A Comrade's Tales

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 10 Sep 2016 19:28 - 6


Date: 9/10/16
Author: Thomas Killah
Today’s Topic(s):
1.State of the Union
2. Help Wanted

Well, as promised, this is the first of a 3 part series of State of the Union Articles, let’s get right in shall we?


State of the Union

Department of State
Teaming up with the Department of Defense, the State Department has been working hard with several diplomatic talks and MDP participation and planning. I would like to congratulate my Secretary of State, Abraham Lincoln, for winning the MDP election to become the SC of MDP. Currently we are going through our current rental agreements and rental offers to decide which ones we will renew, renegotiate, terminate, or begin. You should see some of these developments over the next week or so.

Department of Defense
As said above, the Department of Defense has teamed up with the Department of State in recent diplomatic talks and MDP planning and participation. I would also like to congratulate my Secretary of Defense, SpitfireYG(Ace), for winning an MDP election to become the vSC of MDP. Recently you may have noticed that Portugal has NE’d the USA. Please do not worry, this is the result of an agreed Training War between the USA and Portugal to make sure both our citizens have access to consistent battles and TP medals. An update on when the TW will begin will be posted at a later date by the Secretary of Defence (Ace).

Department of Treasury
With the Talesweaver Economic Reform (TER) bill ped, the USA has saw a boost and then a steady income showing that our economy is on it’s way to recovering and stabilizing. My Secretary of the Treasury(or of Economics as I sometimes call it), Tricky Dick, has created an Economic Report to provide some transparency and update the citizens and government on how our economy has been doing and allows us to make predictions on how the economy will continue to unfold as the month progresses. Expect to see this report in an upcoming article, most likely tomorrow, by the Department of Treasury.

Department of Citizen’s Affairs
DoCA Secretary Hunburry and his Deputy Nickermcfoxtails77 have been hard at work this month. They have recently put out an article going into further detail about their activities, please check it out if you have not already: DoCA Update: New Beginnings. To summarize the main points, so far this month we’ve begun the restructuring of the American University system and have created a Board of Directors that will oversee the University. If you’re interested in joining the board please contact either Hunburry or Nick. On the topic of American University, they’ve uploaded their first course and I encourage people to take the course, especially new players! Please check their article for info about how to access the course. The DoCA team has also been hard at work creating a new Discord game known as Turnlords, which you can find it’s server in their article. And on top of all this, they are teaming up with the Department of Technology to create a new DoCA website!

Department of Technology
We’ve been updating the current eUSA website to have accurate and up-to-date information. As the month moves on we will further expand the site with more links to new programs, polls, ect. The national government have also officially sponsored eTwitter, a Discord social media channel for eRevollution. Both US and non-USA citizens are welcome and encouraged to create their own feed!

Department of Media
We’ve already seen a glimpse of the media activity you can expect to see during this month. The Department of Media’s WHPR’s, the DoCA’s occasional updates and announcements, and this State of the Union Article. As time moves forward you can expect DoD Order articles from the Department of Defense, Economic Reports from the Department of Treasury, and Treaty and important Diplomatic articles from the Department of Foreign Affairs. Expect this trend to continue as there will be weekly WHPR’s, 2 more State of the Union’s, another Economic Report, and more battles as this month progresses.


Help Wanted
There is never a shortage of jobs and openings in the government. Our cabinet can always use a hand from as many people are willing. The State Department needs Ambadors, the Media Department needs writers and editors, the Tech Department needs developers, and the Citizen’s Affairs needs a wide array of volunteers to help run programs and polls. Not to mentions the endless availability of Deputy positions for those to learn the ropes of Secretary positions for the aspiring Secretary.

Well that’s all for now,
Thomas Killah



Komentāri (6)

First denied for a great month!
For the glory of eUSA!
Economic Report was all Tricky s work~