Publicēts Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - Politiskās debates un analīze - 18 Nov 2016 08:00 - 32

Admins seem to be implementing a new change in the game, a country can have a maximum of 6 MPPs. 

Following a series of bad diplomatic decisions from Serbia, mainly such as DWing allies.. xD  

one of which resulted in them being deleted for several times in one month and being caged in their cores. http://image.prntscr.com/image/b9365ac2243245969d8e78c2728ecdfd.png

Now admins decide its time to save the day again for Serbia with the moto: IF SERBIA DONT HAVE DIPLOMACY (and su*k at it), NO ONE SHOULD HAVE DIPLOMACY!

https://media.giphy.com/media/xT8qBit7YomT80d0M8/giphy.gifAdmins thinking they are balancing the game

And.... about small countries????
https://media.giphy.com/media/l2Sq50GkWRtXmuaNG/giphy.gif Yet they are killing it 

If after this serbia is still struggling, next change will be: Each country has to DW at least 1 of their allies per month. 

No offense to serbia. Admins interfering and making such drastic changes will only kill the already dying game :( o/ 



damjankuAnthraXkostroSantiago 45MicoOSilent ScreamZemjotreslmperiusdynamo magicanPower GirlPower GirlCEHATOPOTno0bsailbotAlexander III King of MacedonTomiALBCelioMGCelioMGCelioMGGovernadorPiromankaanteamoHristijan MakedonecPanzer AceArbustBaby JesusBaby JesusBaby JesusBaby JesusBaby JesusBaby JesusTarsiTRTET

Komentāri (32)

Changes in game must be done in a way nobody is harmed. I dont say there was perfect balance. What I say is that this update will firstly kill countries out of top 10 or even some of top 10 countries and that update may change MPP s, but can t make guy X stop being guy Z friend.
Atentator pametan si decko znas da se ovde ne radi o srbiji, jer da se radi srbija bi imala mapu sa vise teritorija a ne kopiju mape sa druge igre, admini pokusavaju konacno da naprave nekakav balans ali ovo isto nije u redu. Ja sam im dao mnogo bolji predlog kako da to urade a da ne uniste male zemlje.. Oni sa ovim rade pravu stvar ali na totalno pogresan nacin.
if this update gets removed serbian community will leave the game !!! : )
As a small country cp im happy about this update. Regional alliances will work finally.
Game is dying because of one global alliance which can not be opposed. Not because 6MPP
Оваа сликава кога беа избришани кој ја даде?
reVokasi its not our problem that serbia went against all the countries that are surounding her and that you have 0 organization since 3 or even more months
DELETE SERVIA FOREVER. SUPPORT FROM The holly asian land of macedonia called malaysia
New rule: Because serbia has only 6 friendly countries left , all countries in the world must have only 6 MPPs Laugh
are gonna cry for ever or leave the game??
@StefanKole that means after some time they will have to lower the MPPs because they will lose more frendly countries Laugh
If Serbia dw cro next, limit the mpps to 5
this game must have balance that s why the admins did it, no balance between serbia and other countries - no balance in the game, balance in Serbia, balance in the game
Everyone is gonna leave to play RoS.
HunBurry the truth has been spoken
Change Serbia s name as AdminLand...
,,reVokasi its not our problem that serbia went against all the countries that are surounding her and that you have 0 organization since 3 or even more months,, said splax... serbia dw onlyromania and mdp pulled bitch move and attacked them with bulgaria, greece and albania. So you are wrong serbia only dw one country
Admins should not in any circumstances interfere in geo-politics between countries. This points out that this game doesnt have a serious management. Its like organizing a tournament and fixing the matches bcoz one team is a lot stronger than all the others.
FYROVians should kneel harder than ever for their master turkey to send them a mpp request... did i say kneel? I meant diplomacy...
Haha, nice article. V
cry me a river and build a bridge over it so I can pass Cheeky
@ATEHTATOPOT. Each country has to DW at least 1 of their allies per month. Serbia already started this no worries.
@atentator, cry much as you want, this is not about any ecountry admins are doing this to save game and their business any half intelligent person could see that. And you are smart guy so only other reason for this crying could be is that simple you like to cry or you are just attention seeker.. which one is it??
When a FYRoMian tries to make an article
The fact is that Serbia is leaded by worse players in the game with wrong ideas about diplomacy. This is not my opinion, this is a result of game. Also, admins are making mistakes all the time, stopping development of the game and even jeopardise ERevs survival. I don t understand how they can work with the people and be so arrogant in the same time. Their attitude throws many players out of the game.
you are full of sh..
FYROMANS and KEBABS talking LaughDD
Phantomia talking Smile