Publicēts Russia - Politiskās debates un analīze - 04 Nov 2016 08:27 - 16
Last Update: Day 267

The MPP Web is a simple tool to help understand the global political climate - all of the circles (nodes) are individual nations, while all of the lines (edges) are MPPs connecting two nations. The color of the nodes, the size of the nodes and the size of the text are all based on lation - a good, though not perfect, indicator of a nation's influence. Based on all of the MPPs that connect this world's nations, a web is created that clearly shows the political alignment of any given nation.
UPDATE: I am currently working on creating an alternative "War Web" that will map the active wars, the belligerents and their allies. I will also be looking at using eRevtools' wonderful data to create an MPP Web mode that uses the country's 7-day damage to map size, rather than lation. These alternative views will help develop the understanding of global politics from different and unique perspectives.
In addition, I will be taking a vacation for the next few weeks, so I will be unable to update the MPP Web until I return in late November. If anyone is interested in doing updates while I am away, send me a PM and I can give you instructions / access to the files.
Le MPP Web est un outil simple qui aide à comprendre la géopolitique mondiale, tous les cercles (nodes) sont des pays, et toutes les lignes (edges) sont les MPP qui connectent deux pays entre eux. La couleur et la taille des cercles, ainsi que la taille du texte sont déterminés par la lation du pays - un bon, mais pas parfait, indicateur de l influence du pays. Basé sur tous les MPP qui connectent les pays entre eux, ce graphique montre clairement l alignement géopolitique des nations en question.
MISE à JOUR: Je travaille actuellement sur un graphique alternatif, présentant les guerres actives, les principaux belligérants et leurs alliés. Je cherche aussi à utiliser l outil merveilleux qu est eRevTools et sa base de données pour créer un graphique utilisant les dommages de 7 derniers jours des pays à la place de la lation. Ces graphiques alternatifs permettront de mieux comprendre la géopolitique mondiale en utilisant plusieurs points de vue.
En outre, je serai en vacances ces prochaines semaines, je ne serai donc pas en mesure de mettre à jour le graphique MPP Web jusqu à mon retour fin novembre. Si quelqu un est intéressé pour le mettre à jour pendant mon absence, envoyez moi un message privé et je vous donnerai les instructions, ainsi que l accès aux fichiers.
Argentina, Brazil
Argentina, Chile
Argentina, Indonesia
Argentina, Mexico
Argentina, Paraguay
Argentina, Taiwan
Argentina, Spain
Armenia, South Korea
Australia, Austria
Austria, Russia
Austria, Spain
Austria, Switzerland
Austria, Thailand
Belarus, Ireland
Bosnia, South Korea
Bosnia, Spain
Canada, Hungary
Canada, Macedonia
Canada, Spain
Chile, Taiwan
China, Thailand
Croatia, Hungary
Croatia, Montenegro
Croatia, Russia
Denmark, Slovenia
Denmark, Spain
Germany, Spain
Hungary, Spain
Indonesia, Switzerland
Ireland, Latvia
Peru, Spain
Poland, Taiwan
Taiwan, Switzerland
Moldova, Turkey
Moldova, U.A.E.
Slovenia, Spain
South Korea, Thailand
Spain, Venezuela
Albania, Denmark
Albania, U.S.A.
Argentina, Serbia
Argentina, South Korea
Argentina, Ukraine
Argentina, Venezuela
Armenia, Serbia
Armenia, Sweden
Austria, Brazil
Belarus, Germany
Belarus, India
Belarus, Latvia
Belarus, Serbia
Brazil, Czech Republic
Brazil, Latvia
Brazil, Serbia
Bulgaria, Italy
Bulgaria, Japan
Bulgaria, Mexico
Canada, Serbia
Chile, Japan
Colombia, Serbia
Croatia, Czech Republic
Croatia, Lithuania
Czech Republic, Brazil
Czech Republic, Croatia
Czech Republic, Denmark
Czech Republic, Germany
Czech Republic, Hungary
Czech Republic, Romania
Czech Republic, Serbia
Czech Republic, Ukraine
Denmark, Portugal
Denmark, Serbia
Egypt, Macedonia
Egypt, Sweden
Georgia, Macedonia
Germany, India
Germany, Portugal
Germany, Russia
Greece, Italy
India, Latvia
Indonesia, Japan
Iran, Japan
Lithuania, Ukraine
Portugal, Moldova
Portugal, U.S.A.
Russia, Serbia
Serbia, Venezuela
New projects are always brewing at Jeju Gungjeon, keep an eye out for new articles!
Disclaimer: I will identify nations in all of my articles and especially the MPP Web based on how this world designates them, with certain common sense adjustments to shorten the longer nation names. If any citizen of a country feels that their country is mislabelled on this map, they are welcome to send a message to discuss a potential relabelling. If anyone objects to the labelling of a country besides their own, they are also welcome to send me a message, but I will generally lean towards deference to the citizens of the country itself. I reserve the right to label my web however I like and politely ask any discussion of labels to be kept out of the comments below.
Omiko EjibiaThe Last Lynx PardinusWarhaftchentoPedroVianagaladraelTyraelGreyKomentāri (16)



Nice work !

wow! Interesting, nice work!

Comme toujours du très bon boulot !

Thank you for the support, everyone! Shoutout to Skynet00 for pushing me into my first Media Mogul! 

How are you making them? notice me SENPAAAAAAAAAAAAAI

@Aveun: I have a home-brewed, non-intrusive data collector that organizes the MPP data for me and converts it into a format I can use in the Gephi program. It takes about an hour of work each week, but it s well worth it. 

This is SO GOOD! Jeezous!

Credit to Flopz for the improved French translation. 

well done my dear friend

Great work! V+

respect! o/

Great work !