military force/political.

2. This party WILL work with whatever president is voted in regardless of party affiliation or ideals.

ex: Majority fools voted in an incompetant buffoon? Do what we can to support him. Whether you like it or not, he is OUR president

3. Will not promote Anarchism (Belief in Ideology like PRP's are fine) that promotes destruction, lawlessness, or Chaos.

4. No different party advetisement on any of our party's media or chat.

I wanted to add 10 rules but I can't remember

I will refine/edit Rule & Goal for the party in a different article. Just wanted to give you guys early notice ans Gist of party. 

Now if you all will excuse me, I must feed myself before I go work the morning shift.

Yours truly


댓글 (7)

Wish you good luck and happy to hear that talesweaver o/
GL o7
Good luck