A Comrade's Tales

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 01 Aug 2016 08:28 - 13


Author: Tom Killah
Date: 07/30/16
Location: TK’s Living Room

Today’s Topic(s):
1. Platform
2. Help

1. Platform

Department of State - Diplomacy

- Maintain current region rental agreements with Japan and Portugal as agreed upon by the previous administration until the expiration date. New rental agreements may be made as long as they do not compromise the productivity of our markets. The current rental agreements may, or may not, be extended pending talks with their respective governments.
- Play an active role in MDP and ist allies in need. It is well known that MDP stand for Mutual Defense Pact, the US should continue to abide by their promises and oaths and protect fellow MDP nations.
- We should continue to look for new countries to grow our alliance. However we must stay alert of internal tensions so that we do not over do it and destroy the alliance from the inside.

Department of Defense - Military

- Due to the new map changes seeming to be canceled we will restart planning, funding, and stockpiling for the construction of the Lincoln Line.
- Daily Consistent battles should always be available so our citizens can fight to earn medals and xp, and ultimately strengthening our country.
- All MUs should be included in the NSC, unless an MU’s inclusion is deemed a national security threat.
- Maintain the Arm America program to stay coordinated and capable of dealing large amounts of damage in important mive attacks.

Department of Treasury - Economy

- We support lower import taxes accompanied with increased VAT taxes and average/medium work tax to continue economic growth as seen through Monkus’s Economic Doctrine.
- The Economic Council will consist of a currency holder, the Secretary of Treasury, 1-2 Economic Advisors, and the President. There will be no Economic Director position, but it’s duties shall be fulfilled by the Secretary of Treasury.
-There will be no further expansion of the Monkus Economic Doctrine as we will be maintaining our current currency rate through controlled printing and monetary Injections.
- We will monitor the effectiveness of our current Manager work tax for citizens and foreigners and manipulate the tax rate as deemed necessary to maximize income with the least impact on our players.

Department of Media - Media

- There will be consistent weekly WHPR’s to inform the public of the happenings within the executive.
- I will encourage consistent weekly articles from the Speaker or Deputy Speaker to inform the public of the happenings within the legislature.
- We should maintain the national eRev radio to continue to inform the public of national news and events.
- i will encourage increased multimedia usage domestically and by the government, such as the newly formed ZTStudios.
- As President I will be writing a minimum of 3 State of the Union articles to fulfill my role in informing and communicating with the public about the issues facing our nation and the progress we’ve made.
- As President I will not only have a 1 hr time dedicated to responses to the public, but also a form for people to fill out with their questions for the president which he can then answer at any time.

Department of Citizens’ Affairs - Domestic Policy

- We support continuing the eNASA program to encourage an American baby boom.
- We believe that there should be an increase in the number of DoCA staff members to help with running programs and writing course material for American University
- We believe that there should be increased funding to the DoCA to support current and upcoming programs.
- We support increased regulations and restrictions on immigration by restricting immigrants from countries deemed to be enemies of, or threats to, the USA.
- Several reforms and promotions will be made to American University to help implement the program into our society such as offering free General Education courses to new players, or streamlining the number of cles.
- There will be an expansion of DoCA programs such as Game Night to help create a sense of unity and community. The Community Liaison will ist the DoCA in this.

Department of Technology - Tech

- I will maintain current websites with relevant and up to date information.
- I will make a push for more visually appealing websites.
- I will create a Department of Technology Staff Team to help develop and oversee websites and other projects under the Tech Department.

2. Help
All Presidents rely on their cabinet, that’s why if you are interested in getting involved in the government and joining my cabinet, please send me a PM or find me on Discord as soon as you can! As of yet there are no filled spots, so come get them while they last!

That’s all for now, until next time.


EmphosNick Foxtails

Komentāri (13)

For a vision to believe in
On to a great month. #TK4CP.
o7 TK4CP!
Platform analysis: Economy - The Secretary of the Treasury shouldn t be the one handling money directly. The Congressional Code and the Constitution define that Congress is the one who controls the money. I may be wrong but it seems to me you wish to seize this power and take it off Congressional control and quite honestly we can both argue about how that went the last time a mistake like that was done without Congress knowing. Furthermore I have to add that the bill Monkus enacted predicts a Contract Director who handles everything regarding that particular bill, even so... money is managed by the Economic Council Director. If anything, the only money an SoT should have access to is really the money Congress mandates the Executive to have and nothing more. Not extending Monkus program is once again not up to you but yes to Congress, so... it s moot. Pretty honestly I think it d be unwise to discontinue the program since the currency tends to get valued back up again over time and that needs constant monitoring. You can monitor the manager tax all you want but the truth is that unless you circumvent the game mechanics by giving back money to the citizens, you really have no way to lower those manager taxes more than they are currently set, so again... moot. Domestic Policy - Most of what you suggest is already done. You mention increasing programs, can you actually be more specific into what these programs are? Media - Most of it is already done. I ll take your 1h time with a grain of salt considering I did open auditions and no one showed up ever, regardless there are forms already available for the people to give suggestions and to even open petitions. I guess you re a bit outdated on those.
Technology - Most of it is already done too, only reason Tanishq is the only person handling it is really because we don t have that many people who knows coding to actually handle the websites. If you can find capacitated people then sure. Military and Diplomacy is pretty straightforward however I d rather if you were a bit more specific into the particulars regarding the USAF. Lastly........ If you ever post a schedule, please try your best to stick into it. There is a reason why I never give anyone a posting date: Because I know RL can knock in our doors and everyone has very personal stuff to do which may delay our plans here. By not putting things in time you ll be not meeting the expectations of the people who want to actually have a look into your plans and that is just bad.
Read article. Read Abe s comment.
@Abe the Secretary of Treasury isnt holding the money directly, there is a specific person appointed by Congress (as usual) who holds the money. SoT will only have money that is given to him by congress. I also believe I made it clear that I feel that the creation of this Economic Council is a waste and prefer to return to the SoT will a currency holder and maybe 1-2 advisors. Also, I believe I am not the only one who has put things in their platform that would take Congressional approval to actually be done, so trying to fault me for that is pointless. Of course many of the things I posted are already done, that shows I plan to have a lot of continuity from the past month. I mentioned mostly expanding programs rather than increasing programs - that means already existing programs. I am saying to stop expanding the Monkus program not to discontinue it, there is an obvious difference. If there are forms for suggestions then they are obviously have not been advertised as much as they should have considering an active player such as myself didn t even know of its existence. Graphically, HTML5/JS/PHP/CSS isnt too hard to learn, I myself could help out as well as others can easily learn if they truly want to help out. (im planning on becoming a computer science major). The USAF comments are fine and valid, I honestly could have taken some time to talk about them. Scheduling comments are fine and valid, I knew it may have been a bit ambitious to stick to it, but I would have but there was a bit of miscommunication between myself and another person who was supposed to write an article about my campaign prior to my posting. I dont plan on lowering the manager taxes if you read my comments, I said maximize gov profit, how can you do that by having the minimum taxes? I think you were trying a bit too hard to be skeptical for some areas of this but I welcome it, gives me time to get clearer and say things that I may have forgot to say. Well I just reached the character limit
@TrickyDick I said I would watch income under the current levels to evaluate if an increase is needed. If anything did change it most likely would be for foreigners, also I dont know if you noticed but there isn t really a race.
We will monitor the effectiveness of our current Manager work tax for citizens and foreigners and manipulate the tax rate as deemed necessary to maximize income with the least impact on our players - This doesn t say or imply that any changes will occur at all, it simply states that if I along with the SoT and the rest of the economic council (which will not be partisan) feel that a change is necessary to make manger tax more effective then we will take the steps to do so. Without any data or known records of current income from the managers tax I cannot definately say I will or will not change anything, but I can say that I will be actively watching the effectiveness of the tax as I would and will do for any and all other taxes in the game.
Can i note there is a website which i use quite often that specifically teachd people how to code. Its called code academy it is very easy to use and learning the basics of any given programming lauguage only takes as long as it takes you to type it out. So saying that tanishq is thw only one who can code but not makig any effort in the first place is why you dont have a very large tech crew abe.
Theres a lot of people that know coding in USA The problem is Time
@TK Like I said: no one besides the person Congress appoints should get access to money. At the very least the SoT should get access to What the executive has assigned to it. all the rest should never go to anyone else s hands given what previously happened. In What concerns manager tax I do hope you re Not thinking about raising it because That s the only option you have currently and that would hurt a lot our production. I don t mind to openly say here I would oppose a bill of that sort and I would make sure it would Not pass in the Congressional floor. As for the other concerns I m satisfied. I hoped you d Develop more on USAF still
@Abe I still don t understand the notion that your getting about the SoT. There is no where in my article where I say the SoT holds any currency besides money appropriated by Congress for Injections into the market. Also my manager tax comments are just general statements that I put out for every new tax/feature/position in the game. Step 1: Monitor, Step 2: Evaluate Data, Step 3: Formulate ideas to fix if needed, Step 4: Change if needed. I said the same thing when you introduced the Community Liaison position, and again 2 months ago when I said I would monitor our current tax rates and evaluate possible changes.