Kaltz News Corporation

국가 United States of America - 사회적 상호작용 및 오락 - 18 Jun 2016 23:25 - 9

My last article, I only wanted to introduce myself a bit.
In this one I would like to clarify what this party stands for.
And I will make it simple as much as possible. 

Goal of Independent Party.

Provide a place for people who does not have any strong party affiliation or ties.

I do not want to draw party lines and rather decide things on case by case standard both in game and in RL.

Feel free to represent yourself, this party does not have political/economical views and it should never have one.
Its for all independent that supports different policies that current major parties.

Also, rather than newbies being kidnapped by one of the existing parties, I hope this area can provide them extra time to decide which party they want to be with opposed to being brainwashed from early stage of the game :p

All are welcome to join
Feel free to stay and go as you wish

But try to follow these 5 simple rules.

1. We will uphold U.S. constitution.
Do not violate our constitution!!!

2. We will NOT work against eUSA.
This is our country, and we should fight for it NOT against.

3. We WILL work with whatever president is voted in regardless of party affiliation or ideals. 
ex: Majority fools voted in an incompetent buffoon? Do what we can to support him. Whether you like it or not, he is OUR president

4. Will not promote terrorism
Pretty obvious... Even if we are PTOed, I do not believe some things shouldn't be messed with.

5. And please, no party advertisement on any of our party media or chat. 
(If we/I get one anyways)

P.S. I still have not decided on the name.
P.P.S. I will go for July congressional election.
P.P.P.S. I am sleepy... Zzz

~Your truly, Talesweaver


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It s awesome how television our country where U living are wash U rs brain... OMG
So, its like anarchist party?... Or just agree that you spent 40g for nothing :/
Not sure how you went to anarchism from the content if srticle... I did spend 40g for nothing :p oh well at least i got my own hide out.
It s like a party for people who don t like the other parties. I m in!