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N3lesteR - Avīze no Georgia -

Publicēts Georgia - Vispārīgi un izklaide - 17 Sep 2016 17:14 - 26

Hello eRevollution players.

I'd like to write about my country and it's huge history (shortened version), lets go.

First of all, i'd like to say that todays Georgian territory was a home for Homo-Georgicus, species of humans, who live in Europe today, as oldest European was found in Georgia, Dmanisi (1,8 million years old skull).

But that part of the history was not documented so i'll just start from the documented part. Everything begun 34 centuries ago, when some tribes living in the west Georgia created a Kingdom Of Colchis, i think many of you heard about Argonauts and Golden Fleece, well actually Colchis was the place where that fleece was hidden, Colchis wasn't a strong kingdom, because of this, first it was conquered by Persians. After some years it was colonized by Greeks, who started to built a few cities, which became ports for merchants and Colchis became economically stronger, Greeks remember Colchis as the farthest eastern part of the world, where sun goes up, even Alexander the Great avoided to attack Colchis while his great conquest, after Greeks, Romans conquered those ports, they had ports under their control, before the Kingdom Of Iberia formed, Iberia was much stronger than Colchis, it was formed in the easter part of todays Georgia, people in both of this kingdoms were from the same descent and in the end they became, one kingdom under the name of Georgia, Iberia had one king named Pharasmanes of Iberia, who opened up roads for Alans (north Caucasian tribe), he persuaded them to attack Romans, after that Romans left the Iberian/Colchis territory and Pharasmanes gained so much respect that Roman ruler Anotnius Pius invited him to Rome, many events were held in honor of Pharasmanes and unheard before thing happened, Antonius built a huge statue of Pharasmanes which was in the Temple of Bellona in the center of Rome.

Pharasmanes II of Iberia

After Pharasmanes, Iberia was between Roman/Parthian war, many cities and villages were looted by both of them, in the middle of the war new kingdom, Kingdom Of Georgia was formed, in year 337 Georgia became second Christian country (first was Armenia) by order of King Mirian, time were hard for Georgia till the middle ages, it was independent before Arabs occupied it, 200 years capital city Tbilisi was in control of Arabs, but in 11th century, David IV became a king of Georgia, he won all wars against Arabs, created Universities and rebuild capital city, he conquered many regions around and started the golden age of Georgia

David IV The Builder

More than 100 years, Georgia was strongest kingdom in the region, when Seljuqs made an offer, to surrender and give regions, David refused, so in year 1121, 12th August, King David won one of the greatest battles in the history of the world, it was called "miraculous victory", Georgian army (56 000 men) was against United Seljuq Empire (200 000 - 500 000 men), battle was won in just 3 hours, also many historians say that this battle moved fall of Constantinople for more than 100 years.

After David, notable king was Tamar she was first woman king of Georgia and in her time Georgia was in its peak, conquering todays Armenia, north Caucasus, half of Azerbaijan, some part of Turkey (see the photo below)

At The Peak Of Her (Tamar) Might

Tamars grandson David VII was the last king of "Golden Age", in time of his reign, Mongols started their greatest conquest and Georgia was conquered with the rest of the civilization in that time.

There are many honorable heros, who fought for Georgia in time of Mongols, i can tell about Tsotne Dadiani, who was a noble man and a politician, he managed few rebels while Mongols were in control of everything, but all his actions were not enough, he survived the arrest, but his friends who also were in the head of rebellion were arrested, he went to local rulers and surrendered to get the same sentence as his friends, but such an action was praised by Mongols and all of them were freed, Tsotne is an important historical figure and a saint in Georgian Orthodox church.

Next king to note was George V the Magnificent, he regained territories from Mongols and returned strong Georgian kingdom, but after his times went out, he became the last king of united Georgia, it happened in 1346.

After George V, Georgia was divided into many parts, it was ruled by descents of Georgian kings, but they were all by themselves.

Next notable king was Heraclius II, he was the last king who was in the front line and was many times laughed by his rivals because of this, but not stopping the war against Ottomans, send him to the throne of Kartli, Kakheti and Imereti (parts of Geogria). Ottoman empire was too strong for Heraclius, because of this he was searching for a big protector, he found Russia and in respect of relations between this countries Heraclius participated in Russo-Turkish war (1768-1774) and in year 1783 Georgia made Treaty of Georgievsk with Russia, but in Russo-Turkish war (1787-1792) Russian side violated rules of Georgievsk treaty and army left Georgia who was facing huge Persian empire, 5000 Georgian men against 35 000 Persian army, battle of Krtsanisi was lost, Heraclius was in fear that Persians would destroy capital city and slaughter its civilians, in result he was taken away by his bodyguards and Tbilisi was destroyed, in 1796 Heraclius still believed that Russia could help, Catherine sent Russian army to Georgia, but her death changed everything, her son Paul I, again took all the army from Georgia, leaving it alone against Persians, in 1798 Heraclius died and before death he hoped that Russia still would lend a hand to Georgia, Heraclius's son George XII became king, but he was weak and illness killed him, after his death Georgia was annexed by Russia in 1801, Tsar Paul I terminated Georgian independence, autocephaly of Georgian Orthodox Church  and millenium-long reign of Bagrationi Dynasty.

Heraclius II

Georgia was annexed till 1918, on 26th May Georgia declared its independence, Noe Zhordania became the prime minister, in that year Georgia had war against Armenia, which was won by "undefeated" General Giorgi Mazniashvili (National Hero Of Georgia), war stopped after Britain declared that Georgia was under its protection (1918-1920), though independence lasted not long, in 1920-1921 Georgia was searching for protection in Europe, but everyone was busy with the results of World War I, in the February of 1921 Georgia was attacked by Red Army from three directions and was annexed again, now it was under the name of Soviet Union.

One notable person i can't go through was Kakutsa Cholokashvili (National Hero Of Georgia), he was a head of rebellious actions against Soviets from 1921, he planned a huge rebellion in 1924, but he was betrayed and wounded, after many tries he had two ways, to be arrested and killed or going to Europe and fighting for Georgian rights in political world, he was active in France, Lavrenti Beria who was Georgian and was second man in Soviet Union (After Stalin who also was Georgian) held wife and children of Kakutsa as hostages, he asked Kakutsa to betray Georgia and he bribed him into making a pro-Soviet recantation, but Kakutsa refused, also Soviets spread rumor that Kakutsa wanted to kill exiled Georgian government leaders, after all this attacks Kakutsa's health was in decline, he died of tuberculosis, in 1930. Later in 2005 he was reburied in Georgia with honor of National Hero.

Kakutsa Cholokashvili

In years of Soviet repressions many people were killed, many people were resettled in Siberia, many families were divided. (Happened not only in Georgia, but in all Soviet Union)

After death of Stalin in 1953, Soviet Union was becoming weaker and weaker every year, in 1980s anti-Soviet actions begun. In 1989, 9th April Georgia was on the edge of independence, when tens of thousand of people came out in the streets to protest against Soviets, but at about 2-3 AM, protestants were attacked by tanks, 20 protestants were killed and hundreds were injured, 9th April was named "Day of National Unity"

Protestants Praying on 9th April

In 1991, on 9th April, Georgia declared its independence, after 70 years.

From 1991 to 1992 in Georgia was a civil war, which started by former Soviet Union Minister Of Foreign Affairs, Eduard Shevardnadze, he became Georgia's second president after Zviad Gamsakhurdia and held the position till 2003.

After the civil war, the war in Abkhazia started, Russian army with Abkhazian separatists were fighting against Georgian army, for its independence, the war was lost and Abkhazia and Samachablo ("South Ossetia") became controlled by separatists.

In 2003 United National Movement (Georgian party) started a revolution which then was called a "Rose Revolution" after the revolution, country started its rebuilding, reforms in economy, helped Georgia to stand on its feet again.

In 2008 Russia started war against Georgia, it was a 5 day war which started on 8th August, actions were held in Samachablo, even though Georgia first returned its historical territories, opening second front line in Abkhazia was fatal for Georgia, after French president Nicolas Sarkozy went to Moscow and then to Tbilisi, fire was stopped, even fire was stopped, Russia declared independence of Abkhazia and Samachablo and continues to occupy Georgian territories every day.

http://gdb.rferl.org/C087696D-DC60-46C2-B752-1CA57B80F108_cx0_cy6_cw0_w987_r1_s_r1.jpgBorder Between Samachablo and Georgia Looks Like This Today

Even though Russia declared independence of this regions of Georgia, in the world it was just partly recognized as independent territories by Russia, Venezuela, Nauru and Nicaragua only.

In 2012 Georgian government was changed by elections, country continues its development.

Today its year 2016, 670 years Georgia was either divided or occupied, but we still believe and hope that in the future we will definitely celebrate the independence of united Georgia !!!


P.S. sorry for mistakes, it is a big text so i think you will understand.
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Komentāri (26)

საღოლ მაგარი იყო, ისიც გეთქვა ბარემ ლორე და ტაო კლარჯეთი და ჰერეთი როგორ დავკარგეთ
!Smile you are nice!
V 46 o7
history chanel ! H
Kargi xar o7
kaia o7
A beautifull class of history !!
After David, notable king was Tamar she was first woman king of Georgia and in her time Georgia was in its peak, conquering todays Armenia, north Caucasus, half of Azerbaijan, some part of Turkey (see the photo below) REAlly lool. that part of turkey as you call it that time was half our and half armenian territory not turkish Wink they conquered it after
Armenia and Georgia had several kings brothers Wink.when Armenians and Georgians live in these land there wasnt any trace of mogoloid turks.And so called azerbaijan is actualy the geographycal region in Persia azArbaijan nothing related with the Stalin and Lenin fake created country on Armenian and Persian land.
Vote o7
Laugh heyo guyz. please sell me cheap mercedes Laugh
o7 mshvenieria Wink
Georgian army (56 000 men) was against United Seljuq Empire (200 000 - 500 000 men), battle was won in just 3 hours, also many historians say that this battle moved fall of Constantinople for more than 100 years. THAT fact is false as well after georgia that army was going to Jeruselem not constantinopol. that was why 100 French crusader s from Jeruselem kingdom came to participate Wink
Giga sorry but, what are you talking about? Laugh That army went no where, defeating seljuq army as it was expected weakened them and they couldn t get to constantinople, 100 French crusaders, were left by one of the crusader s leaders who came to Georgia to persuade David to help them in a battle for Jerusalem, where David refused.
remove kebab :v
Russia is the cancer of the countries neighbouring