
Publicēts Switzerland - Politiskās debates un analīze - 12 Jul 2016 06:38 - 35

Had this experiance at the old game, well there is nothing new under the sun. But i think less players understand whats going on than it should. Realy i call this effect "ASTERIA effect" and i think some players ego doesnt worth it to compleatly ruin the game. Well the Ukranians had some sort of understanding how alliance system work, they did avoid to be in an alliance what has more damage than the rest of the world combined. Some nations politicans dont realy care about the game and they will kick the global market and the game into the grave. Just some facts: Brazil had a 2v1, Hungary is in a 2v1 situation, Croatia is 3v1.
I know the last easy day was yesterday. But does handfull players egoism worths to destroy the player experiance and to chaise away players? OK, i know developers should interfere when the situation gets out of hand. But at the games begining when they did had to interfere about helibugs and about visa tanks their reaction was lagging behind.

This article was made outrageus by reason. If you cant understand political and warfare, than this flow chart might open your eyes. I dont care about any nations nationalism and ego. By the way if Turkish get upset and do a ban xy rebellion i still dont give a rats . The Turkish rebelled and wanted to forc administration to ban Naki, well he didnt got ban, he just changed a name and now the Turkish taking order from him.

There is no golden midle route, but destroying hundreds of players fun because of arguements doesnt adds up.
I didnt find some politicans actions transparent in the global chat. Its funny that someones states their nation was forced by an alliance to take actions what they has no willingness, than he trolls the frustrated enemy. It isnt quite funny when a moderator who is visa and cp is trolling a contries expresident in global chat, after this i seriusly think that another Vist scandall will come again and my trust is dropped below the charts. 

At the end of this article i have to state, the developers have to ballance the game, because clearly the playerbase failed to make the ballance. But there will be any ballance? I dont think so, developers actions are lagging behind the events and they fail to provide content recently plus their PR activity lacks even the basics what would be needed.

So the article is done, i have to start walking my own path.

1th Note

So i got kicked out my MU, oh MDP is working


So Switzerland got the first warning from MDP because of me, after i wrote down whats happening. Edited or its because of DO but i cant realy trust my CP's word now. Hurray this is a new form of censorship.

3th Note
 Turks gave me a good advice iam fighting MDP now.



Komentāri (35)

Oh my!
vist scandal in my view : using any means to win the war. this type of means are : injecting more money to buy golds, reporting enemies without prove to admins, using automation, betraying alliance, making illegal babyboom workforce etc
Köksal baba o7 article p.o.s
(Sorry for bad grammar) Yes naki made a mistake but that mistake was at past days so we don t need to complicate about it if he s giving orders to us.
This game reminds me of a commercial. You want balance and more content? F*** you! You`ll take what we give you! XD
2ye 1 i siz daha iyi bilirsiniz. hırvat-macar geldiniz. yetmedi sırpta gelmeye teşebbüs etti üstümüze yemedi ama
Köksal Baba..!!!!
So it is okay when you attack Turkey 3v1 but when MDP do the same, it is unbalanced? Article of Agamennon prove that alliances are actually equal in terms of damage. Otherwise how would Brazil win against Fransa many times, how Hungary defended its regions against Turkey for days? So stop crying about that now. About ego, I can talk only about MDP and I assure you one person cannot handle and run all the business even if we all want him to do. There is basically so many things to do and so many issues to handle. It can be done only by teamwork and that is what we do. Anyone who criticise the organizational structure of MDP have usually no clue about what is going on inside. Last but not least, If you know about Asteria you should also know that if world is way too shifted to one side, it balances itself eventually.
Hey kinyas i activated the little Koksal Baba in you? Even Turkish PR lady has a Koksal Baba inside?
All you can do is name calling anyway. If you are not happy with MDP, leave a country which is member of MDP and fight against us. Then you can feel Koksal Baba inside.
@Kinyas Article of Agamennon prove that alliances are actually equal That would be even hard for me, and iam trained to do this kinde of tasks. I just realy want to say, that noone has acess to the raw data what would be needed to proove this. The first thing is the strenght and lvl s and military ranks are dinamic data. But okey lets say he managed to get the data, after it what he did set all the players to class set of common frequencies and he did count an average for every contries seqmented player group? After that he weightened it? But how he managed to accumulat the weapons and energy? Kinyas just stop giving me the PR text Smile
I don t care about the article but there is KOKSAL BABA!!!!!!!! We love Koksal Baba o7
so sexy
Kinyas +1
How do you guys know Koksal Baba amk xD
The Godfather Köksal Baba
Koksal baba lives in everbody...
Ur cp is awesome You just need to get a job!
could pls anyone tell me the difference between MDP and any other former leading alliance? send your answer per PM pls because i dont know if ii will look into that article again... thx...
Koksal Baba is against him to use political issues, especially issues which about Turkey Cheeky
Your country got 1 warning thanks to you? Meh, Poland got two thanks to me.
I just laughed.
Your CP hobby is to insult harass women, provoke other country (region stuff) but dont wanna get same treatment by others
And this dude who has commented before me ...just wanna kill my erev life
I agree that mdp destroyed community. Doon they will destroy the game Wink
So? We should say balance again and then back stab our ally who really did helped us?
Good job. Your article messed with their virtual ego enough to issue... *warnings* lmao.
Route to victory a la MDP: 1. Install moderators/admins into game leadership 2. Remove key enemy players via 1. - just or unjust, doesn t matter 3. Bribe/coerce/blackmail morally weak enemy political leaders to switch sides 4. Amass at least 5x edge in firepower then attack 5. Enjoy victory
A lot of cries in here. Come n guys. We bornt from our ashes while you were coming 3v1. You can do the same thing if you want Smile
Damn, gotta miss the old Asteria and lolpi s tears :/