State of Exit

doOb - Avīze no Serbia -

Publicēts Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 12 Aug 2016 03:34 - 82
To be honest, Im so much dissapointed that THIS ARTICLE isnt understanded as RL issue, and by that, removed from game. Why? Becouse this game should not be place where anyone will involve RL politics and other issues into game where we came to just simply: HAVE FUN!

I know that lot of you will say BABO IS LAST PERSON TO TEACH SOMEONE ABOUT INSULTS but the fact is that I was at vacation for almost a month and more, didnt shout didnt write articles, didnt mention anyone, and yet, I get every day messages about some of my RL issues, insults about my ingame moves, and so on.  Why is that? Becouse people have complexes from me and my existance, their life will be not so important if there is no me to give tham reason to exist.

However, if we wanna involve RL issues ingame, lets say Im historian teacher soon. Soon couse this border surounded land someone call a country doesnt have a job for guy like me, so I must do some labor jobs in mean time, not the job Im educated for. 

But, even if Im not educated, every regular simple guy from Serbia will tell u THE TRUTH about Macedonia.

In Ancient Greece, there was a lot of tribes, enic tribes. Some of that tribes was more famous, like Dorian and Ionians and so on, some of them became famous in later times such as Macedonians, from place of nothern Greece, where even today exist teritory called Macedonia. Most famous members of this Hellenic tribe was Alexander and Philip, whose history I wont describe more, u know it as well. 

So we described what is Macedonia. 

Now, why orkan and todays wannabe Macedonians demand u call them like that?

First time when Macedonia was mentioned in history after that ancient tribe name, was in 1945, almost 20 centurys later, as part of Tito's big Yugoslavia, and not by simple name Macedonia, than part of united south slavic tribes, grouped under one name Yugoslavs. SLAVS isnt equal to enic tribe, but they wanted to be connected with that ancient tribe couse they real history was horible. 

Todays teritory of FYROM is teritory that from ancient times and coming of Slavs to Balkan became place where Bulgarian and Serbian conquerors fight. In some moments it was part of Bulgarian empire, in some moments it was under Serbian empire, until Turks came and conquer us all :D Even than, there was part of that teritory loyal to Bulgarians, and part of it loyal to Serbs. To be more funnier, when we took strenght and sent Turks back into little Asia, there wasnt formed an country called Macedonia. No, that teritory was divided in 3 parts to Bulgaria, Serbia, and Greece.

And it was at begining of 20th century, that famous 1903 that most of todays wannabe Macedonians take as their important date and u know why? It was day when Bulgarian part of that region started to fight agains Serbian part and its emperor, and to be more dramatic, that fight and stugle against Serbs in that part of teritory continued in WW1 and even WW2 when Bulgaria takeovered Serbian part of teritory. 

However, we finnaly get back into that 1945. Tito didnt wanted to call that part Southern Serbia, couse he was RL Croat, and it will be too much of Serbia in one Yugoslavia, and also he didnt wanted to upset his loyal Bulgarian communist comrades, so he called that part of teritory Yugoslav republic of Macedonia and gave to former Serbs and former Bulgarians wannabe nationality called Macedonians which, as u can see, doesnt have any chance to be connected with that ancient Greece tribe.

In next years, all that had connection with Serbia in Republic of Macedonia, was removed. Serbian names, serbian surnames was changed from Petrovic to Petrovski which sounds more Bulgarian. In 1991 when Yugoslavia stoped to exist, they simple declare independence.


In that moment, they realise, OMG WE DONT HAVE A HISTORY that is separated from Serbia or Bulgaria. So, they decided to imagine one. They took name from that Greek region, Macedonia, and demanded to call themself like that. They started to write books, and imagine ancient resources that can connect em with ancient tribe of Macedonians. In mean time, all Serbian or Bulgarian heritage from teritory, was removed, and replaced with great statues of Philip II and Alexander the Great. They spent a lot of money BUILDING OLD ANCIENT HISTORICAL HERITAGE they presented as valuable and true. 

And for me, its not problem at all...

There is so much world injustice in this moment, that least thing I would care about is some fake history FYROMans wanna make. But, what I do care, is that they want to make sick this game community again about their RL problems. And why is that?

They are part of alliance with Serbia. In moment Serbia is attacked from numerous sides, they cant help their famous allys, and proof is here.

Thats why, they decided to spin the story in something not so important they can be busy about: DEMANDING SOME STUPID PETITIONS.

I will first make an apology and delete this article, saying Im the one that is involving RL politics ingame. But please, before me, remove all that stupid youtube RL issue articles about some name petitions. If u wanna allow people to call countrys as they want , give chance to Mexicans to call their country California, or allow people of India, to call themself Native American Indians, couse it certainly has same similiarity, as calling southern slavic tribe as some ancient Greek tribe.

Instulting me by RL issues, my physical condition, RL pictures of me and my family, insulting IGMs and mentioning my mother, wont stop me from sharing this sort of articles, BUT I PLEASE ADMINISTRATION to not allow this ingame, we arent here for that.

Thx for attention ;) 


mulePhantom986Arthur MorganSultan Haydar BasGorazMax KirbiBISKVITEpolizesMI jajaSTROKAVAStormbringerdimimitsMacedoniaGreeceJeanOeufBiskvite sisaj kuraclmperiusSzilveszterT O R E T T OLyell ThirdThomas Kees

Komentāri (82)

I d take the mkd over the Turkydones, that s enough reason to tolerate them
Leci se tebra
Great Article,with much truth inside.VOTE,SUB,COMMENT AND SHARE.
this is the truth about Macedonia
voted #let fyrom stay fyrom
Babo i love you marry me
hohohoho Pravo u centar, kao i uvek. o7 Imas sve!
Pentito what kosovo have with you being Srbo-Bulgar ?? To be honest Kosovo is your heritage probably much as my and other sebrs.
I just say fuc* yugoslovia
Excellent article. Voted, subbed, endorsed.
da mi go jades kuro momce seljace ! Smile
Глас разума!
Tito was be russian.... real josip broz tito ( Croat) died in ww2
mitar, ako je nekom donela sranje ta titova jugoslavija, onda su to Srbi, tako da se tu slazem, NE PONOVILO SE NIKAD VISE U ZIVOTU!! A sto se tog drugog tice, to je tolika glupost, da je uopste i smesno pricati o tome...
wait.. so montenegro in yugoslavia had same flag as serbia?!?!?
Ovaj clanak pise covjek, koji se nacionalno izjasnjava kao Crnogorac. Pametnom je dosta. Zivjeli Makedonci o7
oh wait
Хахаха, добар си Бабо? Беше да трчаш? Како ти се свиѓаше банот, добро нели? За гревови си штреберчино
Kosovo is Kosovo. Macedonia is Greece. FYROM will stay FYROM.
Makedonija je Makedonija Wink
Svaka cast o/
so true
True story
Babo-I know that lot of you will say BABO IS LAST PERSON TO TEACH SOMEONE ABOUT INSULTS but the fact is that I was at vacation for almost a month and more, didnt shout didnt write articles, didnt mention anyone, and yet, I get every day messages about some of my RL issues, insults about my ingame moves, and so on. Why is that? ...........Why is that ,maybe because you spend every minute on this game to insult Macedonians about how great ally they are? Maybe because you literally provoke everyone who says your name in the chat.Do you think if u were quiet from the beginning and play the game like 40000players someone would bother to insult you? You did this to yourself so dont cry.
Haile hahagah šta ti pričaš sjedište jugoslavije je bio beograd sve državene visoke funkcije su držali srbi bilo to vojska policija ili neš treće.... ako te zanima imam i dokaze za to. I pošto su slovenija i hrvatska bile najrazvijenije zemlje tad sav prihod je ìšo za slabije razvijene zemlje u srbiju a pogotovo u makedoniju zbog onog potresa u skoplju koji je bio 1963 ako se nevaram... a i početkom rata JNA je dala svo naoružanje srbiji u Bg također i automobilska tvorinca otvorila itd.... da skratim srbija se razvila kao nikad dosada a kod nas je jedna od značajniji tvorica bila borovo obuća bilo je to dobro ali opet su tu naseljavali srbi.... politika velike srbije se stvarala u jugoslaviji srbi su jugoslaviju gledali ko veliku srbiju u budućnosti. I to je ono što mi smeta kad neko kaže nešto pozitivno o jugoslaviji
vooztrollin Montenegro is Serbian Sparta mate... Аман колико глупости и мржње на једном усраном пикселном месту цццц...
Juga bi bila dobra sa su svi narodi bili podjednaki a ne da pojedinci vladaju sa njom.
Mitar86 Au al se nalupa gluposti brate, ali ovo je samo igra i jbni pikseli...
Mitre, pa srbija je stavljena na koljena samim time sto je podeljena na 3 dela . Drugo srbi su ziveli u istocnoj slavoniji mnogo pre ww2 , a i ono sto se doseljavalo je ili iz Bosne ili iz Like-korduna (sto je danas hrvatska) sto znaci da je isto veliki broj ljudi napustilo odredjene delove hrvatske da bi se doselilo u istocnu slavoniju.
Topsecrt a kako objašnjavaš da su srbi držali sve funkcije u jugoslaviji da je sav prihod išo Bg, i kakva podjela vojovodina nikad nije bila pod srbijom
joj mitar jasno mi je sada, ti si jedan od onih likova sto mesaju babe i zabe u nedostatku bilo kakvih argumenata.. Nista licno, ali odavno sam skontao da sa takvima nema potrebe pricati o bilo cemu Wink Bar smo se u jednom slozili, nikad vise zajedno u rl sa vama, i to je nesto. Wink Svako dobro o7
Mitar86 Opet lupas gluposti...
Ne nego iz srbije su dosljevali za vrijeme juge u istočnu slavoniju a ovi iz like i dalmatinskog zaleđa su ošli 95 u RS ili bg točnije miloševic je predvidijo šta će se desiti pa je planiro te srbe naseliti na kosovo
Mitre, ne zelim da stvaram raspravu o istoriji jer sigurno se nebi slozili. Ali ako je kako ti kazes sve radjeno u interesu srbije, onda zasto srbija nije bila iz jednog dela. Ajde kazes za vojvodinu, ali za kosovo onda ne mozes poreci jer je upravo suprotno od vojvodine, uvek je bilo srpsko, ali je ta ista vlada sa Titom odovojila KIM od centalne srbije. U kratko, ako je sve radjeno u interesu srbije, zasto je srbija jedina bila podeljena na pokraine? I drugo rekao si da su se srbi naselili u istocnu slavoniju, ali oni sto su se doseljavali su vecinom ili iz Bosne ili kordun-lika. A srbi su tamo svedno ziveli dugo pre toga, recimo crkva u mom selu je sagradjena 1810te (cisto mali primer)
E Mitre reci ti meni hoce li RNK Split dobiti Vinkovcane ili ne, pusti me tih mambo dzambo sranja, hocu da uzmem pare na kladionici jbg...
Makedonija je Makedonija
Halie pa onda nas ostavite na miru stalno nešto kukate prvo vučići i ostali svaki dan nešto se tužakaju evropi hrvati su nacisti hrvati su fašisti itd.... dosta je toga bilo svako svome i dobro
Da za kosovo mi je jasno al za vojovodinu nije, da smo mi imali naoružanja 1991 nebi danas cijela vojvodina bila srpska, ovako je milošević preuzeo bez ikakvog otpora. A kosovo ste odma uzeli ko da nije pokrajina a danas šta je tu je...
V c
slavs came to balkan on 600 ad nothink to do with alexander he was half epirote half macedonian who already spoke greek language and had greek culture but possibly thracian ancestry
Joj Mitar86 i dalje lupas gluposti, a ne rece mi ko dobija RNK Split ili NK Dinamo Vinkovci...
Read again my comment from before ! Smile and i hope your physical condition is very bad (god hear me). In this article u have such a lies i dont know where u find it, for example in my region i have never seen or heard about last name change o.O this lie lives in your heads. You should bless macedonian ppl for giving you alphabet, language. If facts are true in this article you should speak Albanian language now as greeks do before 1821
And sorry i forgot to tell you... Traitor you sell your ass very cheap :/ . Go home traitor
iBringyouhell ancient greek language was created much before your country..never greeks have spoke Albanian as national language.
Znači Kosovo nije Srbija Laugh Pa dobro, zapamtiću ovo Laugh
Makedonci su Srbi
,, If they tell me I am not macedonian, I will cut their tongue - if they tell me I am not Bulgarian, they will cut their head,, - Todor Aleksandrov
Did you read this in some greek newspaper or what? Nonsense...
Macedonia is Greek Kosovo is Serbia
Znači Kosovo nije Srbija Laugh Pa dobro, zapamtiću ovo Laugh
Saruman is Gay
@ASAP Babo has too big boobs :3
until Turks came and conquer us all Laugh the most important fact in the article. you gained my heart bro thank you Smile
Maserkodonia o/ But truly... Call it Macedonia. It s the region. And the people living in the region are Macedonians, just like people living in Canada can be called Canadians. ~_^
Babo at these kind of games admins wants the RL hates because these are bringing them RL money. Otherwhise they wouldnt have named countries with RL names Ovo nisam ocekivao ..koliko god da je neko ispao netolerantan , ne bi trebalo ovako reagovati .. ne jer to mozda vredja druge .. Nego sto vas odvaja od onih koji vas podrzavaju
οκ οκ, alexander the great was from skopje and kemal attaturk was from tiranna (i dont want to insult AL and TR). Do you think that we are stupids FYRoM?
I am not from here.
If I ve got a penny everytime I heard Macedonia is Greek , I could ve paid a Greek debt.
Petros you are Guptin from Gupton = Up Egupt, today Sudan. Macedonian are Pelazgians and you are Subsaharian African Smile
Why Serbia have this name. First Serbia name was SERVIA, because Serbians are ROME SLAVES settled south from Sava and Dunav TO SERVE TO ROME and keep BORDERS from VARVARS!!! SERVUS LEGIUS IS A FIRST NAME OF SERBIA Smile
Bravo Babo za clanak. Propustili su casove Istorije u BRJ !!!!
**... allow people of India, to call themself Native American Indians, couse it certainly has same similiarity, as calling southern slavic tribe as some ancient Greek tribe.** Well said. As a Native Canadian [like our southern cousins, but from CA], you summed up the situation perfectly. RL has no place IG. Best of luck. v, s, e.
bahahahaha abe so se zamarate so nego? samo go hranite trolot uste poveke
Šta je ovo Malagurskog tekst ukrao ? Smile
V c