A Comrade's Tales

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 04 Aug 2016 19:29 - 4

Author: Thomas Killah
Date: 08/04/16
Location: TK's Garage

Today's Topic(s):
1. Cabinet

1. Cabinet

I am proud to finally present to you my cabinet for this upcoming election! Without further ado, here are the men and women who will help carry my administration through to success despite the growing inactivity and decay that arises with the arrival of school in August and the subsequent winter.

CP: Thomas Killah
VP: EddieA
SoS: Abraham Lincoln
SoD: SpitfireYG
SoT: Arith
SoM: *vacant*
SoCA: Hunburry
SoIT(Tech Department): Tanishq

*All vacant positions will be handled by myself*

2. Final Thoughts

With the elections upon us tomorrow I just have a few last words to say before voting begins. We will be entering a tough period for the rUSA, and the only way to survive and come out just as strong - or better, will be to come together and unify as a society. Forget partisanship, forget personal goals, we all need to come together for the betterment of our nation. The recent unannounced attacks on American cores by Canada are only further proof of our need to remain unhindered by this period of increased inactivity, sickness, and the return to school to keep ourselves safe. Regardless which candidate comes out on top once voting ends and have been counted, we will leave with a capable President with a great team for support, and I am proud to be running once again for the highest office in our great nation. Thank you all and don't forget to vote!

Until we meet again, 
Thomas Killah


WarhaftTricky DickEddieAEddieA

Komentāri (4)

For a strong and unified America!
#TK4CP #TKWillWin #LetsDoIt