Daily News

Publicēts Belgium - Politiskās debates un analīze - 02 Aug 2016 14:09 - 2


Fellow Belgians,

There  are some Governmental news.


Few moments ago, President Impeachment law was started by current-leaving President, Cika Nikola96. His reasons for leaving highest position in Belgium are, lack of time for Presidental job and real life obligations. He was good leader and we are thankful for everytthing he did for Belgium. We wish luck to our new President, Pocetnik! We hope that he will lead our country well, in those 3 days of the term. And, if he is intrested, in next month.
Our politics will remain the same.

There are no news about Belgian National Army, and it's pretty sure that Commander will stay Cika Nikola96.

Official website of Belgium ( http://governmentbe.wix.com/belgium ) is currently outdated, since we don't have access to it, but we are working on it. More-less informations are outdated, and will be updated soon.

That would be all for now.

Government of Belgium,
Prime Minister,
Black Dragon


Komentāri (2)

It was privilege to serve the people of Belgium.