Publicēts Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Politiskās debates un analīze - 02 Nov 2016 14:07 - 73

We have concluded the Serbia campaign after negotiations with peace and we are glad to announce it here.


1- All core regions of Serbia will be liberated.

2- Serbia will take Montenegrin Coast while Republic of Macedonia holds Central Montenegro and North Montenegrin Mountains

3- Serbia cannot declare war on following countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania and likewise mentioned countries cannot declare war on Serbia.

4- Mentioned countries cannot fight in each others' resistance wars.

5- Serbia cannot declare war on Italy and cannot get regions from Italy.

6- Serbia is going to pay 300 gold due to violation of last signed NAP.

7- The agreement will be valid until Day 328 and all parties will negotiate about peace again.


President of Albania
President of Bulgaria
President of Republic of Macedonia
President of Romania
President of Serbia

Signatures in comment section


KinyasBattleHeroMihaTwisterSCAMFuck eRevollution IImparaTmotorinamotorinamotorinamotorinamotorinamotorinamotorinamotorinaPower GirlNumeroNumeroBuldozerBuldozerPanzer AceTRTET

Komentāri (73)

Signed by President of Serbia - St.Optimum Потписано од стране председника Србије - Ст.Оптимума
Congratulations o7
Signed by President of Republic of Macedonia - Resident Evil o/
Ajde be kaj ste sea da vikate bolje rat nego nap. Fake tough guy servs
Signed Laugh o7
Nemam olovku da potpisem :-)
Signet by Scammer xD
Signed by President of Romania - sutanu
И шо сеа?
Србија во ситуацијава со НАП-ов помина многу подобро отколку да беше она таа што е надмоќна, а не ние. Човече и даваш нејзини региони и плус Црногорски регион, а единствено нешто што треба да направи е да не војува со неколку земји. Испаѓа дека она нас не победила и избришала па сеа нешто добива награда еден регион. Требало да бидат задоволни со ослободување на нејзините региони, а не згора на се да добива и уште еден, гратис. Полош НАП откако ја играм играва не сум сретнал..... Срамота за Македонија, а и за МДП со ваков НАП....
NE DAMO 300 GOLDA !!!!
daces i oro igraces Wink
Save this, the next week war again xD
-5- Serbia cannot declare war on Italy and cannot get regions from Italy.- But i don t see the signature of Italian CP.
The battle of the five armies
Signed by President of Bulgaria
Епа кој кур се пукавте ?
aj bitno ke odmorimo malko od trolanje Cheeky Cheeky
Croatia stand alone against MDP HAIL CROATIA! o7
Svak cast eSrbiji na borbi, doci ce i nase vrijeme o7
hahaha really you will pay 300 golds ? pff noobs Laugh
vot o/
bull***t after 3 days new CP will be elected and he will say i didn`t singed this. So all you did now is give Serbia regions back for free
Serbia is going to pay 300 gold due to violation of last signed NAP. - to who??????
to me Smile i shall really enjoy their gold
Serbia is going to pay 300 gold due to violation of last signed NAP. - to who??????
Signed by President of Albania - Tomimerkuri o/
Pljunuo na sve ovo - SpeeD94 o/ VAZDA KONTRA
Impeach opet jbg, nema druge.
jedva cekam prvi RW u kojem ne sme da se ucestvuje xD
@PedzaMKD..daces i oro igraces Wink PRICELESS
well done
Jedva cekam prvi RW u kojem ne sme da se ucestvuje. x2 O daaaa, od ovog momenta samo štekam oružje i čekam takav RW da u njemu ispraznim sve što budem imao. Neće biti mnogo, ali bar slatko. Laugh
i kogo da trolame sega?
Naravno da nema nista od ovoga.
Hail Croatia.
Another impeach.... https://www.erevollution.com/tr/country/law/58/Serbia/15285
Anti pravoslavlje.
Zaso be nap...
abe gluposti, dosadna ja praete igrata so ovaj vas NAP
Not signed by Party opakih tlachera
davaj, puskai Mile Kitic Laugh
Signed by President of AH Party - Ferdi Carrefour
why motorina support atehtatopot nap article ?
abe site zemji gi oslovuvas so nivnite iminja, a Makedonija so MKD smeni toa pod itno
Nikad nisam ni podrzavao rat sa FYROM, jer su nam oni braca-slaveni, a ne neki tamo grci. Sramota je bilo objaviti im rat pre i poceti ove pizdarije (bez obzira na ishod), ali sramota je i ostaviti saveznike ovako, i nadam se da se do toga nece dovesti.
FYROM ima trip
Samo me interesuje kako ce neko da spreci ljude da udaraju u rwb.. Pa to niko nije uspeo od pocetka igrice
Serbia is going to pay 300 gold due to violation of last signed NAP. - to who?????? All ATEHTATOPOT can do is sign NAP, havent you all realised that already
Ма какав НАП, ни случајно.
300g? Surprised
Say FYRoVardaska Banovina 👍
300g really NOOBIES?
you mean fyrom
petros2 grow up man !!!!
This is bullshiet, their new president will say that he hasn t signed anything and they will start the war again without paying anything to anyone
Say Fyrovardaska Banovina
Hail Croatia! Hail BiH!
Signed by the President of Serbia - Lord Kratos
BROKEN NAP POIN 4 https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/17367 FYROM MUST PAY 300 G
Serbia is a leading country of this game but due to wrong politic actions ,they re in weak situation ,its sad they dont even full food bonuses. Many times i warned them at the beginning of game, their mentality is only focus on theirself in alliances. I hope it changes soon and Serbia show itself as a real ally.