Publicēts Bosnia and Herzegovina - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 11 Jul 2016 07:50 - 10
Srebrenica genocide was the genocidal killing of Bosniaks in the town of Srebrenica and its nearby places. The aim of army of republika srpska and paramilitary organizations controlled by the government of serbia was ethnic cleaning of Bosniaks. Many thousand of Bosniak men and boys were killed and buried in m graves in try to hide the crime. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed or expelled from their homes. 8372 people are registered as missing, while 6377 people have been buried in the graveyard of The Memorial Center.


Lord NibblermandzaMegaMindK o BSajkeebajrektarKomentāri (10)

Počast svim žrtvama genocida o7

War is war but massacre is f*cking nooby behavior..

Da im dragi Allah dz.s podari lijepi Dzennet i vjecni Rahmet. Amin!

Goebbels bi vam pozavidio na propagandi.

Svaka čast ! Pravoslavlje o/

Komsije ajde malo lakse.

Da im dragi Allah dz.s podari lijepi Dzennet i vjecni Rahmet. Amin!