Publicēts Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Politiskās debates un analīze - 12 Aug 2016 09:46 - 53

Today l will present you the greek history so you can see that the fake country is not Macedonia,it's Greece.

1. Greece 1821 

-  Today's Greece's territory in 1821 was destroyed by wars and civil clashes.Still european big countries were attracted by this territory.They wanted to make kindom on that territoy but there was one problem: people there didn't like each other and they were in constant civil clashes so european countries found a solution,solution that will gather all those people fighting in one country and will help to the european countries to gain the interests.The solution was : LIE TO THE PEOPLE AND CONNECT THEM WITH THE ANCIENT GREEKS WHO USED TO LIVE ON THAT TERRITORY.
They couldn't just let those people rule that kindom so The bavarian ruler Ludwig I named his 17 year old son Otto as the first kind of the Greek Kindom.
Ludwin was terrible oppessed with Ancient Greece he even wanted to make a copy of Athens in Munich.
By the year of 1830 Munich looks like a ancient greek state with it's buildings and paintings.Hellenism is starting to be taught in schools and famous painters are sent to Greece's territory to paint " their struggle to make a country " . Munich

2. Greece 1830

- Greece becomes the first independent nation-state in Europe.

3. Greece 1833

The 17 year old Otto arrives in Athens together with 3500 germans who will work in the administration and financial help to "buy those uneducated people to believe in the story "
German men had a task to do in Greece,to steal the ancient greek indentity and give it to those turkish people living there.They repaired all the ancient monuments and destroyed everything that was showing the ottomans character of the people living there.Athens is rebuild the same as the Munich model was made.
After 2,000 years drachma is back as a currency so they can be convienced easily that their ancestors are the ens.
Streets are getting new names  ( names of ancient writers mostly )
Everyone starts to learn ancient greek because it wouldnte logic for them to continue talking   "Arvanitika" or with other words ALBANIAN LANGUAGE.

In Munich Ludwig built a monument of all people who died fighting in "grece so they can believe his words easier about the project " Ancient Greece".

4. After the creation of Greece

Fallmerayer opposes the artificial creation of Greece and claims that today's greeks don't have any connection with the ancient as 

but that they just a mixture of turkish,slav and albanian people.
Most of the people were albanian ( ortodox and muslim ). The ortodox albanians were the biggest heroes and leader of the revolution 
against the ottoman empire.Jacob says  that if you compare the genes it's also impossible for them to be ancient as because you 
can tell a person many stories and make him believe them but YOU CAN NEVER STOP A PERSON TO ACT AS HIS GENES MAKE HIM.
It's impossible for albanians,slavs and turks to act like ancient as just because someone told them to.
Greek's national uniform becomes the albanians uniform living in greece. uniforms

The poet Girgos Seferis in 1963 in Stockholm said :

I will not say we are the same blood with the ancients,but we do reside and live in the same land with those .

Also the mixted nationalities in Greece were a problem because Greece needed to look as nation with pure ancient as
so 42,000 innocent turks ( farmers,traders ) were killed in 1821 and in 1913 they made a genocid over the ancient 
Macedonians in Aegean Macedonia and took over the HALF of the original territories which belong to Republic Of 
Macedonia and more than 1 million Macedonians were killed,raped or made to leave their homes.People from Aegean 
Macedonia still keep their documents ( from their parents,grandparents) for ownership of their homes in Solun and the 
surroundings but they can't do anything to get them back.

If you are lazy to read,you can listen and watch all this information here on "GREEK LANGUAGE" playing on greek television.


Alexander III King of MacedonKahramanMKtemelkoMihaTwisterPortuguese soldierThe Last Lynx Pardinussidrit007heisenberg123

Komentāri (53)

keep doing propaganda Laugh
How can it be propaganda when it was on your TV LOL
Of course ancient Greeks have been mingling with those countless oppressors going through the area during the 2300 years since Ancient Greece. This is, however, true for all lands and all ancient poeple, except for maybe the massive ocean of China and the supremacist tribal Jewry.
True Bikkin in my previous article l even said that Macedonians today are half slavs half ancient Macedonians just because of the slavs invasion.But it s the same with Greece so if we are not pure Macedonians why they claim they are pure hellens ?
Какви глупости пишеше бе будала Laugh Вие сте българи с промит мозък!Бюрм е създаден от комунистите.
First choose do you belong to armenia or eastern Macedonia dear friend then comment on my articles
extremely ofensive. no vote
LIE TO THE PEOPLE AND CONNECT THEM WITH THE ANCIENT GREEKS WHO USED TO LIVE ON THAT TERRITORY. interesting point of view, but what than this makes you?? Macedonians today speak slavic language, and have slavic customs .. If i understood you correctly you are claiming that Greeks today are NOT hellens as they ware mixed with lots of different nations .. So from same we can conclude that you ARE NOT Macedon and your ancestry is known based on your language and custom - slavic (serbo-bulgarian) . BTW This are not my words, its authors based on his article. About that mass-genocide, can you provide some evidence here other than just accusation. Its not easy to killl 1 000 000 people and to hide it. Please provide bit prof of your claim to BE connected to ancient macedonians instead of insulting others and discrediting them. Your claim is same as if Serbs say they (we) belong to Vinca culture and predate and Greece and Macedon by 4000y, and use same prof as you.. living space. I like good historical arguments and some prof that can backup some claims . Here is another, if Alexander didnt consider him self Greek, and Macedonia wasn t Greek, why did Hellenism spread around known world after his conquest ? After roman conquest we didnt see Gaul language and spreading around than roman world, but Roman. So why would Macedons spread Greek culture after theirs if they ware not greek them selfs?
1. Macedonians today speak slavic language made by Macedonians Kiril and Metodij with around 50 words left from the Ancient Macedonian language. 2. In my previous article l accepted that we are half slavs half Macedonians becauses for more than 2000 thousand of years nation can t stay 100% pure. 3. 1m people weren t killed,some of them were some were kicked away from the territory. 4. Alexander III is know for having pure heart and no grudges against the enemy nations.He wasn t only spreading hellenic language,he was spreading the egyptian culture too by wearing their traditional clothes,becoming the son of Amon Ra etc
Macedonia Macedonians eternal Macedonia, Greece to the Greeks. you cry as you want but the truth is she MACEDONIA OF MACEDONIAN AND SPEAKS KIND OF MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE THAT YOU HAVE NO CONNECTION WITH THIS LANGUAGE AND TODAY language is spoken in northern Macedonia PROOF HERE watch? v = rn5RM-LnqjI AND ANOTHER MILLION see proof that the Macedonian language is SPECIAL AND YOU HAVE NO CONNECTION WITH THE LANGUAGE THAT, BECAUSE YOU ARE A BLACK DEVIL AS WE THE MACEDONIAN WHITE RACE Shameless YOU PEOPLE THAT IN THE PAST horror WAY YOU LIKE TO DELETE OUR IDENTITY WITH OUR BIGGEST genocide of Macedonians BY BLACK GREEKS. FOR THE FIRST TIME IS use and napalm bombs on Macedonians Exodus of the Macedonians was made NAJUZHASEN METHOD AND PURPOSE WORLD KNOWS NOTHING AND DOES NOT ASSUME And STOP ALREADY ON BLACK GREEKS us heathens MACEDONIA adorn themselves with others feathers, MACEDONIA ours and will forever remain our HOW YOU WANT TO OUR steal !!!!!!!!
1. Kiril and Medodij didnt make any language (your language is mix of serbo-bulgarian). I know where you going with that, but they didnt crate language. 2. Of course nobody - nobody can claim 100% clear genetics after 1000 years. People mix. Same goes for any nation in world, yet that doenst prove Ancient Macedonians are your ancestors. Again, same claim i would have to be descended of Vinca culture. 3. Yea, truth he acted bit as God with Egypt. You said not only hellenic but he didnt spread Macedonian culture, and that is what i asked. It will be interesting to see what other people thinks of article o7
1. Kiril and Metodij created the alphabet taking the bases from the traditional macedonian speech,Misirkov suggested that for the literature language we should take the central speeches because they couldn t be influenced by any other country.Actually slav countries can t claim that the language is theirs because it has many ancient macedonian words that are ussed now or are spoken in todays Tibet,Iran by Ancient Macedonians left there after the Alexander s conquest. Also can you tell me if Alexander didn t spread macedonian culture how do you explain that in Asia there are villages with Ancient Macedonian language speaking and UNIQUE culture different from hellenic but ALMOST the same with some of our culture habits today.
malce mi bega anglijskiot,ama i jas ko drugive.
propaganda lvl 9000000+++
how can it be propaganda when historians from Cambridge,Germany,Austria claim this and even your greek ones,it was even on your TV lol
Nice propaganda..The best think that is annoying for u is that if Alexander the great could comment in that article i could understand what he is writing....with my low greek grammar
if it s propaganda say a fact or something against this not just propaganda lol when you call me fyrom l can defend myself with facts not just with sh!!t like you
i can name ur facts about ur defend in fyrom but i will be bad. U can make as much propaganda as u want. My history talks by its self,and i dont care who is supporting u,i dont care what kids without brain believe. Im proud that every day u are talking about my country and my history.
you are doing the same,most of the day you are shouting about Macedonia with empty meaningless words,at least l am shouting with facts Wink
I think you are confusing me with somebody alse.The only article i shout today its about my party. -.-
For everybody who keep making articles like this regardless of which country are they addressed to :
@sgaringan, so you are claiming now that Serbs, Bulgars, Croats, CZ, Slovaks, Belorus, Ukraine, Russians, Slovenians, Polish, .. we actually speak form of Macedonian?? Please up until now i was interested what is your claim based on. But this is just pathetic.
@topsecret...honestly you are so stupid and uneducated and you don t know who are/where they are from Kirill Methody?
@TopSecret all countries u mention , their language is made from one language...all from one , just imagine they like dialects ...a lot of same words between languages .. Why ? Answer is easy Smile all are made by one Wink
1st i don t know many turks albanians with ancient greek names, as through the centuries of occupation, the Hellenes conserved (its a tradition that the granpas name go to the grandson) 2nd we speak the same language as the ancient greeks, in the modern version, we can read and understood ancient greek can you? 3rd you are a mixture of Serbians, Bulgarians, Albanians, turks, Greeks(Paflagonia) and other ethnic groups 4th i understund that you must live with your envy, get over it
Too bad on greece are censored the documentaries who speak for this O7 congratulations very good article
And boys old macedonians dont exist anymore they had greek culture and greek language but had thracian ancestry please dont say that todays macedonians are old macedonians XD as u said se the genes most common halpogroup on fyro macedonia is R1 who is NOT proto balcanic
bla bla bla, the most is fake story,.... you dont say that you have NOT history and you steal the Greek one
@count zero you are albanian turk or slav but your identity is concealed and changed by Germany.You can speak the greek language only after 1821 when you was taught cause before you talked albanian.Last thing google about the genes of the ancient people you don t look like the ancient greeks you look like turkish and albanian people
Pure kids..
This is ridiculous...
In Aegean Macedonia (part of Greece today) they are a lot of macedonians forced to speak greek language and use greek culture and be given greek names so any of you could be FYROMan Wink Also there are a lot of turks left in Greece after colapse of Otoman empire...
Most pathetic discussion ever on eRev Laugh Fighting for a pointless thing
@ASAP also now they play and sing macedonians traditional songs , theres a lot of videos on youtube
Nice propaganda Vardaskians.. Macedonia is Greek
Solun Macedonia
But still You Are fyromian
Solution for all those arguments is Ottoman Empire. Totally different from the other empires, it never pushed people to be Turkish ( act like turkish), never interfere their religions, languages etc.people were living happily for almost 500 years on that region until western emperors got hungry for that region. The reason why people are christian and speak their own languages is the being of Ottoman Empire. Otherwise today you all were the people of Turkey. Also i dont give a name but after the balcan wars many traitors to turks good willing betrayed turks and pushed them migrate to east. All the close neighbors from different genetic roots are seperated by the emposition of nation theme who were living really happily together. Today the time doesnt let such a collobırative emperor for people to live together for a better future like ottomans. EU tried it but ficked up for many reasons that it is different from ottoman empire in many angles in humaniterian terms.
@MacedoniaGreece you are right, Macedonia(region in Greece) is Greek. in USA there are 80 small towns/regions named Macedonia. So Macedonia is American!?
everyone with basic knowledge in history who read this article can easy come to the conclusion that you are somewhat ignorant of history. @ASAP Macedonia is just a a geographical province of Greece, we didn t named our whole country Macedonia. You got the smallest part of geographical Macedonia that is smallest than your half country, it s more than stupid to name your whole country Macedonia. Tito did it because you where just a province of Yugoslavia and not a state neither a nation, because he wanted a path to Aegean sea and because he didn t wanted the great Serbia who stops to Vitola. If you want to be a nation then stop using the language you are using now which is a bulgarian dialect full of serbian words. Btw Cyril was greek from Thessaloniki and he made your alphabet based in greek letters so you the SLAVS could write and read
Yahahhaha sharigan you are ideiot bro :-) So if you write on english it mean you are from england?I m Armenian and live in Bulgaria.But you are stupid fyromian from fake country created by Stalin after ww2.You ar2 brainwashed bulgarians Smile
Hail the creators of new languages Kiril and Metodij,yahahbaahabbahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahah FYROM
@osmalitokadi,are you sure what you write? Smile Think again a d read more dude,the next cou try after fyrom and azerbaijan in the list with most fake history is turkey.otomans since the begining try to islamizite the christians in the taken lands.Armenians,Assyrians,Bulgarians,Greeks and many others are treited like second hand people in the emipire,they are killed regularly,forced to convince islam or die,and devshirme(each christian family s first male child is taken away).Many Armenian dialects are lost cuz of harsh otoman laws that dont left people to speak on other language than turkish.And the Genocides agains Armenians Bukgarians Assyrians and Greeks. Stupid kids.
Hi! I m a human being! What are you? Smile
@Spiros Solun was Macedonian up to 1913 then you stole it so Kiril and Metodij are Macedonian Wink , @Tank we are made by stalin or tito pls decide your self sir l can see you are better in history
Vot evala im go kazavte na gupcite mrsni andarski kucinja
Level propaganda....