A Comrade's Tales

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 30 Aug 2016 19:02 - 13


Date: 8/30/16
Author(s): Thomas Killah
Location: PRP HQ

Today’s Topic(s):
2- Platform
3- Help Wanted


It occurred to me after publishing my announcement article that I don’t give much background on myself for those new players or players who haven’t met or heard of me yet. So here goes into a brief rLife run down on Thomas Killah: I started this game very early beginnings of the game, Day 2 or 3 I believe it was. Anyways, as most other games of this type I was able to quickly settle in and start leveling up. I had a plan to found a left-wing political party, since in most games before this I usually played as center-right or as a moderate I wanted to try something different, something closer to my RL ideals. Thus I attempted to coordinate with other players to form the first political party in the rUSA, however due to a lack of donors, I ended up buying gold to cover the initial costs. Unfortunate for me, Abe managed to make his party - the Federalists before I, causing my Democratic Socialist Party (DSP) to be the second party in the USA. I managed to enjoy probably about 1 month of full activity and probably a half month of relative activity in DSP before the party crashed into a wasteland.

Seeing my efforts in reviving the party were failing, I decided to merge DSP with a newly formed leftist party known as the People’s Revolutionary Party (PRP) to create a united, active leftist front that would be able to combat the dominant Federalist party to create an ideological balance and even playing field for any and all players regardless of party affiliation. However not everyone in DSP were supportive of the merge due to a belief that PRP politically took over (PTO’d) the party to install inactive President (the one month I wasn’t party president). Those remnants of DSP eventually reorganized into today’s Enlightened Contract Party (ECP). As a PRP member I was a congressman for a couple terms as well as serving several positions in the government that ranged from Secretary of State to Vice President that thrust me into the national spotlight, fueling my first Presidential campaign. My first campaign resulted in a 26-25 loss to ECP’s TheMadCatter (TMC), who then resigned a week into the position due to RL. That election remains today as the closest election in the nation’s history.

I then decided to take a break and focus on PRP, and became the Party President (PP). As the PP of PRP I managed to retain and gain several new members, implement several new programs, adopt arguably the most well put together party platform to date, worked with ECP to p Mokus’ Economic Doctrine (MED) in Congress which managed to successfully rejuvenate and stabilize our economy up until this month, and supported a Spitfire(Ace) Presidential Campaign that resulted in yet another closely contested loss, 28-22 with Abraham Lincoln winning his re-election campaign. Over the month, I believed I made several changes and updates to my platform that would win over some of the previously unsupportive voters from my first election, so thus I threw my hat in the ring for my second Presidential Campaign which was largely uncontested until the last 3 days before the election, win the Federalists (Feds) supported a last minute Arith candidacy who ended up defeating me in what became the second closest election in America. That second campaign was last month, a month that has been littered with inactivity, little to no transparency, a failing economy, and more. For this month I was placed as Vice President under Arith, however RL quickly took up much of my time for about a week before I decided to turn that inactivity due to RL into a much needed break from eRevollution. Now that I am back, I am running once again, you can see my reasonings in my previous article, One Last Chance. Now let’s move onto what you’ve really been waiting for!


Foreign Affairs - MDP Brotherhood
-I believe that the MDP alliance has shown time and time again that it has evolved into something much more than just the alliance that it was at it’s inception. Thus, I have continued support to do our part for our MDP allies as an active and influential member both on and off the battlefield.
-As for all our current rental agreements, as President, I will be reanalyzing each deal to decide whether or not to renew them again under the same, or restructured terms.
-I would like to take this time to congratulate Uruguay for becoming an official MDP member, and highlight my wish to further expand MDP’s membership.

Military/Defense - Inclusion and American non-Expansionism
-I am opposed to American Expansionism, or the use of offensive wars, with the exception to help our MDP allies as such was done in the successful War against Spain.
-I support maintaining consistent battles for our citizens preferably through the use of training wars.
-I am not opposed to taking the offensive in retaliation to an invading country in a defensive war, such as in the War with Canada
-I support the inclusion of all MUs in America, unless an MU is deemed a national security threat, to increase coordination and damage output. This does not mean an increase in the number of national MUs.


Domestic Policy - Social Expansion and Education
-I support the expansion, and reinitiation, of several of our government-ran domestic supply programs and baby boom initiatives.
-I will support the creation of new government domestic programs that will increase player activity, retention, and create a sense of community and nationalism. Among these will be something that I’ve sort of been planning and partially implementing during my time as PRP PP and have also encouraged to push into national focus through my previous campaigns for President - which is known as rMLG (Major League Gaming) which looks to spark activity through competitions between teams that are formed by groups of citizens which will compete against each other in games that are both in and outside of eRevollution.
-I will return focus and priority to the creation and successful implementation of an American University system to educate new players, and stimulate economic flow. This includes an overhaul of the current curriculum, a push for the implementation of mentored live cles, and a greater subject variety.

Economic Policy - TER and Government Interventionism
-With the recent ping of Talesweaver’s Economic Reform bill (TER), I would like to make it clear that I have full support for TER and encourage continued government interventionism in the markets to recover and then stabilize the American economy, as was previously done with Monkus’ Economic Doctrine (MED).
-As President, I will set up contracts with local Q1 House manufacturers and sell them for 2g, which is half the price you will find on international markets. This will support local businesses, while also allowing our citizens to have a greater max energy with increased energy recovery, which will result in greater damage output, and the ability to work twice, which will increase our current workforce - thus boosting production and economic flow.
-Will also be setting up contracts with local Defense System manufacturers for the continued production of the Lincoln Maginot Line (LML).


Immigration Policy - Regulations and Screening Process
-After the recent take over in PRP by Arijan, who has since fled to Croatia, I believe now more than ever it is important to create stricter immigration regulations and IES protocols, as well as encouraging the implementation of screening processes for higher political offices such as Congress, Country President, and/or Party President.

Media Policy - Government Transparency and Activity
-As President I will write no less than 3 articles which will all be State of the Union addresses which will address the current situation, progresses, and issues of the country during the beginning, middle, and end of the Presidential term.
-As a strong advocate for government transparency and media activity, I will ensure weekly WHPR’s that will detail the country’s progress towards accomplishing our goals over the month.
-I plan on periodically writing special edition articles about recent important events that have or will be happening during my administration.


Tech Policy - Renovation and Updates
-The rUSA national website hasn’t been updated with accurate information in a while, and thus it will be my goal to maintain these websites with accurate information as soon as possible, alongside some possible visual enhancements

Help Wanted

Due to my just having announced my campaign last night, I have yet to emble a cabinet for the upcoming month, please send me a PM, find me on Discord, communicate with me in someway to let me know that you are interested in a cabinet position in my campaign.

Thank you, and until next time America...
Thomas Killah


Tricky DickPalmerEddieAhoss1965Warhaft

Komentāri (13)

A real plan to get real things done!
TK... I think you better put the background on separate article or something. That is HUGE WoT. I lost my place couple of times there. xD. Setting up contract to provide cheap housings are good but that would mean our government would have to provide those Raw mats for the houses. Houses are at the cost they are because they cost THAT Much to make it in many cases. For pursuing those Q5 shields. Are they necessary? If we install them, they will expire and maintaining those lines will be costly. IES, we already have strict policy. Is it wise to make it harder for players to join eUSA? And yes... rUSA site hasn t been updated.. neither is our forum.
Good Luck TK
Good Luck Tk, Laugh
Good luck
Good Luck
@Talesweaver let me clear up the big parts of your concerns: The Defense Systems will not all be Q5 that would be way too much of an expensive endeavor to maintain, instead there will be lower Q Defense Systems with strategically placed Q5 DS at chokepoints.
Let s put up a couple things here because I honestly have to: 1. You don t have the right to criticize anything. While you are right that this term is known for a huge inactivity from President Arith, what have you done while you held your government position as Vice President to take the lead? NOTHING. Sure, you were gone for a bit due to real life, which is fine BUT this begs the question: WHAT have you DONE since you have returned and resumed your duties? NOTHING. You ve been busily campaigning when you should be busy governing as well. This term has been mostly a two-men show with me and Ace handling most of the stuff, so please you really do not have the right. If you feel you can do better, then hell... by the Vice President you are supposed to be while campaigning as well!
Now.. to the platform: Foreign affairs - Nothing too much to say here, it s well put but what about past diplomatic efforts? what about the national strikes we did during my term? Are you going to organize those? - Domestic Policy - How exactly are you reforming the American University? How do you plan to staff it? what differences are you planning for the eNASA? Because me and Ace tried several forums, websites and whatnot to get a baby boom and so far we haven t had much of a luck. - Economic policy - Well mate, not much you can do here, this is Congressional realm, at the very most you can propose bills to improve it but it is what it is. I d probably start by reaching the producers and see if they re willing to sell cheaper. Mats are quite expensive. Getting houses as much atrative as it might be to improve production, it is important to keep in mind this will be a quite expensive investment. Are you planning to handle that out of your pocket or using state money?? - Immigration isn t your realm either and keep in mind if you wish to reform it, you ll need to pass bills for it.
I am willing to sell my houses to the gov.... mats are not a big issue anymore since you can move to a country that has 100% house bonus
@All your concerns are valid where Congress is concerned, that why I made sure not to say I will do this..., I will do that..., but I encourage this...., and I support this.... As for concerns on American UniversityI beleive I did mention what some of the things I was planning would include - This includes an overhaul of the current curriculum, a push for the implementation of mentored live classes, and a greater subject variety. This would be coupled with constant advertisement in the WHPR s to raise awareness and encourage people to join the program. As for the cost for the Mats, it will be split between my own money, public donations, and if congress approves some national funds, but I am fine handling it on donations and my pockets if needed. The University system will be staffed by a union of teachers/mentors working with the DoCA. As for your criticisms about my FORMER Vice Presidency with Arith - I believe that is handled in the interview of dk article by Ace and EddieA. The fact that I am in the cabinet channel means nothing to the fact of whether I still hold the position or not considering that even when I wasn t in government at all - but still actively playing - I was not removed. On top of that we still have several dead/inactive players in that channel as we speak. That s the last I have to say about that, if you wish to keep bringing that up then so be it.