A Comrade's Tales

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 04 Sep 2016 22:02 - 8

Date: 9/5/16
Time: 12:04 AM
Author(s): Thomas Killah
Location: TK4CP Campaign HQ

Today's Topic(s):
1. Platform Clarification
2. Final Propaganda
3. Help Wanted

Platform Clarification

After posting my platform for my Presidential run this month, I received several questions, concerns, and suggestions. This will not be a complete rewrite of my platform. Apparently ain't nobody got time for that... On a more serious note, I will do my best to keep this short and sweet, let's get right into this:

Continuing the Maginot Line - Several people have come to me with concerns and even a suggestion. They noted that if we were to use Q5 Defense Systems, it would be very expensive to maintain due to them expiring over time. One person suggested that it may be a good idea to stockpile the DS instead of immediately place them, which is what my platform article appears to have made some think.
- My answer to this area of concern is yes, I do plan on stockpiling DS, and no they will not be all Q5 systems. In fact the majority will not be Q5 systems. The very few Q5 systems that I do plan to stockpile will only be used in very important strategic maneuvers.

National Strikes - It was brought to my attention that I never mentioned whether I'd be continuing the National Strikes that were organized under former President Abraham Lincoln
-To this I say, yes I do plan on organizing national strikes as were done under Abe's term. They will be utilized only for important battle for us or our allies in MDP.

Reforming American University - Although my original platform covers this question, I will address it here as well. This concern was over how exactly I planned to reform the University System and who would I get to staff it.
-In my platform article I speak about how i planned to reform the University System through an overhaul of the curriculum, make a push for more mentored cles in conjunction with self-paced courses, and to have a greater subject variety. However, current Secretary of Citizen's Affairs, Hunburry has already made some restructuring of the University System that are similar to what I had in mind, so rather that restarting this process, I plan on having Hunburry continue current efforts in the reforming process. As for staffing, that will primarily be ran by the SoCA and also the dSoCA, but I plan on creating the University Board of Directors that would have a more direct focus on American University. I plan to fill in these staffing members with public volunteers that we will acquire through advertisement in the WHPR's and other national news articles, advertisements on the Radio Show, and through recruitment on Discord.

Mentored Live Cles - Some one had a concern that it may be hard for 2 people to be online at the same time for the completion of a live mentored cl in the American University.
-To fix this, the mentors will have to have a set of cl notes before a live lesson in Discord or another communication form such as Skype, This will allow for student who were unable to make it to the live portion of the cl to still learn and keep up with the rest of the cl. Mentor-less, self-paced courses will also be another option that some may prefer to the mentored cles.

Funding House Contracts - Someone came to me with a concern that although the selling of cheap houses from the government would be beneficial to the nation and our economy, supplying the Raw Materials for the contractors would be expensive. I was asked whether I planned on paying for this out of pocket, or with government funds.
-To address this concern I replied that I intent to split the costs between public donations and paying out of pocket, since government funds would need to be appropriated through Congress and it's September budget, I do not plan on relying on any financial support, however, it will always be welcomed if it can be afforded.

Difference Between the State of the Union Address and the WHPR's - This person wanted to know what was the difference between these two article types and if I was going to be the one writing both of them.
-The State of the Union is an article that is written by the President at the beginning, middle, and end of his term that informs the public of the situation facing the country, how far they've progressed, and how much farther they have to go. On the other hand, the WHPR's are written by the Secretary of Media weekly to quickly engage, entertain, and inform the American public about what's going on in the government, abroad, and domestically.

Inclusion of MUs in the NSC - One brought up to me that they didn't see the point or benefit to saying that I plan to have all American MUs participate in the NSC as long as they aren't deemed a threat to American national security.
-In response to this, In my platform I mentioned that this inclusion of all MUs will help us coordinate damage and strategize better on the battlefield. This is  because, for example, there could be 2 equally important battles for us to win, so we split up our MUs and have some fight in one battle while the others fight in the other. This allows us all to be on the same page with no confusion of when and where a battle will be and where their soldiers should fight.

Final Propoganda

I will keep his really short. As you all know Election Day is just around the corner, and with that I'd just like to thank all of my supporters for encouraging me to keep on going, and my critics who encourage me to get better. Starting on the morning of the 5th, all of you will have a choice to make. Forget about whether the candidate is a Fed, or if he is PRP. Look at their platform, look at their cabinet. Decide who YOU think will do the best as President and vote for the one that YOU think will rejuvenate America! DK and I are both solid candidates going into this election, so either way our country is in good hands. However, I hope for all of your continued support as well as the support of some former critics. We can do this America, and We can do this together.

Help Wanted

Although this is my official Cabinet, I always need a hand in the cabinet and there are plenty of Deputy and Intern spots available if you are interested. So if you would like to get involved in government, no matter how new or old you may be, please send me a PM, find me on Discord, communicate with me in someway to let me know that you are interested in a cabinet position in my campaign.

Thank you, and until next time America...
Thomas Killah


Komentāri (8)

The Moment Is Upon US, America!
Good Luck, TK.
You always have the support of I.
Second vote
WHPR isn t written by the SoS. It s the SoM. Get it right Laugh
Whoops thank you Abe I wrote this very late last night and was very tired
As always great article