The Galaxy Gazzete

Publicēts United States of America - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 06 Sep 2016 22:12 - 5

Good evening all, and a welcome from the Department of Citizen Affairs! Before we get to the meat of this article, we would like to start out by wishing a hearty congrats to Talesweaver, dknight, and ThomasKillah on their well-ran campaigns for President of the United States. In the end, ThomasKillah won over the hearts of American voters and secured his title as POTUS. With TK as president, our small little department has been given quite a few hefty tasks, but ones we intend to complete with high marks. This month, myself (HunBurry) and my loyal sidekick Nick will be continuing our jobs as Secretary and Deputy (respectively). While the past few weeks have been full of barren chatrooms, the times are a changing, and we hope to bring some life back into the game. How do we plan to do this you might ask? Well, keep reading, and you’ll find out.
1 - eUniversity:
The eUniversity has always played a role in the Department. Despite being an integral part of our mission statement since our founding, the University has taken several blows due to lack of finances, resulting in the University being a simple folder full of PowerPoints. However, after testing many online learning management systems (and many of them failing to meet expectations), the Department has found the perfect LMS to work for the eUniversity program: Schoology. As Schoology has the abilities to create groups, tests, discussions, and more, we have decided that this will be the program of choice in bringing back the university. We have already begun the process of loading in our first course, which is an introduction into the game. If you would like to take part in the course, simply sign up for Schoology and use the access code 4S97N-PXZ28.
2 - eUniversity Board of Directors:
Since the Department of Citizen Affairs is about the affairs of our citizens, we wanted to make sure we bring the citizens into the planning of the university, and let them model the program. In an effort to do this, we are creating the eUniversity Board of Directors. The Board of Directors for the eUniversity will be chosen by the Secretary, and will change whenever the Secretary does. The board will consist of four board members and one board director who will be responsible for the following:
1.     Voting on cles, be it the removal of a certain cl, the addition of a new cl, ignments within a cl, or any other cl-related voting options.
2.     Deciding upon rewards for cles.
3.     Voting on whether or not a cl should be required to receive a certain power, ie citizenship, the ability to vote on Congressional matters for elected officials, etc.
4.     Any other voting responsibilities pertaining to the eUniversity.
We are currently still accepting applications to be on the Board of Directors. We have room for four more members, with our only current board member being Tancred. If you are interested, please message me or Nick, our drop by our offices in Discord (links provided at the bottom of the page).
If any of you played vPopulus, you might remember the vPoll, my creation as Secretary of the Interior. The vPoll was a series of questions, half of which pertained to the economy, politics, national security, or other game related objects, and the other half being random questions. In an effort to better understand the wishes of the people, the Department of Citizen Affairs is happy to announce the revival of the ePoll. We plan to post an ePoll every Wednesday. The ePoll will be open for six days, closing on Tuesday. The results will be processed and posted on Wednesday, alongside the link to the next week’s ePoll. If you are interested in writing questions for the ePoll, message me or Nick, or drop by the DoCA Discord server and drop us a note in our offices.

A while back, former deputySecretary of Media and deputy Secretary of Citizen Affairs Trumpets created a Discord server game called Turnlords. The game was a turn-based game in which players aimed to conquer a certain area through working with players and fighting against them. A fun game for everyone who had played it, the Department of Citizen Affairs is partnering with dknight to revive Turnlords and use it as part of the eMLG, a plan designed at connecting eUSA citizens together through gaming (more to come on this soon!). If you are interested in being a part of the development team for Turnlords, or are interested in playing, join us in the official Turnlords Discord server (link at the end of the article).
For those of you who make sure to follow the DoCA updates, you may have seen our website at If not, well, that’s alright. Because I’m teaming up with our tech specialist Tanishq to create a new website for the Department of Citizen Affairs, equipped with aid information, quick links, and more!
eRev Bot:
Some of you who use Discord might have seen a little dude lurking in the side named simply “eRev Bot”. This is one of DoCA’s inventions and one to say we happily use in our own server, as well as in many other eUSA servers. Using my friend BitQuote’s “AwesomeBot” system, we created the eRev Bot through adding extensions into the program. The eRev Bot is made to make everyone’s life easier through pulling stats, dos, and more. We hope to keep adding onto the eRev Bot and making him more efficient and easier to use for everyone. 

Thanks for reading everyone! Remember to subscribe for more updates, and, as always, happy eReving!

DoCA Discord Link:
HunBurry's Office Link:
Nick's Office Link:
DoCA Live Update Links: and
Turnlords Link:
DoCA Website Link:

This message is DoCA approved.


PalmerTricky Dickdk3dknightThomas Killah

Komentāri (5)

First denied for DoCA!
We are also happy to say BioHaze has joined our Board of Directors. Welcome BioHaze, and thanks for your service!
Once again, great article
I hope you can bring some life into the DoCA Hun! Smile
v + s. o7