A Comrade's Tales

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 07 Jul 2016 21:56 - 15

Author: Thomas Killah
Date: 07/08/16
Location: PRP HQ

Today's Topic(s): 
1. PRP July Platform

1. PRP July Platform
Lets not waste anytime on this and get right into it, sorry for so many words, so little images. 

Foreign Policy
- Fully Recover cores from Indonesia and Japan. We at PRP believe that although the admins are considering redoing the map which more than likely will end with us having less regions, that does not affect us here and now. At the moment we are denying ourselves our core regions and bonuses that we will receive from regions such as Idaho and South Dakota.
- Wait for new rental agreements after admins redo the map. Once we recover our cores we should wait until the map is redone by the admins before committing to any more new rental agreements to save us and our allies the headache of having to null treaties or put in contingencies for when the admins actually do put in the new map.
- Play an active role in MDP and ist allies in need. It is well known that MDP stand for Mutual Defense Pact, the US should continue to abide by their promises and oaths and protect fellow MDP nations.
- Attract new countries to the MDP alliance, we have already seen the addition of new countries such a Bulgaria to the MDP alliance. We should continue to look for new countries to grow our alliance. However we must stay alert of internal tensions so that we do not over do it and destroy the alliance from the inside.
- Actively monitor Brazilian encroachment towards the US or MDP members. Brazil has been very militaristic recently against Mexico, slowly approaching our southern border. It is vital we watch them closely to ensure national security.

Military Policy
- Lessen the economic impact of The Lincoln Line by reducing it to only the southern border to protect from the ever militaristic imperials in Brazil.
- Daily Consistent battles should always be available so our citizens can fight to earn medals and xp, and ultimately strengthening our country.
- All MUs should be included in the NSC, unless an MU’s inclusion is deemed a national security threat.
- Maintain the Arm America program to stay coordinated and capable of dealing large amounts of damage in important mive attacks.

Economic Policy
- If core returns are put on hold we should at least begin talks to recover Idaho and South Dakota from Japan, however, we believe that the best course of action is to recover all core regions until admins make a decision on how the map will be redone.
- The Economic Council should consist of a currency holder, the Secretary of Treasury, 1-2 Economic Advisors, and the President. There should be no Economic Director position, but it's duties should be fulfilled by the Secretary of Treasury.
- We should expand Monkus’s Economic Doctrine to achieve 75:1, and later 100:1 before suspending the economic manipulation to prevent hyperdeflation and the destruction of the functioning and recovering economy we’ve just built.
- We support lower import taxes accompanied with increased VAT taxes and average/medium work tax to continue economic growth as seen through Monkus’s Economic Doctrine.
- With the increased devaluation of the USD under Monkus’s Economic Doctrine, a 1 USD minimum wage is worth even less than what it once was, it should be raised to at least 5 USD if we can achieve a 75:1 exchange ratio, and should we reach a 100:1 ratio then it should be raised to 8 USD.

Media Policy
- There should be consistent weekly WHPR’s to inform the public of the happenings within the executive
- There should be consistent weekly articles from the Speaker or Deputy Speaker to inform the public of the happenings within the legislature
- We should maintain the national eRev radio to continue to inform the public of national news and events.
- Encourage the increased number of multimedia usage domestically and by the government, such as the newly formed ZTStudios.
- Minimum of 3 State of the Union articles should be written by the President to fulfill their role in informing and communicating with the public about the issues facing our nation and the progress we’ve made.
- The President should not only have a 1 hr time dedicated to responses to the public, but also a form for people to fill out with their questions for the president which he can then answer at any time.

Domestic Policy
- We support continuing the eNASA program to encourage an American baby boom.
- We believe that there should be an increase in the number of DoCA staff members to help with running programs and writing course material for American University
- We should monitor the Community Liaison position to deem whether it is actually an effective and usefull position or just for show.
- We believe that there should be increased funding to the DoCA to support current and upcoming programs.
- We believe that it is important to encourage a sense of community through national events outside or within eRevollution.
- We support maintaining national supply programs and encourage party programs to be opened to all US citizens regardless of party.
- Game Nights should be expanded to include an eSport league which groups of players can come together to form teams which can compete against other teams in gaming tournaments for prizes.
- We support increased regulations and restrictions on immigration by restricting immigrants from countries deemed to be enemies of, or threats to, the USA.

Education Policy
- Once American University opens its General Education course to the public, new players will be allowed to take the course for free. Subsequent courses will incur a fee.
- Once American University completes and opens more courses to the public the veteran players should be able to pick 1 course to take for free. Subsequent courses will incur a fee.
- The degrees obtained by the course will help with the internship program and the directing of players to different departments of interest to become a Deputy.

Tech Policies
- Maintain current websites with relevant and up to date information
- Make the websites more visually appealing
- Create a Department of Technology Staff Team to help develop and oversee websites and other projects under the Tech Department.



Komentāri (15)

For a solid platform for a new month to launch a new era in PRP and ultimately the rUSA!
Now this is a platform! I love the new name: The Lincoln-Line. Well produced! Will surely have more commentary as it comes. 07
Notification squad
Thanks everyone. I tried to make sure this was the most well put together and consistent platform we ve put out so far.
Encourage the increased number of multimedia usage domestically and by the government, such as the newly formed ZTStudios. I am going to donate, I hardly ever donate, and vote just because you mentioned ZTStudios.
No problem BioHaze you had a great idea and it should be shared.
Hm, better platform compared to previous platforms from PRP. Well at least the ones I saw anyway. *cough* other than differences in views of minimum wage (again)
This is a far better platform than the previous ones. Well put, however I would hope it was exempt of petty political insults Wink
Also I need to point Out the fact you conveniently didnt read the part where the defense line will be more privately supported in more than half of the expense. You re welcome PRP, I will surely watch you putting up the same insults when we get invaded again should that happen.
Yeah sorry to Inform you Abe most people have already spent all their gold during this Discount period no one will be quick to donate any gold to that program
@Abe im sorry if you seem to think there were any insults, I definately didn t intend for any insults and I even had others look over it to make sure there was t anything offensive about it. We at PRP simply believe that it would be better to reduce the line to just the southern border due to the aggressiveness of Brazil and the fact that we don t believe that at the current moment private donations can carry most of the costs associated with the full project.
@spitfire you might be wrong about that. You forgot the largest donator: myself.
@thomas killah, I understand. If it wasn t offensive I won t hold it against you. I can understand your doubts however in due time you will allow me to prove you wrong.
The Lincoln Line, made from Lincoln Logs! /s This is quite a nice platform, certainly vastly improved from your previous ones. Would you guys say you are more libertarian than the other parties?
No and that is mainly because our stance on the economy, we support government intervention, and so far economic bills promoting keynesian economics have worked in fixing our economy. To sum this up I would say that we as a Party lean towards authoritarian however, it truly comes down to what we are talking about, it s importance, and what would be in the best interest for the rUSA and it s citizens.