The misery News

Hi people

Publicēts Serbia - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 18 Jul 2016 15:00 - 12

Hi to all, this is The misery News I'm doing this article for begging, Yes, because I'm starting to play.

I'm begging in this ancient your like, your sub, as well as all food, weapons, until themoney in your country (any country it is) that has no use for you to buy and sell forgold, I ask your help for I don't really have to care so much about the money and interact with society of the game and have fun playing.

Anyway, this was my first article, hasn't had a good quality but with the time we improve.
Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Komentāri (12)

sub 1 vote 2
There is first 25 CC
sub 2 vote 4 and 10 food q2 Smile
s3 v6
Piši, bre, srpski da te ceo svet razume.
Veću glupost nisam pročitao Laugh Još i engleski loš, e jebeš ga majstore.. Štekaj keš, skupiće se Smile
hope you can keep your promise
200 Q2 food sent Laugh
ciji li si ti multi
Sub 17,Vote 20
s 18 v 21