A Comrade's Tales

Publicēts United States of America - Politiskās debates un analīze - 04 Oct 2016 19:53 - 6


Date: 10/4/16
Author: Thomas Killah
Today’s Topic(s):
1. State of the Union #3
2. Upcoming Election
3. Next Month

There are a few Departments left out of this State of the Union due to a lack of information of updates while the term has been slowing down as the term comes down to an end.


1. State of the Union #3

Department of State
We’ve been conducting talks with several other countries, and will continue to do so as the political situation continues to change. With our treaty with Canada and our rental agreements with Germany, Portugal, and Mexico expiring next month, we will look to renegotiate and restructure our agreements to not impede on our bonuses, and while maintaining the stability in our region.

Department of Defense
Our war in against Spain has continued on in it’s ping-pong fashion, meanwhile the MDP alliance continues to make advances. We have continued doing Arm America towards the end of important battles to launch mive damage at the end of battles.

Department of Treasury
We have made great use of our reserves to inject the markets to maintain our USD value, purchase Helis for our AA supply, and stock up on Q5 Hospitals and Defense Systems. Although, Congress never managed to come up with a formal budget in Congress, we’ve kept a detailed list of our spending and income, and we have not accrued a deficit.

Department of Citizen’s Affairs
Continuing to run the current DoCA programs, we also held our very first game of Turnlords in Discord. Although, it wasn’t as full as we had hoped, it was still a fun experience. For the record, that first game is still ongoing actually. The American University is still up and running, with a few cles to choose from and start learning!


2. Upcoming Election

I will keep this brief, but as you all know tomorrow is the 5th, and that means Election Day is upon us once again. As there are no viable candidates for this month, I will be postponing my retirement once again to run for re-election as President of the USA. So, thanks to everyone who encouraged me to run again, and have continued to support me throughout my first term in office. I look forward to another month of leadership.

3. Next Month

With a the new term coming up, I will need to emble a new cabinet to make up for the lost players from the American Diaspora. Here is my updated Cabinet:

CP: Thomas Killah
vCP: dk3dknight
SoS: Abraham Lincoln
dSoS: Blackdragon
SoD: Tancred
SoT: Talesweaver
SoM: Myself
SoIT: Tanishq
SoCA: Hunburry
dSoCA: Nickermcfoxtails

Also, aside from continuing my goals from the previous month, I have a few new goals, and new focuses.

-I would like to put a lot of emphasis on recruiting, retention, educating, and training new players to allow the next generation to start taking over the reigns. This is especially important due the recent American Diaspora that hit us. I plan to do this by having the DoCA do many more ePoll’s, monthly awards, contests, lotteries, etc. Where experience is not necessary to win.
-Our communication about AA’s and National Strikes have not been very clear to the public. For October, I plan to make sure people have time to prepare as well and not be told last minute. This not only will help the players with coordinating, but also the country as we should be able to put out more damage
-Work with congress to make a plan to produce our own Hospitals, and maybe even Defense Systems. We managed to get started this month on this, however we are far from finished. I would love to have a plan solidified, ped into law, and under way by the end of October. Of course this is not a promise as I have no control over Congress, however this is something I hope we can accomplish by working together in the legislative branch and executive branch.

I know this article is already too long so I will reveal more in a separate article after the election, once again thanks America.

Well that’s all for now,
Thomas Killah




Komentāri (6)

For another great month o7
Glad BlackDragon is getting involed, here s to a succesful second term!