
Publicēts France - Politiskās debates un analīze - 27 Sep 2016 09:21 - 96

Ok, time for serious article. It's about French PTO of Russia. Some of you already saw my previous article that I made for laugh, because didn't know all truth. 
So let's talk about current Russian President- Vincent. He is active player and login in game every day. Btw he has 5 CP medals and well known in Russia.
Yesterday 13 French citizens got citizenship of Russia without accept from President. Here you can see list of accepted citizenship requests in Russia., they just asked administration for cs of country. Someone can blame me- Vooz, but you did same thing to Estonia! Well, I want to say- there a big difference between dead country (when I joined Estonia there wasnt any active player and wasnt government- it was the deadiest country in game, thats why I chosen it) and between country with ACTIVE PLAYERS (!), ACTIVE CONGRESS (!) and ACTIVE PRESIDENT! 
Few minutes later Raspoutine the great teacher of Russian language he decided to defend him and other PTOers. He posted this link in comments under my article

Hmm, lets see how russian decided to welcome them
WOW! What a nice welcome message! DO you need translation? Here you go!- 
Hi! Thank You, because we had been fighting without orders))) Go Russia! 
So, probably you already understood that this Russian thanks them for take over of their own MU! Good job guys! You made so much for Russia! Wrote to support and TOed MU! My respect o7
And we started holywar in global chat about accepting citizens without CP. OVER 10 PLAYERS IN 1 DAY GODDAMNIT! 10 PLAYERS! What French PTOers did? They created party and named it Vodka Party. Nice name, huh? Let all world to think about Russia as bunch of retarded alcoholics! That what do you want? And now guys, lets count how many times they reminded vodka in 1 day!
Of course you will get much respect for hailing alcohol- cause of many losen jobs and many more deaths! 

By the way, our great techer of Russian noticed something
Yes, I decided to ask CP of Russia, is he really complaining? more time-
Hello! The appearance of Frenchmen for me - it's a surprise, and I do not understand their true motives. In the Russian Federation agreed it with anybody was not as far as I know. Applications of the players on their citizenship no coordinated, as they received citizenship through administrators (administration) of the game.
Something like that (
Hmm, he seems happy? not sure...
If everything is as you say, they will do that in mind. They are too many and they win the election, another 8 days, their hands are tied anyway (laws, they can not accept, but actively try signing MPP)
About the issue of citizenship of the administration they say, and they are not present in the list - not to receive, not in those where issued. So it seems like it's true

Thats what he said! You just PTOed country! Admit it guys, dont try to lie and be like- WE TRYIN TO SAVE RUSSIA!!11 WE WANNA HELP EM!!1! WE ARE LIBERTATORS!!1!
I cant belive them anymore...
BTW Admin what the heck? You is one who is guilty in happened! Why you gave cs to >10 players when there was active President?!?

Upd special for Raspoutine


AncestralAncestralGiovanno69PalmerTopSecretTyraelTHE ONENemanja95no0bsailbotXooKaip3AlexanderPistolevvariola veraBryceKelleyDstranGEAzzazel87BISKVITEpolizesMI jajaSTROKAVAAngel GospodinovAnonymous HeroAnonymous HeroZaDeNFilip9090Inglourious BasterdsK o Bjdexo1SrLukVarhangelFauchardBlackfuryGandalf the White

Komentāri (96)

Help Russia o7
Sad that the rules are no rules anymore
who ever allowed them to do that should lose their job and accounts baned in game , Yes, ban admins, and this should be reversed. Maybe Biskvit should just give them straight away CP position if he supports this. I would really like to see what reaction of real Admins over this .
Fuck my life is this realy true?
This is fucking true !
So what you call a country where 3 people are exchanging the presidential place to get some golds from the medals and the Country treasure and doing nothing to try to get even a single region? An active country ? What a joke... Russia was nearly wiped the entire game and you are mad that some guys are actually trying to revive Russia, are you serious? I hope this is a troll because it does not make any sense
,,Why you gave cs to 10 players when there was active President?!?,, because Miltiados had bought 420+ g.
im in the same idea with vooz in this. russia isn t active but have CP. What if other 20 peoples want to takeover lithuania ? things should ve decided carefully. Theres many dead countries except russia.
+1 Vincibabe
Who asks for CS anymore? WE can ask admin to change our CS.
There s one fault : (laws, they can not accept, but actively try signing MDP). It s (...try signing MPP)
@Serele fixed ;D
lithuania isnt dead country, only low quantity of players
Vincibabe, its still against rules. How ever you look at it, this is wrong wrong. You simple have no excuse as well as who every granted it. This should be punished by real admins or it will open door for others to do same or simple its prof that admins will do what ever it takes just to get few euros..
what a time to be alive
So, players request Russian CS. Admins give them instead of CP. Your reactions : OMG French PTOers are cheaters xD - ISSOU
@Jean Epsilon srsly? it breaks game mechanics, imo its cheating
Guys what we have done for Russia now ? Nothink you are right. Who can do anything in only 2 days ? tell me ? Nobody, Vincent even with your exchange doesn t seam against our arrival it was a surprise well. 10 new player for a country with only a willing: Bring Russia back to the first ground ... is it too much asking ? they are 3 real active player now, no more than it. Yes we are joking about vodka and so what ? French joke a lot about alcohol (win, beer, spiritus, etc...) every country has a worldwide known alcohol. Who is cheating ? we wanted to come to Russia if these country had region we would have applied and waited... but no, none of you wanted to help Russia when she was in trouble and now that she has a chance to reborn everybody is against it ? and you dare pretend that you fight for russia s rights ? You must be kinding o/ We exposed our idea to admins, and they were quiet interest to see Russia back in the game, we liberated a region then Ukraine attacked it almost 5 minutes after it, we had to act fast. The admins accepted our request... that s all, we didn t came with a knife threaten them... we only asked, they were agree with it, they did it end of story. They didn t put us in government or as CP that s not how it works they only change our CS... Just to remind a thing. Admins are devs of this game, they designed it, they not just edit some rules they are the rules, like gods. If God himself come on earth and choose a new prophet will you be like it s not fair ! we already have Jesus or Moïse or Mohamet! I don t think so you will see it and takes attention or not to this new prophet. The Admins accepted our request, that s all.
Admins break their own game mechanics yeah x)
@Raspoutine mb they accepted because you are visa players Wink
@Nemanja95 only 420+? He bought 4200+ xD
Rofl ^^ visa player ^^ I can told you how many I put in a game this is no problem ^^ and if it is really the reason why they accept it just become one of us Wink
Miltiados with 5 stars surely not a visa player
I seriously cannot believe this. But I have to admin, it is the truth. The Admin of this game is cheating, overwriting the very rules that were implemented by himself. Acting when the mechanics of the game cannot - like in the case of a dead country with no players, no political or other offices held - is useful. Acting when the mechanics of the game is in place - like in the case of a country having active, unbanned officials - is criminal. R-criminal, to be precise.
This don t surprises me, it´s not the first time i see an abuse of power like this.
Admins suck
Vooz, great.
Vodka Party, nice!
Good luck to fight against this pto Russia
Violate the rules of the game - get ban ☺☺☺☺
No ugly woman, just less Vodka
cool story bro
Admins, you suck so good you will be employer of the month in all european brothels.
Admin accept our citizenship, because i send message to actual CP of Russia, he didn t answer me even if he was online... I ask again and nothing, so Admin accept to help us and use his divine power to validate our requestn because he saw that CP of Russia was 2 clickers ! Don t be so mad, this is the game ! Russia wasn t active before we arrive, and now there is some fun ! Each player are awaken and will play with us Wink. We re not in Russia to do some trouble, we just want to make Russia a real country with active citizen, this is a game, play it and stop being so aggressive for nothing....
ccc when people are roten in game for fun what to say than for RL
@Carapicho maybe because russian cp didnt want to accept you? He replied to my pm in 2 hours.
He replied to you after we came around. We woke up the country by our arrival i d say :thinking:
vooz, be sure that admin don t decide it without watching if he was active or not ! But now, yes there is some funny player that drink Vodka and fight against enemy, the game become interesting, that s why he answer you Wink. There is so many movement in Russia and we are waking up the country ! And to be honest, this is really nice to see people of Russia, starting to speak with us, even if they are not so active than us, we are happy to be there with them !
soooo if 10 turks decide to get Armenian cs there will be no problem right admins?Smile
#ban admins #unban VIST
Looks like its time to we (no Visa players) all leave this game.
Admins, any chance that you allow me to prepare 10-15 players and you give us cs from one country of our choice ? With active CP ( but who care, we dont need his accepting of cs ) Laugh
This is sad. I came here because this issues killed my previous game. Admins cant break the laws. I hope this change soon or I will move to another game... again.
my question is why you PTOrs , nice as you are didnt ask to go to Saudi Arabia, it has more regions, and its in even more need of help than russia.. Answer might be simple... Saudi regions are resources for Turkey and Iran... this is BS from admins..and yet another reason why game is not fair..
mdp is shit. defence? funny.
Its not the French to be blame, but admin who just decided everything in his own mind without explaining. How do you define a country to be small country? 3 players? Or 4 players? Or if the number of PTO-er is larger enough, all other country is considered small? How do you define inactive? All CP are forced not to be two clickers and must always have active wars? Or all cp who ignored PTOers PM will be kicked out? What about situation like Colombia and Venezuela merged into one country and share the regions with the name of venezuela, PTOers can rush in Colombia and screw up there peaceful agreement? You can just do whatever you want without any explaination, rules are here so everyone can play fair, not to surprise us just because you like it.
Administrators/developers should look at redesigning some parts of the game if they feel the need to step in and overrule game mechanics. Make it some kind of update rather than an except to the rules and you ll leave fewer players with something to complain about.
@TopSecret irl iran is having issues with Saudi Arabia, bringing them to eworld is...well...given? back in some other game there was a country lead by goons and no one did anything to stop them,i dont see anything wrong with whatever is happening here, anyway its not like this game can get anymore p2w than it is
@TopSecret : Russia has also some regions occupied by Iran and if you watch the MPP being proposed in Russia right now it does not seem like we are with MDP for noww...
Admins should have sent messages to the active players of Russia before taking this decision, at least.
@vinci, some vs all.. also you said atm, because you are not in charge of Russia yet. doesnt matter what your intention are, dont you think its wrong way to do it and that its now opening new door like : if they did it why cant we? ..and stuff.
Wew lad, no wonder no one likes the northern algerians
need explanation from admin... waiting... still waiting... ummm never happen.
💬📣traitors with treacherous habits are going to Russia 💬📣
I have no problems with reviving a dead country. Admin or no admin. But I do have a problem with GODDAMN WEAK SERVERS!! INVEST SOME F***ING MONEY IN THIS GAME!!
If a country is dead is dead until it resurrects throught proper channels, if there any misconducting players responsible for ir should be banned and the error/bug/glich/exploitation/extorsion/corruption, should be dealt it by the comunity not the adiministration.
nice job amdins Laugh
wow, it s a brand new technology to manage the game! Bravissimo!
€€€€€€ VOTED HARD €€€€€€
Fear in the air
unban vooz
He admitted to have had 10 multies and asked me to ban him. I think he wants to start new clean account.
unban vooz
Unban vooz
I want vodka and drink it with a russian
Here is Admin s response: And I was planning to buy gold here... not anymore. Ad hoc overwriting of core rules is vastly improper for me.
Admin , you definetely failed that time.
No way. If it is not a joke than it looks like a joke. Some one in here is really drunk. Lots of Vodka in market.
He even requested to be banned
fake as shit. discord screenshot instead of ingame PM?Laugh shaaaame.
If you know him, ask him yourself.
Why you didn t choose a country like Cyprus? Cyprus has no politics, no CP, no nothing. Your aim would be noble, if you had chosen a country like Cyprus. But the fault is not yours, but those who allowed this. Regards.
No freedom here.... Ban? For publishing this article? Really funny....
Good article, in vooztrollin talent. It is a pity that he was in the ban.
RIP vooztrollin
Soo , is like time to quit 2`nd time on the game and now forever.
l want russian cs too how much $$$$$ does it cost ?
rip vooz
Unknown anyone who also asked Cyprus cs, and Saudi, received them. He was not banned for writing an article, he was banned because he requested it(he probably registered with new account, watching you all and laughing).
#Sharingan Citizenship for investment? Interesting idea - as in real life))
Biskvit, i wonder, why the players who have requested citizenship in Russia, have not been proposed those abandoned countries? Russia does not seem to be a desert country.
here have vodka?
only boza brat
shame Admin For participating in TO in Russia... there is an easy way to TO any small country without help of Administration, it just take bit of time... so Admin - stay out of the game SCAMMER!!!
Admin. fail HARD