The Daily eRevollution

Publicēts Albania - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 07 Jul 2016 00:54 - 60



AlexanderPistolevHi i am a simple multivooztrollinRomymurtz233

Komentāri (60)

po ca pretendon ti esht mbush loja full admina serb plus si dihet sa moderator
@imigra eshte thjesht tallje trapi
Wow this is full of shit and you know it. Like you would get ban fur saying it is beautiful land. Maybe it is ik but it is still serbian
I don t think so. I guess you used some rude words. I honestly told him my mind, no offence.
sramota je da se za takav članak banira. moze se tvrditi sto god, 111 zemalja svjeta je priznalo Kosovo i to je suverena zemlja. dobiti ban radi istine je sramota.
@masteraltair and maybe u should learn to read the p.s its a fkn joke
You werent joking when you got the ban, i was reffering to that
Kosova eshte Serbi
nikiru ne jedi ono sto se ne jede
Thanks for this tip :o
hahahaha SAD but TRUE. Nationalistic people are so lame, this is just a game after all.
Why not admins ban serbians For saying `kosovo je srbija` and ban albanians for saying `kosovo is albania` or kosovo is kosovo...tbis in not fair.....justice..justice
AlbRevolution, why should we punish people for saying the truth :^)
P.S :ITS JUST A JOKE DONT BANN ME FOR THE 834928498232 TIME This just killed me xDDDDD
i wanna try
because my albanian friend, Kosovo i Metohija was taken away from Serbia by force, but it is and always will be our Holly Land and heart of Serbia no matter who has it occupied. Try like this.. just watch this video and tell me why albanians did this : , now and this is just one of many of tham that albanians destroyed .. why if you are so nice people did you do such things , and done in 2004, after all fighting has stooped?? Churches like that are prof that Kosovo i Metohia are serbian land, just atm occupied , and what your countiy man did there is trying to destroy any evidence of actually who that land belongs to. So please, if im worng, explain to us all why did Albanians burn so many churches , and where is some Albanian monument from Kim thats lets say from middle ages ???
@topsecret you come from russia and tell us that kosova is serbian land hauhauahuahauahauahauahau what a joke Laugh
a hergec, you come from the Turk cuacasus and you tell us Kosovo i Metohija is albanian land ayy lmao what a joke (like albania s economy) Laugh
@nueve well you said you said the truth and you wont get ban...oh wait are in temp ban now Laugh
@topSecret Kosovo is not taken by force feom fact if no massacre would not be done by serbians in kosovo and no war in kosovo maybe today kosovo would still be part of serbia because living in peace and developoning each other gives no reason to for what is done have to live with the decisions that were made in the Tito`s era all yugoslavia and kosovo were developing ..but after Tito everything what succeder did was ruining all what Tito build......take your blame to yourself(leaders not you Laugh) dont blame others...
so Herceg, and Alb, you are clearly avoiding to answer question i asked about albanians burning churches, and about prof of some monument or anything that albanians in fact have lived in KIM before serbs. Simple there is no hard evidence about your claim, and burning Serbian 700-800 year old churches are prof that albanians are trying to eradicate serbian history on KIM. Btw even name Kosovo is derived from serbian word and not albanian.. Greatest albanian hero is Serb.. And yea, maybe slavs came from central europe, Albanians came from Armenia so.. whats your point there?
Albanians did not come from armenia...just it was times before called albania there does not mean we are they...we know who we are...question is do you know who you are....your point is like saying...georgians created state of georgia in usa....and about churches...first tell me about massacres that serbians did in kosovo and bosnia...more important is human life than a building i guess
@topSecret...have you heard about Dardans ??
Topsecret, those are Kosovos churces, because there are Kosovo people with orthodox religion.
@Albanian, example of gerogia is false as in US many places are named by towns cities etc in old world like New York. So if albania got its name because of that, are you New Albania ??? @Falen great, kosovo churches, nice one.. so they are not serbian now??? not build bu serbs?? Maybe they are build by as albR would say Dardans ?? Was their greatest dynasty named Nemanjic?? guys, dont be funny, as i said give me some prof here or stfu with your wana-be fairy tales.
Stfu you ..noone said to coment here...fairy tales ...hah you are telling faury tales...please go to school and learn...because you are completely wrong on what you are ask for profs and you are not giving any of what you are saying....when you comment i laugh..because everything you say is nonsense....
see albanian dude. Serbian Ortodox churches that are over 600-700 years old are prof enough, and its just one of many many.. Yet you cant come up with single monument that is albanian and dating from that time.. All i see is you trying to insult or provoke people. In my first post i asked for just one prof, you posted 5 times and not one time you gave us prof. Reason is simple, you cant.. that is reason also for Albanians destroying Serbian monuments on KIM.. AlbR, due the fact that based on your comments and refusal to answer simple question and prove to us your claim, conclusion is only your claims are false and you know it. Maybe if your IQ would be bit higher than number of seeds in apple we could have normal discussion, but thats not what you want or you are not capable of. Enjoy game o7
Come to albania and learn about our history....monuments from that time ??...a lot...munoments B.C again lots of them...come and prove..and then we will talk..because obviously you dont know anything about us
Kosovo is KOSOVO, not Albania nor Serbia, but an independent country.
@topsecret from where u got that information ? Yeah man dont copy paste thing from the was serbs who have provacated the war from time to time...all what kosovars were doing is called defense ..And if u say kosovo is serbia and most of s have migrated there...your simply wrong ...kosovars people came in albania bcs of serbian army ...does this mean something?Yes Isa buletini came to support Ismail Qemali ...and more famous Albanian people from kosovo since ages ago ..yeah why im wasting time with u instead i can watch genay vs france i know that u just can copy paste only from some sources Stay well!
@albR, exactly, as you said come to albania , but not KIM. ! never said anything about albania, i said show me monuments or any historical evidence that albanians lived on KIM, something old as that churches that are built. Why are you avoiding to answer that simple question. @OwYea, Im not gona get draged in to argument about war, we simple canot and will not agree there, so its pointless, as albanians did many many crimes against humanity, including organ trade.. so please preach to us about crimes albanians are not saints. I asked simple question, if you cant answer it thats alright, we know why.. Why did you burn so many serbian chrches , one on Youtube link was destroyed in 2004, so peace time. And show me any church, monument or anything albanian from same period as that church. Its so simple..
You can t compare some buildings with thousends of lives that are taken from serbian soldier..mire than 1million moved from their homes during war...and idk for any church burned in serbia...maybe in kosovo..idk that too..but in serbia no...noone is avoiding your questions..but we cant give you an aswer for stupid question..sorry if you are offended about that..but thats the truth....i am done more comments from me...if you dont have the correct information ...wikipedia youtube...please man..everyone can share everything there.....believe fact from more trustfully sources..not youtube and wikipedia...please...i respect you for all of your time spending here to comment...but give us more trustfully information...regards
albR, reason for you not being able to give me answer, or any prof that Albanians lived on KIM in middle ages, is simple.. Because they didnt thats why you cant prove it. So you are just trying to change subject. BTW in every war no side is 100% innocent, not serbs not albanians. So i wont go in to that.
Middle ages...damn man..slavs came in balkans in middle ages ...what are you talking about Last comment
@topsecret about albanians burning churches... Karma is a bitxch u know...serbs killed muslims both in bosnia and in kosovo and yeah dnt forget maja masacre What can u say for that?
@alb, last comment?? is that because you cant find not one single albanian monument, church or anything to backup your claim that albanians lived on KIM before serbs. @OwYea. Thank you guys for proving to me that albanians cant backup their own claim for serbian land o7 Enjoy game guys
@topsecreat mayb u cant find a monumnet cuz serbian army already destoyed them?
Biggest joke is that albanians think that they are illyrians,lol you have dark skin.dark eyes,dark hair,illyrians are white!!!
@terrormachine The toponyms and some other words are one of the biggest proofs that Albanians derivates from illyrians. Scodra is today s Shkodra. In fact, Scodra is pronounced Scodra only in the Latin resources, which do not have the Albanian sound sh like in fashion, so basically Shkodra in Illyrian was pronounced Shkodra and in Latin Scodra. This toponym is exactly the same even today, 2000+ years later. Other names of cities, rivers, people etc.,(Bledar which mean The dead in illyrian,sika which is knife in today langauge(thika)) prove it to have had the same language. And u have no proof that illyrians are white lmao
Check on google the serbian song Building of Skadar.
we also have rozafa tale ..and u cant just came out of nowhere saying that serbs builded shkodra lol Laugh @albrevolution is from shkodra he can say more for this
Leave it owyea..TerrorMachine wants to teach the history of a city which i born and live...i bet he heard only the name..never been in Shkodra.
@owYea, even you dont believe that reason why you dont have any hard prof of albanians living in KIM before serbs is because because as you said maybe serbian army destroyed them .. judging from your comments, i would say that even you acknowledge that by now.
XD Don t ban me...plox.
@Owyea well said,fairy tale.
i can see that this guy top secrets knows a lot about history like fyromianians greek albanians etc
@el Macedonico u should only learn how to google and yeah ur set
Kosovo is Lithuania!
Kosovo je centar sveta i srce slovenije!
Аргентина - это испанский
Granikus said that Argentine is Spain. In Russian language. 0_0
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Olivença is Portugal!!!!
kosovo being Lithuanian makes more sense than it being albanian
wow much politics.. Smile
NueveOcho caucasus is not turkis...nothing in asia minor is turkish actualy,they come from central asia and by killing millions of Armenians,Greeks,Assyrians,Kurds,Bulgarians and other minoryties steal our land.There was caucasus albania,but on Balkans NEVER. Kosovo is the biggest usa military base in europe and path for criminals,nothing more.
In Kosovo and Metohija there are buildings that are the remains of Roman, Serbian and Turkish cultural heritage. Albanian cultural monuments were not found.