A Comrade's Tales

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 27 Jul 2016 18:20 - 9


Author: Tom Killah
Date: 07/27/16
Location: TK’s Living Room

Today’s Topics:
1. Announcement
2. Schedules
3. Help

1. Announcement
Hello everyone, fellow rAmericans, it is Tom Killah again. As you all know my last CP run 2 months ago against TheMadCatter (TMC), in which I narrowly lost 26-25. Since that electrifying campaign I have been looking and readjusting my platform, goals, and mindset to better represent the American people - yet while still staying true to myself. I will be honest here, that loss hurt me, it was a painful way to lose, but I want to let everyone know that my flame isn’t extinguished yet. I still have a vision for America and I hope I am given the chance to share it with you all. Thus, I, Tom Killah, am running for President of the United States once again for the month of August. As always, I intend and hope to be ran as a PRP candidate, but am open and encourage being included on any and all other party primaries.

2. Schedules
This is a short section, but as always I like to keep and orderly and accurate schedule that helps not only me but also lets the public know when they can expect to see new info on my campaign. So without further ado, here is my current campaign calendar.

July 27th - Announcement Article (TK - Inextinguishable)
August 1st - Platform Article
August 3rd - Cabinet Article
August 4th - Final Thoughts Article

*In case of unforeseen circumstances there may be an additional article added to this schedule at a later date, but no articles will be removed*

3. Help
All Presidents rely on their cabinet, that’s why if you are interested in getting involved in the government and joining my cabinet, please send me a PM or find me on Discord as soon as you can! As of yet there are no filled spots, so come get them while they last!

That’s all for now, until next time.


Tricky DickEmphoshoss1965

Komentāri (9)

For an inextinguishable American Dream!
Good luck TK Laugh
Eddie might run. XD
good luck
Good luck
I think this time you will win