Publicēts Germany - Karadarbības analīze - 20 Aug 2016 10:13 - 15
Well this my first time writing an article so i wont write much:)
I have been commander of Stazi MU for months now but till now our MU has been kind of inactive;)
So we gathered some freinds and we decided to make this MU a small elite strike force for Germany
From now on the MU name will be PANZER and it will be invite only MU there are no exact critirias you have to have to join
but every aplication would be discussed by me and the other initial starting members and if we want you you are in:)
A little hint you need to be a dedicated player to Germany that has shown his worth for Germany.
That means that no we wont accept new players there are enough MUs in germany that can accept em and teach em about the game
but we wont one of em:)
Members will never be above 15 and for me personally i prefer 10 as the magic number
every member of this MU without any exeptions will give a a fee of 1000 dem at our banker resi and the cc that goverment gives the MUs will also go there
this bank would be used to make a stock of supplies we can use in wartime.
Every member has equal rights with all the others and every decicion about the bank and any other important issue of the mu will be taken by voting of all members and decisions will be made democratic way:)
Soon we will also make new avatar logos and stuff and everyone needs to follow pri if there isnt prio then anyone can fight where ever he wants but we are bound to keep an personal stock of ebs and life kits for when Germany is in need:)
English aint my native languege so i might have fced up a bit but i hope the text is understandable
Thats it for now its a new experiment for me and the guys(resitive,peaky blinder,agoria) and we hope on Germanys support on it:)
I have been commander of Stazi MU for months now but till now our MU has been kind of inactive;)
So we gathered some freinds and we decided to make this MU a small elite strike force for Germany
From now on the MU name will be PANZER and it will be invite only MU there are no exact critirias you have to have to join
but every aplication would be discussed by me and the other initial starting members and if we want you you are in:)
A little hint you need to be a dedicated player to Germany that has shown his worth for Germany.
That means that no we wont accept new players there are enough MUs in germany that can accept em and teach em about the game
but we wont one of em:)
Members will never be above 15 and for me personally i prefer 10 as the magic number
every member of this MU without any exeptions will give a a fee of 1000 dem at our banker resi and the cc that goverment gives the MUs will also go there
this bank would be used to make a stock of supplies we can use in wartime.
Every member has equal rights with all the others and every decicion about the bank and any other important issue of the mu will be taken by voting of all members and decisions will be made democratic way:)
Soon we will also make new avatar logos and stuff and everyone needs to follow pri if there isnt prio then anyone can fight where ever he wants but we are bound to keep an personal stock of ebs and life kits for when Germany is in need:)
English aint my native languege so i might have fced up a bit but i hope the text is understandable
Thats it for now its a new experiment for me and the guys(resitive,peaky blinder,agoria) and we hope on Germanys support on it:)
AgoriaCaptain HarlockBelegurLoving Pabl0The ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanKomentāri (15)


But offer job for supp in the mu, or only the supp is for fight?


sup is for fight there isnt daily supp but if someone needs job we sure have companies to work in 

good luck o7

That was my dream from start of a game, mobile unit which will fight everywhere on government demand.Thanks Dreth,Restive,Agoria

Good luck. Support for every refreshment in Germany and in the game. @Peaky, go join them, it is pretty awkward to see commander of one MU with the uniform of another MU.

Mobile army.. Proper name should be fallschirmjagger xD. Good luck and good start o7

Shisui, I will, as you see my uniform is not MU uniform, it says Mad Company

Just like the old Macedonian MU on the other game I like it o7


@Peaky There is no difference between the Mad Company and Bad Company.

Yes, there is, I am MAD