The Uber Times

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 03 Jul 2016 21:38 - 9

Disclaimer: This is from my point of view. You are free to debate me in the comments, but keep it civil!

The election is coming up in just 2 days! So I figured that I should do an article about who I will vote for.

First off, I wish there were more parties, I will eventually start a new one once I can figure out a platform and once I get the gold. But, let's analyze the candidates of each party first:


Federalist candidate: Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln, current President of the eUnited States, will mostly continue what the eUS has been doing so far, while expanding on and adding new programs. That means that we will still fight alongside the MDP, etc. He will also begin appointing ambadors to other countries.

Lincoln has stated that the Department of Citizen Affairs will be where we see the most radical changes, should he be elected. He would continue the eNASA mission, the administration's' initiative to advertise eRevollution in the hopes of getting a baby boom, with the change that it would now receive government funding. He would also privately crowdfund it, hoping for a 50/50 split between public and private funding. Additionally, Lincoln and his administration is currently working on a University program to educate new players to eRevollution. Next, he plans on creating a new cabinet position, the community liaison, to help ease political disputes between congress members and other politicians. Finally, he would create an internship program to teach the kiddies about politics in eRev.

As for his military policies, as I stated earlier, Lincoln would mostly continue on the path we have been on. He plans on continuing the Arm America program, as well as supporting ongoing military reforms. He would, however, build the so-called "American Maginot Line," a line of defensive systems around the US border. He has acknowledged the expenses such an undertaking.

As with military policy, he wouldn't steer the course of the economic policy all too much. Beyond reforming the duties of the director of the Economic Council, he would continue the tax reforms that we have been seeing so far.


-Mostly continue the course of government action
-Start fundraiser for eNASA, as well as get funding from government for it
-Appoint community liaison to help eliminate partisanship
-Appoint ambadors
-Build American Maginot Line
-Reform EC director duties


People's Revolutionary Party Candidate: spitfireYG

PRP Congressman spitfireYG's platform wasn't quite as specific as Abraham Lincoln's platform, but despite this, it is very much similar to his platform. Ironically, we may actually see less government involvement than in Lincoln's dream administration (which isn't necessarily the worst thing in the world).

His foreign policy would mostly continue on where Lincoln will have left off - continue our MDP participation, renew / make new MPP's with our allies, etc. Interestingly, though, he was very specific about watching Brazil and her allies encroaching on our allies to the south. In fact, he said it once during his platform, 
Keep an eye on brazil and other enemies approaching our territory 
And again in his cabinet release:
 Tomas Kilah will be keeping an eye on the ever-changing winds of South America...
Could this perhaps mean he has... plans for the south? Or could I simply be reading too far into this? I'm not sure. However, this is highly speculative, so let's move on.

Spitfire wants to get the core regions in the west back to us ASAP. He said that this may be delayed, due to people calling for a map re-do, however, he stated that getting the cores back will "increase our access and bonuses to oil and graphite."

The candidate stated that he was quite happy with how far the economy had come since bill 2.1.0, however he said he wanted to release a second set of bills to further increase currency circulation and deflate the currency to 75:1g. He said that after all the economic reforms are done, he would begin a contracting system, with a bid in place to keep the economy competitive. His goal for import taxes is 10-12%, which he states will "still promote domestic production while allowing the global interests to really participate in our markets." 

His military policy would be to keep a constant stream of battles in order to make sure everyone can get gold through battle medals, as well as including all eUS MUs into the National Security Council. Additionally, spitfire has also said that he wants to bolster our defense in the south, taking us back to the theory that he could have militaristic plans for South America, however I don't wish to speculate too much on this, given I don't have any surefire evidence for this theory. But hey, that's just a theory, a GAME THEORY

His domestic policy is certainly the least specific part of his platform. SpitfireYG would increase funding for the Department of Citizen Affairs, continue the eNASA mission, and run all programs as usual. However, he did say that he would direct citizens to their area of interest, i.e, soldiers, politicians, etc., and deputize them accordingly, which is certainly an interesting policy idea.

Neither of the candidates differ majorly on media and technology issues. The Enlightened Contract Party has not picked a candidate.

-Continue MDP participation
-Bolster defense in the south
-Monitor Brazilian encroachment on American allies and territory
-Negotiate with Japan, Indonesia and Canada to return cores
-Continue to lower import taxes
-Keep constant stream of battles
-Deputize new citizens to their areas of interest


So, who would I pick for president? Well, neither one in particular. That's not to say they are bad, as much as that is saying that neither are terribly different to the point where I could be swayed one way or another. I will say that I am more confident in Abe's platform, given how specific he was in his policy issues, but other than that, I can't say I'm really torn between the candidates. Nevertheless, I look forward to the election!

Yours truly,


PalmerAbraham Lincoln

Komentāri (9)

A very thoughtful and reasonable view of the dichotomies between the two candidates, looking forward to your future participation in the eUS! v+s
This Newspaper deserves a sub + Vote
Thanks man!
V+S good content, keep up the work. Also I think there may be a small typo where you reference vPopulus rather than eRevollution. Other than that it looks good.
Nice article.
vPop is dead my friend Smile
Fixed the typo Smile
I would also like to note that while Spit s platform is very similar to Abe s, Spit was the first to post his platform, allowing Abe the chance to add or strengthen areas that Spit brought up.
s10 v55