The Reader

Joanid - Avīze no Romania -

Publicēts Romania - Finanšu lietas - 26 Jul 2016 14:59 - 4

Dear Admin,

I would like to make a proposal,

The work tax for Managers can be replaced by a license tax established by the government on the kind of performed activity in the desired country, with different options of time validity.

There can be three kinds of licenses: agrifood, army industry and constructions. So, it does not matter that I have 3 Q5 house raw companies or 6 Q3 house raw companies which are helping me to the same task... making houses. 
Yes, we already pay with our energy for having 6 raw companies instead of 3. 

Thank you for reading,
Your sincere Brainstormer, 



Komentāri (4)

astia oricum o sa decida la plezneala
nu putem sa controlam ce fac ei, doar ce facem noi...