A Comrade's Tales

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 28 Jun 2016 12:56 - 6


Author: Thomas Killah
Date: 06/28/16
Location: PRP HQ

Today’s Topic(s):
1. Thank You
2. Cabinet
3. Goals for the Month
http://i.imgur.com/E2ZZOjO.jpg1. Thank You

Hello everyone! As you probably know we recently had Party President elections 3 days ago on the 25th. The election was between myself and dree (another active and respectable party member and congressman). The election results were 8 votes for me and 3 votes for dree for a total of 11 votes. This is my first time as Party President of PRP and I am very excited and honored to have earned this opportunity to lead PRP for a month. I just want to thank everyone who voted for me in this election and I promise to have another great month for PRP. As for everyone who didn’t vote for me, or didn’t vote at all, I hope to earn your support by the end of this month and get more of our members more involved in PRP.

2. Cabinet

As the Party President of PRP for the next month I will need a Cabinet to help me along the way and ist and achieving the goals and dream I have planned for PRP. Without further ado, here is the new Cabinet of PRP.

Chairman (PP): Thomas Killah
Vice Chairman (VPP): EddieA
Secretary General: Leroy Combs
Councillor: dree
Spokesperson: NickerMcfoxtails77
3. Goals For the Month

My goals for this month are quite simple and logical, but require hard work and dedication, something that I believe that both I and my Cabinet will have.
    Increase membership, this will be through writing articles, messaging new players, messaging newly accepted immigrants, and recruiting from RL and other games.
    Increase member participation and activity, I will be continuing the programs put in place under the last PP, EddieA, but I also plan to add to it and try to get some social connections between our members to spark an interest for some of our players who are lacking a reason to continue playing or start playing.
    Take back Congress, we managed to win a Congressional majority only to lose it in the last elections, this month I hope to get as many people running under PRP this month to take back our majority in Congress
    Last month PRP also made incredible progress in our CP campaign in which we had our first ever contested President election in which I fought against TheMadCatter who  was supported by both ECP and the Feds. The results were 26-25 with a total of 51 votes, that election will probably be the closest election in rAmerican history and that is only the start for us at PRP. This month I hope that we will be able to elect our very first PRP President of the rUSA.
    We have seen a lot of anti-Fed sentiment in PRP, as PP of PRP I will work to end that to create a unified political scene for rUS citizens to enjoy.



Komentāri (6)

We have seen a lot of anti-Fed sentiment in PRP, as PP of PRP I will work to end that- srsly? i thought PRP in opposition to Feds...
Have the same confusions as vooz, but excited for a new era of reconciliation!
They may believe in different ideals but doesn t really mean they have to hate each other. GL TK!
^^Talesweaver hit the spot
I ve said this in an article somewhere and I ll say it again here: Blind partisanship accomplishes nothing. Each political party may have different ideals and oppose each other through those ideals, however, it is the compromise and clear political reconciliation that brings the country forward. We have taken steps in order to take this path so that we can all focus on the country. I hope the party leaderships continue this path.