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Publicēts Serbia - Pirmie soļi eRevollution - 26 Aug 2016 09:28 - 32

We are all aware that this game isnt perfect from it start, and even now after 229 days of it existance. However, administration is doing their best to fix that issues and more important than that it feels like they listen the voice of players, which is, for me, most important thing to keep games like this alive. game improvements

In past few days there are some little improvments that u might miss to notice, but that will help us a lot in days that will come.


My personal opinion is that it was easier for them to make friends shout instead of All shouts , so that friend list we have at our profiles finnaly have some sense. However, in deciding to make that big step, and leave All shouts full of spams and not so important shouts, they came to peacefull solution and invented ignore button, and Im sure u didnt miss that little fellow even if u wanted to.
However, if u decide to use this option to someone shout, be aware it will stay permanent, like, forever, if u dont remove it. All shouts of this person u decide to block, will look like this:
which, in this case, isnt bad at all


Another improvment was second best to me in past days, and it is about rest button. Few of us that uses houses from begining, knows the struggle of every day going to workplace, than improved buildings, than going back to workplace, than if we miss it, we feel bad couse house wasnt used well, or we go back and do it and so on, and so on... Now it looks like this:
Not much, but u must be honest, lot lot lot easier than it was before.

And now we came to its best:


When they already start to fix work session, it looked like normal to finnaly manage to help people with a lot of companys to easier divide where and when they will work with what type of companys and with how much energy they will work in what part of day. All that thinking and planing now is solved with little but powerfull button that will short time of clicking on factorys every morning.
Even if u dont have so much factorys, but still, diferent types of it uses diferent raw materials, and searching for better resources and using them for specific type of companys instead of ALL MANAGER WORK now with this improvment have much more sense.


Last but not least important is proposed product price. In past it was 1 country curency, and it wasnt big deal couse in most cases when people post something on market they watch very carefully what price they make. However, lot of people dont have improved storage, and best thing to solve it if you dont have enough money for improvment, or waiting for discounts is to place products on market by high prices. Problem starts when people are in hurry and dont think too much how they free space, manage to place it by proposed product price, which is 1, and eventualy dont notice on time, and loose products. I belive that in most cases that happened with guns, tanks , helis and houses, and u can imagine what lost it is when u produce like 330 helis and sell em for 2 golds all.
By raising this number to 20, administration at least saved u from placing helis by that cheap price, as most valuable resource u can sell, and at least , warn u when u place houses by that price to remember it was 1 cc before, and that u should be aware what price u choose in that moment. 

About support button and all that tickets system we will speak next time, but u can check it any moment clicking in here..

And just in a moment I realised "these administration guys are just awsome" they introduce us back good old AIR BALOON MISSION!

For those who didnt have luck to play it before , u should keep baloon by clicking on right mouse button to keep it in space and not get damaged. In space u open by Question mark ? is description and reward u won that day by reaching score of 10 and by clicking on present icon u can see what u can win that day. If u have enough nerves to complete it to score 10, and get reward, thats it for that day, becouse reaching 13 , 14 , or 144 that day wont give u another reward. Also, winning of 20, 50 or 75 score and trophys wont give u any another reward than satisfaction to brag.
Nope I didnt forgot hot girl...

I hope you enjoyed in this article such as Im, since administration pays me to present them as good guys from time to time.

Cheers 0/


variola veraBiskvite sisaj kuracUnknown3StormbringerGiovanno69

Komentāri (32)

Sub me Sad
so i just spent 4 hours of trying to get gold trophie for nothing!?!
Одличан о7
Very good, V+S
lol vooztrollin got trolled Laugh
vote for that girl
@vooztrollin Yeap :/
Its funny cause i used that button for you few days ago...Maybe you hate that i know how you look (DEB*L)
Nice poetic intro, like famous poets. Makes me cry. Seems to be that game is fading, recantly we have flood of articles explain how to play and whats new, on other side, earlier we have few of them, wiki is poor, there is lack of information,rules are not precise... Also air balloon is a real refreshment and talking so much about new and fresh ideas in the game. Keep in that way, U have my support.
и да замном вичу то прави наш је бабо
Air balloon at last!!! Great improvements!!!
@ASAP Im just thankfull becouse u make me realise how to handle support button and ticket report system xD
Ima AIR BALLON i CICA-ima vot
IGNORE SHOUT BUTTON,neverovatno dobra promena,nije mi jasno kako sam igrao bez toga.Pistoletë i popadija su odmah,ali odmag osetili drazi novih promena.
Babo this is not insult; i didnt said anything wrong, whats is debl? i dont know that word. You can beg admins and get me temp banned though...
Hot girl approved!
v c
Kakva je ovo masonerija? Kakvi zidari okrugli smajlići, što nisi stavio tesare ili molere fasadere? Smile svaka čast o/ standard
Thanks for the info =D
Good old AIR BALOON MISSION? Good for burn in hell! Smile
Seling House Q1 5 gold , Seling House q2 5.5 gold , Seling House q3 7 gold , Seling 59508 House raw for 51 gold PM me
Article owner :/
no words about the tax revenue? the thing which is resetted every some days and even if it works correctly noone can see the gold income of the last some days... or the missiles/life kits which are just made to decrease the overproduction? at next players will cry again that they need more workers... lets see how admins will react on that... maybe even more work per day possible with houses... after 230 days so much updates which have a high impact on the gameplay and which are mostly just made to cure the side effects of a earlier update... -.-
[Aug] Passport Stamp [All reward] Wink